Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks

Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks


Distributed Power Control of Wireless Cellular and Peer-to-Peer Networks 1976Total power of all nodes54Total power321Node 1Node 2Node 3Node 4Node 5Node 6Node 7Node 8Node 9Node 10Node 1100 200 400 600 800 1000Time units1200 14001600 1800FIGURE 5.12Response of Bambos DPC scheme.transmitter/receivers were considered to be requesting admission into thenetwork, one at a time, at predefined intervals of time. The network isthen simulated, and the SIRs computed using various schemes discussedin the chapter and are plotted as shown in Figure 5.12, Figure 5.13, andFigure 5.14. From these figures, we can observe that the SSCD andoptimal control schemes help the new links to attain target SIR in afewer number of iterations when compared to Bambos. But the totalpower from each of these schemes, plotted at every time instant, showsthat Bambos’ scheme consumes slightly less power when comparedwith our schemes (see Figure 5.15). By varying the gains k 1 and k 2 , wecan allow the new links in the network to attain target SIR using lesspower with SSCD and optimal schemes compared to Bambos. But thenumber of iterations needed for convergence would be more. Therefore,there is a trade-off between the convergence speed and total powerconsumed in all the schemes discussed in this paper in peer-to-peercase. In other words, the selection of k i and the weight matrices Q i andT i affect the power and convergence. This option is not available in thework of Bambos.Further, within the proposed suite of DPC/ALP schemes, the simulationsshow that the total power of all the transmitters with the optimalDPC scheme (see Figure 5.16) is quite small compared to using SSCD

198 Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks6Plot for SIR vs time units54SIR321Node 1Node 2Node 3Node 4Node 5Node 6Node 7Node 8Node 9Node 10Node 1100 200 400 600 800 1000Time units1200 1400 16001800FIGURE 5.13Response of SSCD scheme.5Plot for SIR vs time unitsSIR4.543.532.521.510.5Node 1Node 2Node 3Node 4Node 5Node 6Node 7Node 8Node 9Node 10Node 1100 200 400 600 800 1000Time units1200 1400 1600 1800FIGURE 5.14Response of optimal DPC.

Distributed Power Control of <strong>Wireless</strong> Cellular <strong>and</strong> Peer-to-Peer <strong>Networks</strong> 1976Total power of all nodes54Total power321Node 1Node 2Node 3Node 4Node 5Node 6Node 7Node 8Node 9Node 10Node 1100 200 400 600 800 1000Time units1200 14001600 1800FIGURE 5.12Response of Bambos DPC scheme.transmitter/receivers were considered to be requesting admission into thenetwork, one at a time, at predefined intervals of time. The network isthen simulated, <strong>and</strong> the SIRs computed using various schemes discussedin the chapter <strong>and</strong> are plotted as shown in Figure 5.12, Figure 5.13, <strong>and</strong>Figure 5.14. From these figures, we can observe that the SSCD <strong>and</strong>optimal control schemes help the new links to attain target SIR in afewer number of iterations when compared to Bambos. But the totalpower from each of these schemes, plotted at every time instant, showsthat Bambos’ scheme consumes slightly less power when comparedwith our schemes (see Figure 5.15). By varying the gains k 1 <strong>and</strong> k 2 , wecan allow the new links in the network to attain target SIR using lesspower with SSCD <strong>and</strong> optimal schemes compared to Bambos. But thenumber of iterations needed for convergence would be more. Therefore,there is a trade-off between the convergence speed <strong>and</strong> total powerconsumed in all the schemes discussed in this paper in peer-to-peercase. In other words, the selection of k i <strong>and</strong> the weight matrices Q i <strong>and</strong>T i affect the power <strong>and</strong> convergence. This option is not available in thework of Bambos.Further, within the proposed suite of DPC/ALP schemes, the simulationsshow that the total power of all the transmitters with the optimalDPC scheme (see Figure 5.16) is quite small compared to using SSCD

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