Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks

Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks


Adaptive and Probabilistic Power Control Scheme 463interference measured at each reader is used as a local feedback parameterto dynamically adjust its transmission power. With the same underlyingconcept, decentralized adaptive power control uses SNR to adapt powerat discrete time steps, whereas PPC adapts the transmission power basedon a certain probability distribution. A Lyapunov-based approach is usedto show the convergence of the proposed DAPC scheme. Simulationresults demonstrate theoretical conclusions.10.2 Problem FormulationThe frequency interference problem needs to be fully understood beforea solution can be evolved. In this section, we present an analysis of thisproblem and the assumptions made.10.2.1 Mathematical RelationsIn a backscatter communication system, SNR must meet a required thresholdR required , which can be expressed asR = ( E N ) ( W D)requiredb0(10.1)where E b is the energy per bit of the received signal in watts, N 0 is thenoise power in watts per Hertz, D is the bit rate in bits per second, and Wis the radio channel bandwidth in Hertz. For a known modulation methodand BER, E N can be calculated. Hence, R required can be selected basedon desired a data rate and BER.For any reader i, the following must hold for successful tag detection:b/ 0PIbsi= R ≥Rirequired(10.2)where P bs is the backscatter power from a tag, I i is the interference at thetag backscatter frequency, and R i is the SNR at a given reader.In general, P bs can be evaluated in terms of the reader transmissionpower P i and tag distance r i−t . Other variables such as reader and tagantenna gains, modulation indexing, and wavelength, derived in Rappaport(1999), can be considered as constants and simplified in Equation 10.3as K 1 . Then,P K P ibs = 1 ⋅ = g Pq ii ⋅4iri−t(10.3)

464 Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networkswhere q is an environment-dependent variable considering path loss,and g ii represents the channel loss from reader i to tag and back.Communication channel between the reader and interrogated tagshould be in a relatively short range; for this reason Rayleigh fadingand shadowing effects are not considered for the reader–tag link.Influence by reflection can also be considered as a constant merginginto g ii assuming the environment is relatively stable. Hence, P bs canbe evaluated using path loss alone and by ignoring other channeluncertainties. However, the channel uncertainites are consideredduring the calculation of interference as reader locations are relativelyfarther away compared to a reader and a tag, and readers are powersources.Interference caused by reader j at reader i is given asI K P j2ij = 2 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ X g Pq ij = ij ⋅2jrij(10.4)10 0.1ζ 10 01where P j is the transmission power of reader j, r ij is the distance betweenthe two readers, K 2 represents all other constant properties, . ζ correspondsto the effect of shadowing, and X is a random variable withRayleigh distribution (Rappaport 1999) to account for Rayleigh fadingloss in the channel between reader j and reader i. After simplification, g ijrepresents the channel loss from reader j to reader i. Note that becausethe interference actually occurs at the tag backscatter sideband, onlypower at that particular frequency needs to be considered. This factor isalso accounted for in K 2 and g ij .Cumulative interference I i at any given reader i is essentially the sumof interferences introduced by all other readers plus the variance of thenoise η :I≠∑= g P + ηi ij jj i(10.5)Given the transmission power and interference, the actual detectionrange of a reader is given byrK=R⋅ Pi⋅ I4q1actualrequiredi(10.6)Received SNR for a tag at a desired range r d can be calculated asRrdK=r14qd⋅ Pi⋅ Ii(10.7)

<strong>Ad</strong>aptive <strong>and</strong> Probabilistic Power Control Scheme 463interference measured at each reader is used as a local feedback parameterto dynamically adjust its transmission power. With the same underlyingconcept, decentralized adaptive power control uses SNR to adapt powerat discrete time steps, whereas PPC adapts the transmission power basedon a certain probability distribution. A Lyapunov-based approach is usedto show the convergence of the proposed DAPC scheme. Simulationresults demonstrate theoretical conclusions.10.2 Problem FormulationThe frequency interference problem needs to be fully understood beforea solution can be evolved. In this section, we present an analysis of thisproblem <strong>and</strong> the assumptions made.10.2.1 Mathematical RelationsIn a backscatter communication system, SNR must meet a required thresholdR required , which can be expressed asR = ( E N ) ( W D)requiredb0(10.1)where E b is the energy per bit of the received signal in watts, N 0 is thenoise power in watts per Hertz, D is the bit rate in bits per second, <strong>and</strong> Wis the radio channel b<strong>and</strong>width in Hertz. For a known modulation method<strong>and</strong> BER, E N can be calculated. Hence, R required can be selected basedon desired a data rate <strong>and</strong> BER.For any reader i, the following must hold for successful tag detection:b/ 0PIbsi= R ≥Rirequired(10.2)where P bs is the backscatter power from a tag, I i is the interference at thetag backscatter frequency, <strong>and</strong> R i is the SNR at a given reader.In general, P bs can be evaluated in terms of the reader transmissionpower P i <strong>and</strong> tag distance r i−t . Other variables such as reader <strong>and</strong> tagantenna gains, modulation indexing, <strong>and</strong> wavelength, derived in Rappaport(1999), can be considered as constants <strong>and</strong> simplified in Equation 10.3as K 1 . Then,P K P ibs = 1 ⋅ = g Pq ii ⋅4iri−t(10.3)

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