concurrent sessions - Association for the Advancement of ...

concurrent sessions - Association for the Advancement of ... concurrent sessions - Association for the Advancement of ...


M A S ATEC Math Te chnology Integration Project Paul Ti s d e l , San Antonio Urban Systemic Initiat i v e ,USA; Lorraine Brat c h e r, N o r t h East ISD, USA; Tom Ledvorowski, Roosevelt H.S., USA; Andy Sorensen, R e ag a n H . S . , USA; Dee Dee Milks, San Antonio ISD, U S A BALBOA 1 N M I n t e ractive Multimedia as Research Portra y a l Marlo Steed, U n i v. of Lethbridge, Canada; Rick Mrazek, U n i v. of Lethbridge, C a n a d a N M Media & Textbook Connection Database Thomas Speitel, U n i v. of Haw a i i , USA; Marie Iding, U n i v. of Haw a i i ,USA; Martha C r o s by, U n i v. of Haw a i i , USA; Thanhtruc Nguyen, U n i v. of Haw a i i , USA; Ty r a S h i m ab u k u ,U n i v. of Haw a i i ,U S A SIERRA 5 I N A Modular A p p r o a ch To Education - Its Application To The Global Campus Bruce Elson, U n i v. of Central England, UK; Alan Phelan, U n i v. of Central England, U K P T Using the Internet to promote technology integra t i o n ,h i g h e r- o rd e r thinking skills and motiva t i o n Nancy Maushak, Texas Tech Univ. , USA; LeAnn Lincecum, Texas Tech Univ. , USA; Laura Martin, Texas Tech Univ. ,U S A SIERRA 6 D E Enough of V i r t u a l i t y : What of Virtuosity? A re s e a rch agenda for the ‘online’ delivery of teacher professional development. Vince Ham, Christchurch College of Educat i o n ,New Zealand F D Faculty Development in Te chnology for Te a chers of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) Course Tatiana Slobodina, Northern International Univ. ,M ag a d a n ,R u s s i a ,R u s s i a BALBOA 2 I N P reparing student teachers to use ICT at secondary sch o o l : A course designed at the University of Zuerich Wilfrid Kuster, U n i v. of Zuerich, Switzerland; Fortunat Schmid, U n i v. of Zuerich, S w i t z e r l a n d T P I n n ovation in using telecommunications in pre - s e rvice teacher education and the impact upon distance learning student teach e r s Clive McGee, The Univ. of Wa i k at o , New Zealand; Russell Yat e s ,The Univ. o f Wa i k at o ,New Zealand SALON E/PANEL (1 HOUR) P T 3 Te chnology Collaboration for Simultaneous Renewal in Te a ch e r E d u c a t i o n : A PT3 Project Denise Schmidt, Iowa State Univ. , USA; Ann T h o m p s o n ,Iowa State Univ. ,U S A ; J e r ry W i l l i s ,Iowa State Univ. , USA; Aileen Nonis, Iowa State Univ. , USA; Connie H a r gr av e ,Iowa State Univ. ,U S A SALON A I N U k rainian Te a cher Education in Tra n s i t i o n :What Role Can Te chnology Play? Valentyna Kolomiyets, Gogol State Pedag o gical Univ. of Nizhyn, U k r a i n e I N What Computer Education & Instructional Te chnology Means to p re s e rvice teach e r s : A case study of a Turkish State University Omer Delialioglu, Middle East Technical Univ. , Tu r k ey SALON B F D Building the Capacity for Systematic Integration of Te chnology in Te a cher Education Rachel Va n n at t a ,Bowling Green State Univ. , USA; Blanche O'Bannon, B o w l i n g Green State Univ. ,U S A S C Sci Links: Linking technology and scientific inquiry Greg Coverdale, Penn State Harrisburg, U S A , SALON C E C I n f o rmation System Design of Undergraduate Education: C o m b i n i n g L e c t u res with Pra c t i c e Yoshinori Fujio, Prefectural Univ. of Kumamoto, J ap a n E C The Impact of T h e o ry on Te chnology Use in the Classroom Alec