ANO-145-AWRG-1.1 dated 15-01-2013 - Civil Aviation Authority

ANO-145-AWRG-1.1 dated 15-01-2013 - Civil Aviation Authority

ANO-145-AWRG-1.1 dated 15-01-2013 - Civil Aviation Authority

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<strong>ANO</strong>-<strong>145</strong> APPROVED MAINTENANCE ORGANISATIONSChapter 1: Regulationrequirements of <strong>ANO</strong>.<strong>145</strong>.A.35. In addition, the organisation shall have sufficientaircraft type rated staff in Airframe, Engine & Avionics meeting the requirements of<strong>ANO</strong>.<strong>145</strong>.A.35 to support the type rated certifying staff.(i)(ii)Type Rated support staff in Airframe, Engine & Avionics category shall ensurethat all relevant tasks or inspections have been carried out to the requiredstandard before the Base maintenance certifying staff issues the certificate ofrelease to service.The organisation shall maintain a register of any such Airframe, Engine &Avionics category support staff.(iii) The Base Maintenance certifying staff shall ensure that compliance withparagraph (i) has been met and that all work required by the customer hasbeen accomplished during the particular base maintenance check or workpackage, and shall also assess the impact of any work not carried out with aview to either requiring its accomplishment or agreeing with the operator todefer such work to another specified check or time limit.2. in the case of base maintenance of aircraft other than large aircraft have either:(i)(ii)appropriate aircraft type rated certifying staff qualified in Airframe, Engine &Avionics category in accordance with PCAA Licensing and approvalrequirements and <strong>ANO</strong>.<strong>145</strong>.A.35 or,appropriate aircraft type rated certifying staff specifically authorised by PCAAto issue CRS assisted by qualified Airframe, Engine & Avionics support staffas specified in paragraph (1).(i) Component certifying staff shall comply with PCAA Airworthiness Notice 25.(j) By derogation to paragraphs (g) and (h), the Organisation may use certifying staffqualified in accordance with the following provisions:1. For organisation facilities located outside Pakistan, certifying staff may be qualifiedin accordance with the national aviation regulations of the State in which theorganisation facility is registered subject to the conditions specified in Appendix IVto this Part.2. For line maintenance carried out at a line station of an Organisation which is locatedoutside Pakistan, the certifying staff may be qualified in accordance with thenational aviation regulations of the State in which the line station is based, subjectto the conditions specified in Appendix IV to this <strong>ANO</strong>3. For a repetitive pre-flight airworthiness directive which specifically states that theflight crew may carry out such airworthiness directive, the organisation may issue alimited certification authorisation to the aircraft commander and/or the flight engineeron the basis of the flight crew license held. However, the organisation shall ensurethat sufficient practical training has been carried out to ensure that such aircraftcommander or flight engineer can accomplish the airworthiness directive to therequired standard.4. In the case of aircraft operating away from a supported location, the organisation mayissue a limited certification authorisation to the commander and/or the flight engineer<strong>15</strong>/<strong>01</strong>/2<strong>01</strong>3 1-5 <strong>ANO</strong>-<strong>145</strong>-<strong>AWRG</strong>-<strong>1.1</strong>

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