Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks

Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks


Distributed Power Control and Rate Adaptation 25716001200SNR threscholds and energy-efficiency indexSNREnergy-efficiency indexSRN80040001 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Modulation rate (Mbps)FIGURE 6.11SNR thresholds and energy-efficiency index.the BER and the SNR threshold is well defined for a given modulationscheme (Holland et al. 2001). In general, a SNR threshold increases withthe rate as illustrated in Figure 6.11 for the set of modulation rates usedin simulations (1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 Mbps). Consequently, the minimal requiredtransmission power has to be increased with the rate. On the other hand,the power value is limited by the hardware capabilities. Thus, there is amaximum SNR value and corresponding modulation scheme that couldbe selected for a given power constraint. Given this maximum powerconstraint, the rate will result in highest throughput and higher energyefficiency as explained next. If the maximum power will yield SNR = 800,then the maximum possible rate that can be achieved is equal to 6 Mbps,as illustrated in Figure 6.11. It is important to note that channel stateimpacts the rate of transmission because the power will vary with interferencesand signal attenuation. Hence, it is important for the rate adaptationscheme to accurately assess the channel state to identify a suitablerate that results in the highest throughput under the channel conditions.Figure 6.11 depicts an energy-efficiency index that results in the lowestmodulation rate. It shows the SNR levels for all rates assuming a constantenergy-efficiency value. Comparing the energy-efficiency index and theactual SNR levels, it can be noticed that the energy-efficiency decreaseswith an increase in modulation rate.6.7.2 Protocol ComparisonIn the previous works (Holland et al. 2001, Kamerman and Monteban1997), the problem of rate adaptation was attempted either by considering

258 Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networksthe past transmission history, as in ARF protocol, or assuming that thechannel state does not change significantly between consecutive transmissions,as in the case of RBAR. Hence, the selected rate was often notoptimal. Additionally, these protocols neither take energy-efficiency intoconsideration nor modify the transmission power to save energy duringrate adaptation.The operation of the ARF protocol (Kamerman and Monteban 1997) ispresented in Figure 6.12. The four rates (R1, R2, R3, and R4) are consideredwith corresponding SNR thresholds. In this example, the first packet is sentwith the maximum rate allowed for the channel state. The following packetsare sent using the same rate, though the SNR could have increased thuslowering the throughput for the current channel state. After three consecutive,successfully received packets, the rate is then increased even though thechannel state could have changed significantly during this time. The newrate (R2) used for the fourth packet could be still lower than the maximumpossible rate. On the other hand, when the SNR decreases, the selected ratewill always be higher than the acceptable throughput possible, resulting inproblems of decoding of packets at the receiver.In short, the problems observed in the ARF protocol are the result of thelack of information about the radio channel state, because, no measurementsof signal reception are considered. In consequence, the throughputachieved by ARF is lower than possible for a given channel state. Furthermore,the energy is consumed inefficiently.SNR(t)Packet OK with optimal ratePacket OK but with sub-optimal ratePacket LOST because min. SNR not metR4R3R2R1R1 R1 R1 R2 R2 R2 R3 R3 R3 R4 R4 R4 R33 successful = > 3 successful = > 3 successful = > 3 failures = >increase rate increase rate increase rate decrease rateFIGURE 6.12ARF rate selection.

Distributed Power Control <strong>and</strong> Rate <strong>Ad</strong>aptation 25716001200SNR threscholds <strong>and</strong> energy-efficiency indexSNREnergy-efficiency indexSRN80040001 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Modulation rate (Mbps)FIGURE 6.11SNR thresholds <strong>and</strong> energy-efficiency index.the BER <strong>and</strong> the SNR threshold is well defined for a given modulationscheme (Holl<strong>and</strong> et al. 2001). In general, a SNR threshold increases withthe rate as illustrated in Figure 6.11 for the set of modulation rates usedin simulations (1, 2, 4, 6, <strong>and</strong> 8 Mbps). Consequently, the minimal requiredtransmission power has to be increased with the rate. On the other h<strong>and</strong>,the power value is limited by the hardware capabilities. Thus, there is amaximum SNR value <strong>and</strong> corresponding modulation scheme that couldbe selected for a given power constraint. Given this maximum powerconstraint, the rate will result in highest throughput <strong>and</strong> higher energyefficiency as explained next. If the maximum power will yield SNR = 800,then the maximum possible rate that can be achieved is equal to 6 Mbps,as illustrated in Figure 6.11. It is important to note that channel stateimpacts the rate of transmission because the power will vary with interferences<strong>and</strong> signal attenuation. Hence, it is important for the rate adaptationscheme to accurately assess the channel state to identify a suitablerate that results in the highest throughput under the channel conditions.Figure 6.11 depicts an energy-efficiency index that results in the lowestmodulation rate. It shows the SNR levels for all rates assuming a constantenergy-efficiency value. Comparing the energy-efficiency index <strong>and</strong> theactual SNR levels, it can be noticed that the energy-efficiency decreaseswith an increase in modulation rate.6.7.2 Protocol ComparisonIn the previous works (Holl<strong>and</strong> et al. 2001, Kamerman <strong>and</strong> Monteban1997), the problem of rate adaptation was attempted either by considering

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