Couros, U n i v. of Regi n a , Canada; Carol Fulton, U n i v. of Regi n a , Canada; V i M a e e r s ,U n i v. of Regi n a ,C a n a d a 8 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9 - CONCURRENT SESSIONS SALON F I I N Distance Education based on computer networks in Chile. Universidad de Concepción a special case. José Durán, Universidad de Concepción, Chile; Solar María Inés, Universidad de C o n c e p c i ó n ,Chile I N The in-service training programs for primary school teachers to use i n f o rmation technology in A u s t ralia and in Ta i wa n Min-Jin Lin, N ational Hualien Teachers College, Ta i w a n ,R.O.C.; Ching-Dar Lin, N ational Hualien Teachers College, Ta i w a n ,R . O . C . SALON G P T Te a ching the use of Information in a Te chnology Fra m e wo r k Cellestine Cheeks, Towson Univ. , USA; Li Ping Liu, Towson Univ. ,U S A P T You Te a ch How Yo u ' re Ta u g h t :P reparing Te a chers for Constructivist C l a s s r o o m s Robin McGrew-Zoubi, Sam Houston State Univ. , USA; Jeannine Hirtle, S a m Houston State Univ. ,U S A SALON H N M Electronic Te a ching Portfolios: Multimedia Skills + Portfolio Development = Powerful Professional Development Helen Barrett, U n i v. of Alaska A n c h o r ag e ,U S A R E Action Research : Te a chers as Research e r s Rhonda Robinson, Northern Illinois Univ. , USA; Judith Duff i e l d ,U n i v. of Colorado, U S A PAVILION P T Personal Electronic Profile for Pre - S e rvice Te a ch e r s Gerald Ehli, Northern State Univ. , USA; Harold Sorknes, Northern State Univ. ,U S A P T Te chnology Integration in Colleges of Education: Assessment and Planning P e n ny Ann Garcia, U n i v. of Wisconsin Oshkosh, U S A 4-5 PM SALON D/PANEL (1 HOUR) D E Te a ching and Learning in an Anytime/Anyplace Classroom Gertrude (Trudy) A b r a m s o n ,N S U / S C I S , USA; Maxine Cohen, N S U / S C I S ,U S A ; Timothy (Tim) Ellis, N S U / S C I S ,USA; Cordelia Tw o m ey, N J C U , USA; Mitchell P r at t ,Alpine School District, U S A KICKS D E A Model for Preparing Faculty for Online Te a ch i n g Jean Ve r m e l ,Nova Southeastern Univ.; Beit Berl College, I s r a e l D E Remote Labs Khalid Hamza, Florida Atlantic Univ. , USA; Bassem A l h a l ab i ,Florida A t l a n t i c U n i v. ,USA; David Marcovitz, Loyola College in Mary l a n d ,U S A ASHLEY’S T P Online Communication Modes: What's the Differe n c e ? Sue Espinoza, Texas A&M Univ. - C o m m e r c e ,U S A T P The Effectiveness of Pre s e rvice Te a chers Te a ching Through the I n t e rn e t Elaine Hoter, Talpiot College of Educat i o n ,I s r a e l BALBOA 1 F D Building a Vision for Te chnology Integra t i o n Ann McCoy, U n i v. of Alaska A n c h o r ag e ,U S A F D F r u s t ration among educators about IT use Charlotte Bohrn, Viktoria Institute, Sweden; Urban Nulden, Viktoria Institute, S w e d e n SIERRA 5 T S Developing a School Networking Course C atherine Cav a n a u g h ,U n i v. of South Florida, USA; Terence Cav a n a u g h ,U n i v. o f South Florida, U S A T S F o rmative Evaluations of a Web-Based Masters Progra m : Insights for Web-Based Course Developers Ching-Chun Shih, Iowa State Univ. , USA; Marvin Howard, Iowa State Univ. ,U S A ; Ann D. T h o m p s o n ,Iowa State Univ. ,U S A SIERRA 6 E L ICT Training and Implementation: i n s e p a rable activities Reg North, U n i v. of Ulster, U K R L Te ch n o l o g y :The Answer to Early Litera cy Success in the New Millennium Jean Casey, C a l i fornia State Univ. Long Beach, U S A

