Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks

Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks


Background 67Now, select the feedback controlThis yields,uk ( ) =− x( k)sgn ( x( k)) + x ( k) −x ( k) x ( k)2 2 2 1 1 2 1 22∆L( xk ( )) =−x 2 ( k)so that Lxk ( ( )) is rendered a (closed-loop) Lyapunov function. Because∆L( xk ( )) is negative semidefinite, the closed-loop system with this controlleris SISL.It is important to note that by slightly changing the controller, one can alsoshow global asymptotic stability of the closed-loop system. Moreover, notethat this controller has elements of feedback linearization (discussed in Lewis,Jagannathan, and Yesiderek 1999), in that the control input uk ( ) is selected tocancel nonlinearities. However, no difference of the right-hand side of thestate equation is needed in the Lyapunov approach, but the right-hand sidebecomes quadratic, which makes it hard to design controllers and showstability. This will be a problem for the discrete-time systems, and we willbe presenting how to select suitable Lyapunov function candidates for complexsystems when standard adaptive control and NN-based controllers aredeployed. Finally, there are some issues in this example, such as the selectionof the discontinuous control signal, which could cause chattering. In practice,the system dynamics act as a low-pass filter so that the controllers work well.2.4.3 Lyapunov Analysis and Controls Design for Linear SystemsFor general nonlinear systems, it is not always easy to find a Lyapunovfunction. Thus, failure to find a Lyapunov function may be because thesystem is not stable, or because the designer simply lacks insight andexperience. However, in the case of LTI systemsxk ( + 1)= Ax(2.41)Lyapunov analysis is simplified and a Lyapunov function is easy tofind, if one exists.2.4.4 Stability AnalysisSelect as a Lyapunov function candidate, the quadratic formTLxk ( ( )) = 1 x ( kPxk ) ( ),2(2.42)

68 Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networkswhere P is a constant symmetric positive definite matrix. Because P > 0,Tthen xPxis a positive function. This function is a generalized norm,which serves as a system energy function. Then,1 TT∆L( xk ( )) = Lxk ( ( + 1)) − Lxk ( ( )) = [ x ( k+ 1) Pxk ( + 1) − x ( k) Px( k)]2(2.43)1= −2 x Tk A T( )[ PA P ] x ( k )(2.44)For stability, one requires negative semidefiniteness. Thus, there mustexist a symmetric positive semidefinite matrix Q, such thatT∆L( x) =−x ( kQxk ) ( )(2.45)This results in the next theorem.THEOREM 2.4.4 (LYAPUNOV THEOREM FOR LINEAR SYSTEMS)The system discussed in Equation 2.41 is SISL, if there exist matrices P > 0,Q ≥ 0 that satisfy the Lyapunov equationTAPA− P=−Q(2.46)If there exists a solution such that both P and Q are positive definite,the system is AS.It can be shown that this theorem is both necessary and sufficient. Thatis, for LTI systems, if there is no Lyapunov function of the quadratic formdescribed in Equation 2.42, then there is no Lyapunov function. This resultprovides an alternative to examining the eigenvalues of the A matrix.2.4.5 Lyapunov Design of LTI Feedback ControllersThese notions offer a valuable procedure for LTI control system design.Note that the closed-loop system with state feedbackxk ( + 1) = Axk ( ) + Buk ( )(2.47)u=−Kx(2.48)

Background 67Now, select the feedback controlThis yields,uk ( ) =− x( k)sgn ( x( k)) + x ( k) −x ( k) x ( k)2 2 2 1 1 2 1 22∆L( xk ( )) =−x 2 ( k)so that Lxk ( ( )) is rendered a (closed-loop) Lyapunov function. Because∆L( xk ( )) is negative semidefinite, the closed-loop system with this controlleris SISL.It is important to note that by slightly changing the controller, one can alsoshow global asymptotic stability of the closed-loop system. Moreover, notethat this controller has elements of feedback linearization (discussed in Lewis,Jagannathan, <strong>and</strong> Yesiderek 1999), in that the control input uk ( ) is selected tocancel nonlinearities. However, no difference of the right-h<strong>and</strong> side of thestate equation is needed in the Lyapunov approach, but the right-h<strong>and</strong> sidebecomes quadratic, which makes it hard to design controllers <strong>and</strong> showstability. This will be a problem for the discrete-time systems, <strong>and</strong> we willbe presenting how to select suitable Lyapunov function c<strong>and</strong>idates for complexsystems when st<strong>and</strong>ard adaptive control <strong>and</strong> NN-based controllers aredeployed. Finally, there are some issues in this example, such as the selectionof the discontinuous control signal, which could cause chattering. In practice,the system dynamics act as a low-pass filter so that the controllers work well.2.4.3 Lyapunov Analysis <strong>and</strong> Controls Design for Linear SystemsFor general nonlinear systems, it is not always easy to find a Lyapunovfunction. Thus, failure to find a Lyapunov function may be because thesystem is not stable, or because the designer simply lacks insight <strong>and</strong>experience. However, in the case of LTI systemsxk ( + 1)= Ax(2.41)Lyapunov analysis is simplified <strong>and</strong> a Lyapunov function is easy tofind, if one exists.2.4.4 Stability AnalysisSelect as a Lyapunov function c<strong>and</strong>idate, the quadratic formTLxk ( ( )) = 1 x ( kPxk ) ( ),2(2.42)

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