Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks

Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks


Distributed Power Control and Rate Adaptation 279Totaldata per Joule (Kbits/J)262422201816141210860 10Data transmitted per Joule50 nodes, 25 flows, duration 25s20 30 40 50 60Per-flow rate (Kbps)Rate adaptation with DPCRBARFIGURE 6.21Data transmitted per joule for varying per flow rate.6.10.3 Random Topology with 50 NodesFigure 6.21 shows the total data transmitted by 25 constant bit-rate (CBR)sources and received at the destinations, in the presence of fading channels,whereas the energy efficiency is presented in Figure 6.19. Asexpected, the proposed protocol transmits more data and consumes lessenergy per bit when compared to the RBAR protocol for all the trafficrates because of the proposed rate adaptation. These results reaffirm theconclusions from the previous simulations.6.10.4 Two-Hop ResultsThe two-hop topology has been used while simulating the proposedDP-based scheme (PDP). For comparison, a modified RBAR protocol(BURST), which supports a burst mode, is used. The same parametersused in the previous simulations have been used. In addition, the informationfor the other parameters needed to simulate the DP-based algorithminclude: cost function parameters Q = 05 . and α = 24 . (from Figure6.17), and an expected power value was taken as 100 mW. The stable valueof G was calculated as 0.667. The target queue utilization is set at 30packets per flow. The burst size, outgoing, and incoming traffic areexpressed in number of packets (or number of packets per second). Furthermore,the burst duration was set to one packet duration when usingthe lowest rate. Consequently, the burst at the lowest rate of 1 Mbps can

280 Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor NetworksTotaldata (Mbits)9876543210 10Totaldata transmitted per Joule50 nodes, 25 flows, duration 25s20 30 40 50 60Per-flow rate (Kbps)Rate adaptation with DPCRBARFIGURE 6.22Total data transmitted for varying per flow rate.accommodate one packet, the second rate of 2 Mbps can accommodateburst of maximum 2 packets, etc.In case of low congestion with per flow traffic of up to 300 kbps, bothprotocols can transmit all generated packets without any difficulty asillustrated in Figure 6.23. However, as the congestion increases the PDP400Network throughput350Throughput (Kbps)30025020015010050PDPModified RBAR00 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400Per-flow rate (Kbps)FIGURE 6.23Throughput transmitted for varying per flow rate.

280 <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Ad</strong> <strong>Hoc</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Sensor</strong> <strong>Networks</strong>Totaldata (Mbits)9876543210 10Totaldata transmitted per Joule50 nodes, 25 flows, duration 25s20 30 40 50 60Per-flow rate (Kbps)Rate adaptation with DPCRBARFIGURE 6.22Total data transmitted for varying per flow rate.accommodate one packet, the second rate of 2 Mbps can accommodateburst of maximum 2 packets, etc.In case of low congestion with per flow traffic of up to 300 kbps, bothprotocols can transmit all generated packets without any difficulty asillustrated in Figure 6.23. However, as the congestion increases the PDP400Network throughput350Throughput (Kbps)30025020015010050PDPModified RBAR00 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400Per-flow rate (Kbps)FIGURE 6.23Throughput transmitted for varying per flow rate.

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