Professor Narinder Rawal, MD, PhD, FRCA (Hon) - AKUTNE.CZ

Professor Narinder Rawal, MD, PhD, FRCA (Hon) - AKUTNE.CZ Professor Narinder Rawal, MD, PhD, FRCA (Hon) - AKUTNE.CZ


US Presidential Commission on Health Care1. Extensive overuse of some services and underuse of others- 20% of surgeries and medical tests are unnecessary orinappropriate (e.g. about 80.000 unnecessaryhysterectomies/year)- About 33% heart attack victims do not get necessarybetablockers leading to 18.000 deaths/year2. Unacceptably high rate of medical errors- Every year about 180.000 people die and about 1 000.000 areinjured from medical mishaps3. Wide variations in patterns of care across USUSA TodayMarch 13, 1998

About 55 000 unnecessary C. Sections annually Survey of 100 obstetricians - half of all C. Sections not formedical reasons C. Section rate in many hospitals above 30 % (WHOrecommendations not higher than 15 %)

About 55 000 unnecessary C. Sections annually Survey of 100 obstetricians - half of all C. Sections not formedical reasons C. Section rate in many hospitals above 30 % (WHOrecommendations not higher than 15 %)

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