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9 BALBOA 2 R E Databases Linked to the We b : Facilitating Collaborative Inquiry in Te a cher Education Scott Coleman, Lewis-Clark State College, U S A R E L e a rning with Hyperm e d i a : The Role of Epistemological Beliefs and S e l f - R e g u l a t i o n Lisa Bendixen, U n i v. of Nevada Las Ve g a s , USA; Kendall Hartley, U n i v. of Nevada Las Ve g a s ,U S A SALON E/PANEL (1 HOUR) P T Computer Te chnology Courses for Pre - S e rvice Te a ch e r s : A Comparison of Four University's A p p r o a ch e s A bbie Brown, Washington State Univ. , USA; Bob A p p e l m a n ,Indiana Univ. ,U S A ; Timothy Green, C a l i fornia State Univ. , Fullerton; Lisa Hansen, U n i v. of Northern I o w a ,U S A SALON A N M Issues in the Design and Development of DVD-Materials for Te a ch e r Training in Counseling Tomohiro Miyamoto, N ational Institute of Multimedia Educat i o n ,J apan; Delw y n H a r n i s c h ,U n i v. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA; Tsuneo Ya m a d a ,N at i o n a l Institute of Multimedia Educat i o n ,J apan; Yuko Hirag a ,N ational Institute of Multimedia Educat i o n ,J ap a n N M Ten Years on: Assessing Multimedia Distance-Learn i n g Christine Va i l l a n t - S i r d ey, Toulouse III Univ. ,F r a n c e SALON B C P Developing an On-line Ethics Policy Jennifer Summerv i l l e ,Emporia State Univ. ,U S A C P Ethics and the Internet - problems and possibilities Stig R. R a s k ,The Foundation for Knowledge & Competence Development, S w e d e n SALON C T G F o rging Links: C reating an Online Te chnology Course for Arts & Humanities Te a ch e r s Susan Swartzlander, Grand Va l l ey State Univ. ,U S A T G Web-based Learn i n g :M oving Beyond the Internet as a Research To o l Debra Sprag u e , George Mason Univ. , USA; P. Shane Gallag h e r, George Mason U n i v. ,U S A SALON F G I E m p owering Minds by Taking Control: Developing Te a ch e r s ' Te chnological Fluency with LEGO Mindstorm s Deirdre Butler, S t .P atrick's College, Ireland; Fred Martin, MIT Media Lab ,U S A G I The Computer Mediated Communication Environment as it Fosters C o l l a b o rative Ways of Know i n g, Te a ch i n g, and Learn i n g M a ry W i l d n e r- B a s s e t t ,U n i v. of A r i z o n a ,U S A SALON G R E Attitudes of prospective high school mathematics teachers towa rd s the integration of information technologies in their future teach i n g Orit Hazzan, Oranim – The Academic Division of Haifa Univ. ,I s r a e l R E Te chnology in Te a ch i n g : Just How Confident are Pre s e rvice Te a ch e r s ? Philip Molebash, U n i v. of V i r gi n i a ,USA; Natalie Milman, U n i v. of V i r gi n i a ,U S A SALON H P T C reating An A s y n chronous Learning Environment in a School of E d u c a t i o n Richard OConnor, U n i v. of Arkansas at Monticello, U S A P T Te chnology Competencies: A Model for Pre s e rvice Progra m s Karla Krueger, U n i v. of Northern Iowa, USA; Lisa Hansen, U n i v. of Northern Iowa, USA; Sharon Smaldino, U n i v. of Northern Iowa, U S A PAVILION E L Te chnology Standards for School A d m i n i s t ra t o r s : Implications for A d m i n i s t rator Pre p a ration Progra m s Warren Hope, Florida A&M Univ. , USA; Bernadette Kelley, Florida A&M Univ. , USA; Janet Guyden, Florida A&M Univ. ,U S A E L To p - d ow n , B o t t o m - U p, Or Somewhere in Between: An Evaluative Study of Te a cher Initiated Classroom Te chnology Innovations Supported by a State Grant Progra m Yong Zhao, Michigan State Univ. ,U S A THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10 8:30-9:30 AM RIO VISTA BALLROOM PT3 KEYNOTE PANEL: P reparing To m o r r ow's Te a chers to Use Te chnology in Core Subject A reas - Science, M a t h e m a t i c s , English & Social Studies ( S p o n s o red by A E T S, A M T E , C E E , C U FA , & SITE) Ann T h o m p s o n ,Iowa State Univ. & SITE; USA Larry Flick, Oregon State Univ. & AETS; USA Joe Garofalo, U n i v. of V i r ginia & AMTE; USA Carol Pope, North Carolina S t ate Univ. & CEE; USA Richard Diem, U n i v. of Texas-San Antonio & CUFA; USA Beverage Break: 9:30-10 A M 10-11 AM SALON D/INVITED SPEAKERS P T 3 : The Collaborative Classroom: Part I - Te chnical Infra s t r u c t u re Gina Bull & Dave Drucker, U n i v. of V i r gi n i a ,U S A P T 3 : The Collaborative Classroom: Part II - Curricular Connections C h e ryl Mason, U n i v. of V i r gi n i a ,USA; Michael Berson, U n i v. of South Florida, U S A KICKS E C A Comparison of Student-teachers’ Attitudes towa rd Computers in Online and Traditional Computer Litera cy Courses: A Case Study Tarkan Gurbuz, Middle East Technical Univ. , Tu r k ey; Soner Yi l d i r i m ,Middle East Technical Univ. , Tu r k ey; M. Yasar Ozden, Middle East Technical Univ. , Tu r k ey E C Beyond Applications to the Essential Processes of Te ch n o l o g y I n t e gra t i o n : Designing an Educational Te chnology Course to Reflect ISTE Standards and to Model Best Practices for the Future Margaret Ropp, U n i v. of New Mexico, USA; Jill Brown, U n i v. of New Mexico, U S A ASHLEY’S G I Te a ching Practice and the Design of Professional Development A c t i v i t i e s Ronald A b at e ,Cleveland State Univ. ,U S A T D Modeling Instruction with Modern Information and Communications Te ch n o l o g y : the Mimic Project Ronald A b at e ,Cleveland State Univ. ,U S A BALBOA 1 P T Doing It Dow n u n d e r : Uses of Information Te chnologies in an A u s t ra l i a n D e gree For K-6 Te a ch e r s Dianne Chambers, The Univ. of Melbourne, Australia; Calvin Tr o m p ,The Univ. o f M e l b o u r n e ,A u s t r a l i a P T Te a chers Learning about Softwa re Implementation Alex Pan, The College of New Jersey, U S A SIERRA 5 T H P a radigm of the University Ian Sinclair, The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand, New Zealand T P Using the Web to Enhance Field Experiences for Pre s e rvice Te a ch e r s Vicki Cohen, Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. ,U S A SIERRA 6 S N Assistive Te chnology meets instructional tech n o l o g y : A standard s - based approach to implementation in teacher education progra m s Joyce Pittman, U n i v. of Cincinnati & Iowa State Univ. ,U S A S N Infusing Te chnolgy into a Pre s e rvice Te a cher Education Program for Special Educators E v e lyn Dailey, Towson Univ. ,U S A BALBOA 2 G I Developing A Contract for Learn i n g : A Constructivist A p p r o a ch for Professional Development in Te ch n o l o g y Linda Stanley W i l s o n ,U n i v. of British Columbia, Canada; Patti Phillips, P i t t Meadows Elementary School, Canada; Jeff Spence, Lord Byng Secondary S c h o o l ,Canada; Adam Gibb o n s ,U n i v. of British Columbia, C a n a d a P T P re s e rvice Te a chers as Constructivist Producers and Critical Consumers of Te chnological Resourc e s Eunice Merideth, Drake Univ. , USA; Peggy Steinbronn, Drake Univ. ,U S A 9


