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SYSTEMA S.p.A.Fig.50Fig.51Fig.52AIRTIGHT GAS-FIRED RADIANT TUBES INFRAELECTRICAL CABLING “FCM-B”- EXPLANATIONSA - A1 - A2 - A3 - A4) BRAHMA ELECTRONIC SWITCH BOARD FCM 32The Brahma FC M32C/FC E32C electronic switch board controls the working ofthe burner fitted with remote ignition A2 (fig.49), self-diagnosis of the air pressureswitch, manual resetting in case of failure.The FC M32C/FC E32C switch board works in the standard version with only oneelectrode for ignition and flame detection A3 (fig.49) connection T2 (fig.50), andwith 2 electrodes for ignition and flame detection, connection T1 (fig.50) in the notstandard version.The FC M32C/FC E32C switch board is supplied with a pre-pressed circuit withconnection clamps type MOLEX; they are female clamps and are used for theconnection to the electrical cabling of FCM-B.CONNECTION TO THE ELECTRODES AND THE REMOTE IGNITION DEVICE.The remote ignition device (and eventual detection electroed) is connected to thepre-pressed circuit with a plug PJ4 (fig.49) which is connected to the plug J4(fig.49). The connection T1 (fig.50), foresees the working of the combustion torchwith 2 electrodes, one for the ignition and one for the detection.The connection T2 (fig.50), foresees the working of the combustion torch withone single electrode both for ignition and detection.The diagram enclosed shows the connection between the electrodes and thepre-pressed circuit; the lines on the plugs are numbered like shown in the drawinghere enclosed.1) Earthing line for the torch2) Phase line for the ignition device3) Neutral line for the ignition device4) Detection line with yellow/green cable of the ignition device for the connetionT2 = single electrodeDetection line with protected cable for the connection T1 = double electrode5) Earthing line for ignition device for connection T1B - B1) PROTECTION BOXThe electrical cabling and all electrical components are lodged inside of a airtightbox B (fig.49) in PVC which is fixed ontho the burner box. On the closing coverB1 (fig.49) are fitted two cable presses used for the electrical connections of thefume suction fan and he controls of the wall control panel. Moreover there aretwo contol lights, one GREEN is the working control light and one RED which isthe failure control light. The reset button is placed onto the red control light button.C - C1 - C2 - J6 - PJ6) AIR PRESSURE SWITCHOn the rear part of the PVC box there is a differential air pressure switch C(fig.49) with the tube silicone pipes C1 (fig.49) underpressure pipe and C2(fig.49) pressure pipe for the connection of the cables to the combustion group ofthe burner.The electrical connections to the circuit board are done by means of a plug PJ6(fig.49) and of a plug placed onto the circuit board J6 (fig.49) like shown in theenclosed drawing.The plugs are numbered with letters (fig.51):10) N.C. contact11) common contact12) N.O. contactD - J5 - PJ5) GAS VALVEThe electrical feeding of the gas valve is done by means of the plug J5 (fig.49)placed onto the circuit board and of the flying plug PJ5 (fig.49) connected to thevalve. The plugs are numbered with letters (fig.52):6) Earthing line7) Clamp not connected8) Valve phase line9) Valve neutral lineRev. 18GB061048

SYSTEMA S.p.A.AIRTIGHT GAS-FIRED RADIANT TUBES INFRAE - J7 - PJ7) WORKING CONTROL LIGHTOnto the cover of the cabling box there is the working control light which isGREEN and is connected to the circuit board by flying plug PJ7 means of 2cables 16-17 (fig.49) and plug J7 (fig.49) which are soldered onto the circuitboard.F - PJ7) FAILURE CONTROL LIGHTOnto the cover of the cable box is fixed the failure control light which is RED withconnected to it the N.O. button used for the resetting of the burner.The control light with the button is connected to the pre-pressed circuit board byfling plug PJ7 (fig.49):13 (fig.49) - for the failure control light and the phase line;14 (fig.49) - burner re-setting;15 (fig.49) - for the common neutral.ELECTRICAL FEEDING1/N/PE ~ 50Hz 230VFig.53aG - J1 - PJ1) ELECTRICAL FEEDINGOnto the cover of the cable box is fixed a cable press G (fig.49) for the connectionof the main feeding cable. The electrical connections to the circuit board aredone by means of the plug J1 (fig.49) and the plug onto the circuit board PJ2(fig.49) as shown in the drawing. The electrical feeding to the cabling must be at230 V PHASE/NEUTRAL 50/60 Hz.The connection cable is numbered with letters (fig.53):L1) phase line for the feeding at 230 V 50/60 Hz.PE) clamp for the earthing lineN) neutral line for the feeding at 230 V 50/60 Hz.T2) neutral inlet for burner reset *S3) phase outlet for working indicator lightB4) phase outlet for lock out indicator light* ATTENTION!! In case of connection of the burner with FC E32C deviceto an electric board not of type CE/A, make connection without reset(T2). With the FC E32C device resetting of burner takes place switchingOFF and then ON the electric voltage (fig.53b)ELECTRICAL FEEDING1/N/PE ~ 50Hz 230VFig.53bFig.54H - PJ2 - J2) SUCTION FAN FEEDING LINE (230V 50/60 Hz)Onto the cover of the cable box is fixed a cable press H (fig.49) for the connectionto the feeding cable of the suction fan. The electrical connections to the circuitboard are done by means of the plug J2 (fig.49) and the plug placed onto thecircuit board PJ2 (fig.49) as shown in the drawing. The electrical feeding to thesuction fan must be at 230 V, 50/60 Hz.The connection plug is numbered with letters with (fig.54):LM) phase outlet for fan powering at 230V 50/60Hz.PE) outlet for earth connectionNM)neutral outlet for fan powering at 230V 50/60Hz.F1-F2) PROTECTION FUSOnto the circuit board is fixed the protection fuse F1-F2 (fig.49) 4x20 mm 4 A.L) PILOT RELAY (only for the FC M32C electronic borad)Onto the circuit board is fixed a pilot relay with a N.O. contact for the resetting ofthe switch board FC M32C. The resetting control (pickup of the pilot relay) arrivesfrom the button F placed onto the cable box B1 (fig.49) or from the remotecontrolled buttons placed in the control panels on the wall.49Rev. 18GB0610

