Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks

Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks


Admission Controller Design for High-Speed Networks 163Once the admission controller is expressed as a state equation (Equation4.30), its performance and overall stability can be analyzed in conjunctionwith the congestion controller using hybrid system theory. Here, a nonsmoothLyapunov function will be used along the system trajectoryndefined by Equation 4.30. The continuous state space, X ⊆ R , is partitionedinto a finite number of connected open regions, Ω q ,where X =∪qΩ q, q∈ Q = N. Note that the regions, Ω q , are not required tobe disjoint. In each region a controller, u is designed by any technique. Itis assumed that the controller gives a satisfactory performance only inregion Ω q for all q∈ Q.As each closed-loop system is stable,xk ( + 1) = f( xk ( ), uk ( )) is stable for all x ∈Ω q,a standard Lyapunov functionVq( x, t):X x R→R exists in Ω q. These Lyapunov functions can be+combined to produce a nonsmooth Lyapunov function, which globallyrepresents the dynamics of the hybrid system. Here, the congestion controlleralong with Equation 4.27 becomes a local control law and the rulesused for admission control switch the controller.DEFINITION 4.5.1 (ANTSAKLIS ET AL. 1995, RAMADGE AND WONHAM 1989)A nonsmooth Lyapunov function, Vxk ( ( ), k), is assumed to be left continuouson k ∈[ k0 , ∞)and differentiable almost everywhere on ( t O , ∞)excepton the set T s = { k0, k1, ..., } when switches occur. The constraint ∆V < 0 isreplaced by a stronger condition: the nonincreasing condition.Vxk ( ( ), k ) < Vxk ( ( ), k ) if k > ki i j j i j(4.33)THEOREM 4.5.1 (ADMISSION CONTROL SCHEME STABILITY)Given the hybrid system H whose dynamics are governed by Equation 4.1 andEquation 4.30, if its controller is selected as Equation 4.6 (Jagannathan 2002) tothe buffer dynamics and (4.31) for congestion control, and the Lyapunov functionsin each region have the same values on the boundaries, Ω q , then the originof the discrete-state space of the hybrid system is asymptotically stable.The next section details the simulation results.4.6 Simulation ResultsThis section discusses the network model, parameters, and constants usedin the simulations to test the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. Thetraffic sources used in the simulation are also discussed and the simulationresults are explained. In our admission control example, we drive thesources independently with both voice (ON/OFF) and video (MPEG)data. We use fixed packets of length 53 bytes referred to here as cells.

164 Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks4.6.1 Adaptive Estimator ModelPrevious six values of buffer occupancy were used as inputs to the NNas a trade-off between approximation and computation. The greater thenumber of past values of buffer occupancy used, the better is the approximation,but large numbers of past values increase the computation, whichin turn not only causes delays at the network switches but also wastesresources. As the number of inputs to the ARMAX model at each switchis 6 and the output is a single value, the parameter vector, Wk ˆ ( ) , is a6 by 1 vector for each switch. The regression vector, φ(.) , will then consistof current and past values of buffer occupancy. The initial adaptationgain, α, is taken as 0.1 and is updated using the projection algorithm as01 .α( k)=T . The buffer occupancy for both the switches is consideredempty, initially. The initial parameter estimates are chosen( 01 . + φ( xk ( )) φ( xk ( )))as ˆ( ) = [0 0 0 0 0 0] T for each switch. However, one can select any initialvalues for the parameters. The parameter-tuning updates derived hereinwere deployed for the simulation. The network model and the trafficsources used in the simulations are discussed next.θ 1x dck4.6.2 Network ModelThe network model used in simulations is similar to that shown inFigure 4.1 and Figure 4.2. For each simulation, the buffer length at theingress node/switch, , is selected to be as small as 10 cells and it isaltered to go as high as 350 cells. Cell losses, ( ), are defined as xk ( )− x dwhen xk ( ) > x d . The CLR is defined as the total number of cells discardedat the destination owing to buffer flows divided by the total number ofcells transmitted. Target cell transfer or transmission delay is the totaltime taken by a source to complete its transmission from its starting point.The transmission delay is defined as Ta− Ti, where T i is the intended timeto transmit the data, and T a is the total actual time needed to transmitthe data. If the source sends its data before its intended time, then anegative value is obtained, indicating that the source has completed itstransmission well before its target time. On the other hand, if a delay isencountered, then it is typically represented by a positive value, implyingthat the sources took longer than their intended time.In the simulations, a two-switch scenario is considered. Four MPEGsources are assumed to be transmitting at Switch 1. The output ofSwitch 1 is connected to Switch 2. In addition, Switch 2 also allows4 MPEG sources. Initially, it is assumed that the physically availablebandwidth at both switches is equal to the PCR of all the sources.Four sources are to be admitted at Switch 1 and four at Switch 2. Inaddition, at 3000 units of time, the output of Switch 1 is admitted atSwitch 2.

164 <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Ad</strong> <strong>Hoc</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Sensor</strong> <strong>Networks</strong>4.6.1 <strong>Ad</strong>aptive Estimator ModelPrevious six values of buffer occupancy were used as inputs to the NNas a trade-off between approximation <strong>and</strong> computation. The greater thenumber of past values of buffer occupancy used, the better is the approximation,but large numbers of past values increase the computation, whichin turn not only causes delays at the network switches but also wastesresources. As the number of inputs to the ARMAX model at each switchis 6 <strong>and</strong> the output is a single value, the parameter vector, Wk ˆ ( ) , is a6 by 1 vector for each switch. The regression vector, φ(.) , will then consistof current <strong>and</strong> past values of buffer occupancy. The initial adaptationgain, α, is taken as 0.1 <strong>and</strong> is updated using the projection algorithm as01 .α( k)=T . The buffer occupancy for both the switches is consideredempty, initially. The initial parameter estimates are chosen( 01 . + φ( xk ( )) φ( xk ( )))as ˆ( ) = [0 0 0 0 0 0] T for each switch. However, one can select any initialvalues for the parameters. The parameter-tuning updates derived hereinwere deployed for the simulation. The network model <strong>and</strong> the trafficsources used in the simulations are discussed next.θ 1x dck4.6.2 Network ModelThe network model used in simulations is similar to that shown inFigure 4.1 <strong>and</strong> Figure 4.2. For each simulation, the buffer length at theingress node/switch, , is selected to be as small as 10 cells <strong>and</strong> it isaltered to go as high as 350 cells. Cell losses, ( ), are defined as xk ( )− x dwhen xk ( ) > x d . The CLR is defined as the total number of cells discardedat the destination owing to buffer flows divided by the total number ofcells transmitted. Target cell transfer or transmission delay is the totaltime taken by a source to complete its transmission from its starting point.The transmission delay is defined as Ta− Ti, where T i is the intended timeto transmit the data, <strong>and</strong> T a is the total actual time needed to transmitthe data. If the source sends its data before its intended time, then anegative value is obtained, indicating that the source has completed itstransmission well before its target time. On the other h<strong>and</strong>, if a delay isencountered, then it is typically represented by a positive value, implyingthat the sources took longer than their intended time.In the simulations, a two-switch scenario is considered. Four MPEGsources are assumed to be transmitting at Switch 1. The output ofSwitch 1 is connected to Switch 2. In addition, Switch 2 also allows4 MPEG sources. Initially, it is assumed that the physically availableb<strong>and</strong>width at both switches is equal to the PCR of all the sources.Four sources are to be admitted at Switch 1 <strong>and</strong> four at Switch 2. Inaddition, at 3000 units of time, the output of Switch 1 is admitted atSwitch 2.

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