Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks

Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks


Congestion Control in ATM Networks and the Internet 113where the packet losses are defined because of overflows asck ( ) = max( 0, ek ( )). The dynamics of the buffer can be written in terms ofthe buffer occupancy errors as:ek ( + 1) = Sat [ f( x( k)) − x + Tu( k) + d( k)].pd(3.39)The objective is to select a suitable traffic rate uk ( ), such that the availablebandwidth can be exploited up to its peak packet rate (PPR).3.4.2 End-to-End Congestion Control SchemeDefine the traffic rate input, uk ( ), as1uk ( ) = (T x d − f ( x ( k )) + k v e ( k ))(3.40)where k v is a diagonal gain matrix, f( x( k))is the traffic accumulation atthe bottleneck link/egress buffer, and T is the measurement interval. Then,the error in buffer length system becomesek ( + 1) = Sat[ kek ( ) + dk ( )]pv(3.41)If an adaptive estimator is employed to estimate the bottleneck queueand hence the traffic accumulation, f ˆ(), ⋅ at the destination buffer, then thebuffer-length error is written as:ek ( + 1 ) = Sat[ kek ( ) + fˆ() ⋅ + dk ( )]pv(3.42)Then uk ( ) will be defined as1uk ( ) = (T x d − f ˆ( x ( k )) + k v e ( k ))(3.43)The proposed rate-based methodology uses packet-arrival rate at theingress node and packet-arrival rate at the egress node to estimate thenetwork traffic accumulation or flow. The estimated value and the packetaccumulation at egress node are together used to compute the rate uk ( ) bywhich the source has to reduce or increase its rate. If uk ( ) is a positivevalue, it indicates that the buffer space is available and the sources canincrease their rates, whereas if uk ( ) is negative, it indicates that there are

114 Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networkspacket losses at the egress node and the sources have to decrease theirrates. The updated traffic rate based on uk ( ) minimizes the differencebetween the actual and desired buffer length, while providing fairnessamong all sources. The details of the stability analysis shown in thefollowing section suggests that the error in queue length e(k) is boundedand the packet losses are also bounded and finite for any initial state ofthe network. Stability AnalysisLEMMA 3.4.1xThe nonlinear system yk ( + 1) = SatAyk ( ( )), for A ∈R 2 2 , where sat(y) is of theformsat( y ) = 1,> 1i= y , || y ≤ii1(3.44)= − 1, y i

114 <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Ad</strong> <strong>Hoc</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Sensor</strong> <strong>Networks</strong>packet losses at the egress node <strong>and</strong> the sources have to decrease theirrates. The updated traffic rate based on uk ( ) minimizes the differencebetween the actual <strong>and</strong> desired buffer length, while providing fairnessamong all sources. The details of the stability analysis shown in thefollowing section suggests that the error in queue length e(k) is bounded<strong>and</strong> the packet losses are also bounded <strong>and</strong> finite for any initial state ofthe network. Stability AnalysisLEMMA 3.4.1xThe nonlinear system yk ( + 1) = SatAyk ( ( )), for A ∈R 2 2 , where sat(y) is of theformsat( y ) = 1,> 1i= y , || y ≤ii1(3.44)= − 1, y i

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