SYSTEMA S.p.A.Fig.50Fig.51Fig.52AIRTIGHT GAS-FIRED RADIANT TUBES INFRAELECTRICAL CABLING “FCM-B”- EXPLANATIONSA - A1 - A2 - A3 - A4) BRAHMA ELECTRONIC SWITCH BOARD FCM 32The Brahma FC M32C/FC E32C electronic switch board controls the working ofthe burner fitted with remote ignition A2 (fig.49), self-diagnosis of the air pressureswitch, <strong>manual</strong> resetting in case of failure.The FC M32C/FC E32C switch board works in the standard version with only oneelectrode for ignition and flame detection A3 (fig.49) connection T2 (fig.50), andwith 2 electrodes for ignition and flame detection, connection T1 (fig.50) in the notstandard version.The FC M32C/FC E32C switch board is supplied with a pre-pressed circuit withconnection clamps type MOLEX; they are female clamps and are used for theconnection to the electrical cabling of FCM-B.CONNECTION TO THE ELECTRODES AND THE REMOTE IGNITION DEVICE.The remote ignition device (and eventual detection electroed) is connected to thepre-pressed circuit with a plug PJ4 (fig.49) which is connected to the plug J4(fig.49). The connection T1 (fig.50), foresees the working of the combustion torchwith 2 electrodes, one for the ignition and one for the detection.The connection T2 (fig.50), foresees the working of the combustion torch withone single electrode both for ignition and detection.The diagram enclosed shows the connection between the electrodes and thepre-pressed circuit; the lines on the plugs are numbered like shown in the drawinghere enclosed.1) Earthing line for the torch2) Phase line for the ignition device3) Neutral line for the ignition device4) Detection line with yellow/green cable of the ignition device for the connetionT2 = single electrodeDetection line with protected cable for the connection T1 = double electrode5) Earthing line for ignition device for connection T1B - B1) PROTECTION BOXThe electrical cabling and all electrical components are lodged inside of a airtightbox B (fig.49) in PVC which is fixed ontho the burner box. On the closing coverB1 (fig.49) are fitted two cable presses used for the electrical connections of thefume suction fan and he controls of the wall control panel. Moreover there aretwo contol lights, one GREEN is the working control light and one RED which isthe failure control light. The reset button is placed onto the red control light button.C - C1 - C2 - J6 - PJ6) AIR PRESSURE SWITCHOn the rear part of the PVC box there is a differential air pressure switch C(fig.49) with the tube silicone pipes C1 (fig.49) underpressure pipe and C2(fig.49) pressure pipe for the connection of the cables to the combustion group ofthe burner.The electrical connections to the circuit board are done by means of a plug PJ6(fig.49) and of a plug placed onto the circuit board J6 (fig.49) like shown in theenclosed drawing.The plugs are numbered with letters (fig.51):10) N.C. contact11) common contact12) N.O. contactD - J5 - PJ5) GAS VALVEThe electrical feeding of the gas valve is done by means of the plug J5 (fig.49)placed onto the circuit board and of the flying plug PJ5 (fig.49) connected to thevalve. The plugs are numbered with letters (fig.52):6) Earthing line7) Clamp not connected8) Valve phase line9) Valve neutral lineRev. 18GB061048

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