ANO-145-AWRG-1.1 dated 15-01-2013 - Civil Aviation Authority

ANO-145-AWRG-1.1 dated 15-01-2013 - Civil Aviation Authority

ANO-145-AWRG-1.1 dated 15-01-2013 - Civil Aviation Authority

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<strong>ANO</strong>-<strong>145</strong> APPROVED MAINTENANCE ORGANISATIONSChapter 3: Guidance Material to <strong>ANO</strong> <strong>145</strong>Some of the topics may be covered in separate training (health and safety, management,supervisory skills, etc.) in which case duplication of training is not necessary.Where possible, practical illustrations and examples should be used, especially accident andincident reports.Topics should be related to existing legislation, where relevant. Topics should be related toexisting guidance/ advisory material, where relevant (eg. ICAO HF Digests and TrainingManual).Topics should be related to maintenance engineering where possible; too much unrelatedtheory should be avoided.1. General / Introduction to human factors<strong>1.1</strong> Need to address human factors2.2 Statistics3.3 Incidents2. Safety Culture / Organisational factors3. Human Error3.1 Error models and theories3.2 Types of errors in maintenance tasks3.3 Violations3.4 Implications of errors3.5 Avoiding and managing errors3.6 Human reliability4. Human performance & limitations<strong>1.1</strong> Vision1.2 Hearing1.3 Information-processing1.4 Attention and perception1.5 Situational awareness1.6 Memory1.7 Claustrophobia and physical access1.8 Motivation1.9 Fitness/Health<strong>1.1</strong>0 Stress<strong>1.1</strong>1 Workload management<strong>1.1</strong>2 Fatigue<strong>1.1</strong>3 Alcohol, medication, drugs<strong>1.1</strong>4 Physical work<strong>1.1</strong>5 Repetitive tasks / complacency5. Environment5.1 Peer pressure5.2 Stressors5.3 Time pressure and deadlines5.4 Workload5.5 Shift Work<strong>15</strong>/<strong>01</strong>/2<strong>01</strong>3 3-3 <strong>ANO</strong>-<strong>145</strong>-<strong>AWRG</strong>-<strong>1.1</strong>

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