Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks

Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks


3Congestion Control in ATM Networksand the InternetIn the last chapter, background information on dynamic systems andLyapunov stability was introduced. In the remainder of the book, we willapply these concepts from control theory to the design and developmentof protocols for wired and wireless networks. It can be observed that byusing the control theory concepts, one can demonstrate not only stabilitybut also performance of these protocols, in terms of quality of service(QoS) metrics such as throughput, packet/cell losses, end-to-end delay,jitter, energy efficiency, etc. In particular, we will focus on the developmentof congestion and admission control, distributed power control and rateadaptation, distributed fair scheduling, and routing protocols for wiredand wireless networks. First, we will apply the control system conceptsto the design of congestion control protocol for wired networks.This chapter proposes an adaptive methodology for the available bitrate (ABR) service class of an asynchronous transfer mode network (ATM)first, and then an end-to-end congestion control scheme for the Internet,both being high-speed networks. In this methodology, the transmissionrates of the sources are controlled, in response to the feedback informationfrom the network nodes, to prevent congestion. The network is modeledas a nonlinear discrete-time system. As the traffic behavior on a networkis self-similar, and its behavior is not typically known a priori, an adaptivescheme using a neural network (NN)-based controller is designed toprevent congestion, where the NN is used to estimate the traffic accumulationin the buffers at the given switch/destination. Tuning methods areprovided for the NN, based on the delta rule, to estimate the unknowntraffic. Mathematical analysis is presented to demonstrate the stability ofthe closed-loop error in a buffer occupancy system, so that a desired QoScan be guaranteed. The QoS for an ATM network is defined in terms ofcell loss ratio (CLR), transmission or transfer delay (latency), and fairness.No learning phase is required for the NN, and initialization of the networkweights is straightforward. However, by adding an initial learning phase,the QoS is shown to improve in terms of cell losses during transientconditions.79

80 Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor NetworksWe derive design rules mathematically for selecting the parameters ofthe NN algorithm such that the desired performance is guaranteed duringcongestion, and potential trade-offs are shown. Simulation results areprovided to justify the theoretical conclusions. The nonlinear-systemtheory-basedmethodology can be readily applied to designing routingalgorithms, transmission-link bandwidth estimation and allocation, and soon. An ATM network uses hop-by-hop feedback whereas the Internet usesan end-to-end network. First, we present the issue of congestion control forATM networks and then end-to-end congestion control for the Internet.3.1 ATM Network Congestion ControlATM is a key technology for integrating broad-band multimedia services(B-ISDN) in heterogeneous networks, where data, video, and voicesources transmit information. ATM provides services to these sources withdifferent traffic characteristics, by statistically multiplexing cells in termsof fixed length packets of 53 bytes long. The uncertainties of broadbandtraffic patterns, unpredictable statistical fluctuations of traffic flows, andself-similarity of network traffic can cause congestion in the networkswitches, concentrators, and communication links.The ATM forum has specified several service categories in relation totraffic management in an ATM network. Two major classes, guaranteedservice and best-effort service, resulted from the service categories (Kellyet al. 2000). The best-effort service category is further divided into twosubclasses, namely, unspecified bit-rate (UBR) and ABR. The UBR sourceneither specifies nor receives a bandwidth, delay, or loss guarantee. Incontrast, the ABR service type guarantees a zero-loss cell rate if the sourceobeys the dynamically varying traffic management signals from the network.The network uses resource management (RM) cells to inform theABR source about the available bandwidth. If the source obeys thesesignals, it is guaranteed zero loss.In a B-ISDN, the traffic and congestion controls describe differentaspects of ATM operation. Congestion is defined as a condition of an ATMnetwork, where the network does not meet a stated performance objective.By contrast, a traffic control, such as the connection admission control(CAC), defines a set of actions taken by the network to avoid congestion.Because of the uncertainty in the traffic flows of multimedia services,network congestion may still occur, despite the fact that an appropriateconnection admission control scheme is provided. To prevent the QoSfrom severely degrading during short-term congestion, a suitable congestioncontrol scheme is required.

3Congestion Control in ATM <strong>Networks</strong><strong>and</strong> the InternetIn the last chapter, background information on dynamic systems <strong>and</strong>Lyapunov stability was introduced. In the remainder of the book, we willapply these concepts from control theory to the design <strong>and</strong> developmentof protocols for wired <strong>and</strong> wireless networks. It can be observed that byusing the control theory concepts, one can demonstrate not only stabilitybut also performance of these protocols, in terms of quality of service(QoS) metrics such as throughput, packet/cell losses, end-to-end delay,jitter, energy efficiency, etc. In particular, we will focus on the developmentof congestion <strong>and</strong> admission control, distributed power control <strong>and</strong> rateadaptation, distributed fair scheduling, <strong>and</strong> routing protocols for wired<strong>and</strong> wireless networks. First, we will apply the control system conceptsto the design of congestion control protocol for wired networks.This chapter proposes an adaptive methodology for the available bitrate (ABR) service class of an asynchronous transfer mode network (ATM)first, <strong>and</strong> then an end-to-end congestion control scheme for the Internet,both being high-speed networks. In this methodology, the transmissionrates of the sources are controlled, in response to the feedback informationfrom the network nodes, to prevent congestion. The network is modeledas a nonlinear discrete-time system. As the traffic behavior on a networkis self-similar, <strong>and</strong> its behavior is not typically known a priori, an adaptivescheme using a neural network (NN)-based controller is designed toprevent congestion, where the NN is used to estimate the traffic accumulationin the buffers at the given switch/destination. Tuning methods areprovided for the NN, based on the delta rule, to estimate the unknowntraffic. Mathematical analysis is presented to demonstrate the stability ofthe closed-loop error in a buffer occupancy system, so that a desired QoScan be guaranteed. The QoS for an ATM network is defined in terms ofcell loss ratio (CLR), transmission or transfer delay (latency), <strong>and</strong> fairness.No learning phase is required for the NN, <strong>and</strong> initialization of the networkweights is straightforward. However, by adding an initial learning phase,the QoS is shown to improve in terms of cell losses during transientconditions.79

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