BALBOA 2<br />

R E Databases Linked to <strong>the</strong> We b : Facilitating Collaborative Inquiry in<br />

Te a cher Education<br />

Scott Coleman, Lewis-Clark State College, U S A<br />

R E L e a rning with Hyperm e d i a : The Role <strong>of</strong> Epistemological Beliefs and<br />

S e l f - R e g u l a t i o n<br />

Lisa Bendixen, U n i v. <strong>of</strong> Nevada Las Ve g a s , USA; Kendall Hartley, U n i v. <strong>of</strong> Nevada<br />

Las Ve g a s ,U S A<br />


P T Computer Te chnology Courses <strong>for</strong> Pre - S e rvice Te a ch e r s : A Comparison<br />

<strong>of</strong> Four University's A p p r o a ch e s<br />

A bbie Brown, Washington State Univ. , USA; Bob A p p e l m a n ,Indiana Univ. ,U S A ;<br />

Timothy Green, C a l i <strong>for</strong>nia State Univ. , Fullerton; Lisa Hansen, U n i v. <strong>of</strong> Nor<strong>the</strong>rn<br />

I o w a ,U S A<br />

SALON A<br />

N M Issues in <strong>the</strong> Design and Development <strong>of</strong> DVD-Materials <strong>for</strong> Te a ch e r<br />

Training in Counseling<br />

Tomohiro Miyamoto, N ational Institute <strong>of</strong> Multimedia Educat i o n ,J apan; Delw y n<br />

