Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks

Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks


Distributed Fair Scheduling in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks 311LEMMA 7.3.1If the weights are updated as in Equation 7.9 for a sufficiently long interval [ t1, t2],then the weight error ̃φ ij ( k + 1 ) is bounded, provided||α < 1PROOF Using Equation 7.9 and Equation 7.13, the weight estimation erroris expressed as̃ φ ( k+ 1) = α. ̃ φ ( k) + ( 1− α) φ + β.Eij ij ij ij(7.14)Choose a Lyapunov functionV = ̃φ 2 ( k)ij(7.15)The first difference of the Lyapunov equation can be obtained as∆V = V( k+ 1) −V( k)(7.16)or∆V = ̃ 2φ k+ − ̃2( 1) φ ( k)ijij(7.17)Substituting Equation 7.14 in Equation 7.17 to get∆V = [ αφ . ̃2( k) + ( − α) φ + β. E ] − ̃21φ ( k)ij ij ij ij(7.18)Equation 7.18 can be rewritten asEquation 7.19 can be simplified asThis further implies that2∆V = αφ̃2 2 2 2 2( k) + ( 1− α) φ + βE+ 2αφ̃( 1−α)φij ij ij ij2+ 21 ( − αφβ ) E + 2αφβ ̃ E − ̃ φ( k)ij ij ij ij ij2 2 2 2 2 2∆V =−( 1− α ) ̃ φ + ( 1− α) φ + β E + 2αφ̃ ( 1−αφ )ij ij ij ij+ 21 ( − αφβ ) E + 2αφβ̃ Eij ij ij ijijij(7.19)(7.20)2ij| ∆V| ≤−( 1− α 2 ) ̃ φ + 2α ̃ φ a+b,ij(7.21)

312 Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networkswherea= |[( 1− αφ ) + βE]|ijij(7.22)andb= ( 1− α) 2 φ 2 + β 2 E 2 + 2( 1−α)φ βEij ij ij ij(7.23)| ∆V|≤ 0implies that⎡22 2b| ∆V| ≤−( 1−α)̃ αφij− ̃2 ij a−2. (7.24)⎣⎢( 1−α ) φ ⎤( 1−α ) ⎦⎥̃φij2 2 2α + α a + b( 1 −α)≥2( 1 − α )(7.25)LetB ij,φbe the bound on the weight estimation error, thenBij, φ2 2α + α + b( 1 −α)=2( 1 − α )(7.26)For ̃φ ij ≥ Bij, φ ∆V < 0 . Because ̃φ ij ≥ Bij,φ, from Equation 7.13 we getˆφ ≤σφijij(7.27)for some σ .LEMMA 7.3.2The actual weights ˆφ ij at each node using Equation 7.9 converge close to their targetvalues in a finite time.PROOF Because || α < 1, define ̃φ ij ( k) = x( k), then Equation 7.14 can beexpressed asxk ( + 1) = cxk ( ) + duk ( )(7.28)whereijc= d= − u k = ⎡ ⎣ ⎢ φ ⎤α, [( 1 α) β], ( )Eij⎦⎥(7.29)

312 <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Ad</strong> <strong>Hoc</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Sensor</strong> <strong>Networks</strong>wherea= |[( 1− αφ ) + βE]|ijij(7.22)<strong>and</strong>b= ( 1− α) 2 φ 2 + β 2 E 2 + 2( 1−α)φ βEij ij ij ij(7.23)| ∆V|≤ 0implies that⎡22 2b| ∆V| ≤−( 1−α)̃ αφij− ̃2 ij a−2. (7.24)⎣⎢( 1−α ) φ ⎤( 1−α ) ⎦⎥̃φij2 2 2α + α a + b( 1 −α)≥2( 1 − α )(7.25)LetB ij,φbe the bound on the weight estimation error, thenBij, φ2 2α + α + b( 1 −α)=2( 1 − α )(7.26)For ̃φ ij ≥ Bij, φ ∆V < 0 . Because ̃φ ij ≥ Bij,φ, from Equation 7.13 we getˆφ ≤σφijij(7.27)for some σ .LEMMA 7.3.2The actual weights ˆφ ij at each node using Equation 7.9 converge close to their targetvalues in a finite time.PROOF Because || α < 1, define ̃φ ij ( k) = x( k), then Equation 7.14 can beexpressed asxk ( + 1) = cxk ( ) + duk ( )(7.28)whereijc= d= − u k = ⎡ ⎣ ⎢ φ ⎤α, [( 1 α) β], ( )Eij⎦⎥(7.29)

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