H a r n i s c h ,U n i v. <strong>of</strong> Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA; Tsuneo Ya m a d a ,N at i o n a l<br />

Institute <strong>of</strong> Multimedia Educat i o n ,J apan; Yuko Hirag a ,N ational Institute <strong>of</strong><br />

Multimedia Educat i o n ,J ap a n<br />

N M Ten Years on: Assessing Multimedia Distance-Learn i n g<br />

Christine Va i l l a n t - S i r d ey, Toulouse III Univ. ,F r a n c e<br />

SALON B<br />

C P Developing an On-line Ethics Policy<br />

Jennifer Summerv i l l e ,Emporia State Univ. ,U S A<br />

C P Ethics and <strong>the</strong> Internet - problems and possibilities<br />

Stig R. R a s k ,The Foundation <strong>for</strong> Knowledge & Competence Development, S w e d e n<br />

SALON C<br />

T G F o rging Links: C reating an Online Te chnology Course <strong>for</strong> Arts &<br />

Humanities Te a ch e r s<br />

Susan Swartzlander, Grand Va l l ey State Univ. ,U S A<br />

T G Web-based Learn i n g :M oving Beyond <strong>the</strong> Internet as a Research To o l<br />

Debra Sprag u e , George Mason Univ. , USA; P. Shane Gallag h e r, George Mason<br />

U n i v. ,U S A<br />

SALON F<br />

G I E m p owering Minds by Taking Control: Developing Te a ch e r s '<br />

Te chnological Fluency with LEGO Mindstorm s<br />

Deirdre Butler, S t .P atrick's College, Ireland; Fred Martin, MIT Media Lab ,U S A<br />

G I The Computer Mediated Communication Environment as it Fosters<br />

C o l l a b o rative Ways <strong>of</strong> Know i n g, Te a ch i n g, and Learn i n g<br />

M a ry W i l d n e r- B a s s e t t ,U n i v. <strong>of</strong> A r i z o n a ,U S A<br />

SALON G<br />

R E Attitudes <strong>of</strong> prospective high school ma<strong>the</strong>matics teachers towa rd s<br />

<strong>the</strong> integration <strong>of</strong> in<strong>for</strong>mation technologies in <strong>the</strong>ir future teach i n g<br />

Orit Hazzan, Oranim – The Academic Division <strong>of</strong> Haifa Univ. ,I s r a e l<br />

R E Te chnology in Te a ch i n g : Just How Confident are Pre s e rvice Te a ch e r s ?<br />

Philip Molebash, U n i v. <strong>of</strong> V i r gi n i a ,USA; Natalie Milman, U n i v. <strong>of</strong> V i r gi n i a ,U S A<br />

SALON H<br />

P T C reating An A s y n chronous Learning Environment in a School <strong>of</strong><br />

E d u c a t i o n<br />

Richard OConnor, U n i v. <strong>of</strong> Arkansas at Monticello, U S A<br />

P T Te chnology Competencies: A Model <strong>for</strong> Pre s e rvice Progra m s<br />

Karla Krueger, U n i v. <strong>of</strong> Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Iowa, USA; Lisa Hansen, U n i v. <strong>of</strong> Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Iowa,<br />

USA; Sharon Smaldino, U n i v. <strong>of</strong> Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Iowa, U S A<br />


E L Te chnology Standards <strong>for</strong> School A d m i n i s t ra t o r s : Implications <strong>for</strong><br />

A d m i n i s t rator Pre p a ration Progra m s<br />

Warren Hope, Florida A&M Univ. , USA; Bernadette Kelley, Florida A&M Univ. ,<br />

USA; Janet Guyden, Florida A&M Univ. ,U S A<br />

E L To p - d ow n , B o t t o m - U p, Or Somewhere in Between: An Evaluative Study<br />

<strong>of</strong> Te a cher Initiated Classroom Te chnology Innovations Supported by a<br />

State Grant Progra m<br />

Yong Zhao, Michigan State Univ. ,U S A<br />



8:30-9:30 AM<br />



P reparing To m o r r ow's Te a chers to Use Te chnology in Core Subject<br />

A reas - Science, M a t h e m a t i c s , English & Social Studies<br />

( S p o n s o red by A E T S, A M T E , C E E , C U FA , & SITE)<br />

Ann T h o m p s o n ,Iowa State Univ. & SITE; USA Larry Flick, Oregon State Univ. &<br />

AETS; USA Joe Gar<strong>of</strong>alo, U n i v. <strong>of</strong> V i r ginia & AMTE; USA Carol Pope, North Carolina<br />

S t ate Univ. & CEE; USA Richard Diem, U n i v. <strong>of</strong> Texas-San Antonio & CUFA; USA<br />

Beverage Break: 9:30-10 A M<br />

10-11 AM<br />


P T 3 : The Collaborative Classroom: Part I - Te chnical Infra s t r u c t u re<br />

Gina Bull & Dave Drucker, U n i v. <strong>of</strong> V i r gi n i a ,U S A<br />

P T 3 : The Collaborative Classroom: Part II - Curricular Connections<br />

C h e ryl Mason, U n i v. <strong>of</strong> V i r gi n i a ,USA; Michael Berson, U n i v. <strong>of</strong> South Florida, U S A<br />

KICKS<br />

E C A Comparison <strong>of</strong> Student-teachers’ Attitudes towa rd Computers in Online<br />

and Traditional Computer Litera cy Courses: A Case Study<br />

Tarkan Gurbuz, Middle East Technical Univ. , Tu r k ey; Soner Yi l d i r i m ,Middle East<br />

Technical Univ. , Tu r k ey; M. Yasar Ozden, Middle East Technical Univ. , Tu r k ey<br />

E C Beyond Applications to <strong>the</strong> Essential Processes <strong>of</strong> Te ch n o l o g y<br />

I n t e gra t i o n : Designing an Educational Te chnology Course to Reflect<br />

ISTE Standards and to Model Best Practices <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> Future<br />

Margaret Ropp, U n i v. <strong>of</strong> New Mexico, USA; Jill Brown, U n i v. <strong>of</strong> New Mexico, U S A<br />

ASHLEY’S<br />

G I Te a ching Practice and <strong>the</strong> Design <strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Development A c t i v i t i e s<br />

Ronald A b at e ,Cleveland State Univ. ,U S A<br />

T D Modeling Instruction with Modern In<strong>for</strong>mation and Communications<br />

Te ch n o l o g y : <strong>the</strong> Mimic Project<br />

Ronald A b at e ,Cleveland State Univ. ,U S A<br />

BALBOA 1<br />

P T Doing It Dow n u n d e r : Uses <strong>of</strong> In<strong>for</strong>mation Te chnologies in an A u s t ra l i a n<br />

D e gree For K-6 Te a ch e r s<br />

Dianne Chambers, The Univ. <strong>of</strong> Melbourne, Australia; Calvin Tr o m p ,The Univ. o f<br />

M e l b o u r n e ,A u s t r a l i a<br />

P T Te a chers Learning about S<strong>of</strong>twa re Implementation<br />

Alex Pan, The College <strong>of</strong> New Jersey, U S A<br />

SIERRA 5<br />

T H P a radigm <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> University<br />

Ian Sinclair, The Open Polytechnic <strong>of</strong> New Zealand, New Zealand<br />

T P Using <strong>the</strong> Web to Enhance Field Experiences <strong>for</strong> Pre s e rvice Te a ch e r s<br />

Vicki Cohen, Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. ,U S A<br />

SIERRA 6<br />

S N Assistive Te chnology meets instructional tech n o l o g y : A standard s -<br />

based approach to implementation in teacher education progra m s<br />

Joyce Pittman, U n i v. <strong>of</strong> Cincinnati & Iowa State Univ. ,U S A<br />

S N Infusing Te chnolgy into a Pre s e rvice Te a cher Education Program <strong>for</strong><br />

Special Educators<br />

E v e lyn Dailey, Towson Univ. ,U S A<br />

BALBOA 2<br />

G I Developing A Contract <strong>for</strong> Learn i n g : A Constructivist A p p r o a ch <strong>for</strong><br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Development in Te ch n o l o g y<br />

Linda Stanley W i l s o n ,U n i v. <strong>of</strong> British Columbia, Canada; Patti Phillips, P i t t<br />

Meadows Elementary School, Canada; Jeff Spence, Lord Byng Secondary<br />

S c h o o l ,Canada; Adam Gibb o n s ,U n i v. <strong>of</strong> British Columbia, C a n a d a<br />

P T P re s e rvice Te a chers as Constructivist Producers and Critical<br />

Consumers <strong>of</strong> Te chnological Resourc e s<br />

Eunice Merideth, Drake Univ. , USA; Peggy Steinbronn, Drake Univ. ,U S A<br />


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