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SIERRA 5<br />

T G The Web Institute <strong>for</strong> Te a ch e r s : Engaging Te a chers in Developing We b -<br />

Based Curriculum<br />

Craig Cunningham, U n i v. <strong>of</strong> Chicag o , USA; Frada Boxer, Nichols Middle School,<br />

Evanston IL, USA; Ellen Dairy k o ,R ay School, C h i c ago IL, U S A<br />

T H An Overview <strong>of</strong> Te chnology Models in Te a cher Education Progra m s<br />

Marwin Britto, U n i v. <strong>of</strong> Georgi a ,U S A<br />

SIERRA 6<br />

R E P re s e rvice Te a chers' Perception <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Te a chers' Role in <strong>the</strong> Classroom<br />

with Computers<br />

Yu-mei Wa n g , College <strong>of</strong> Educat i o n ,U n i v. <strong>of</strong> Guam, U S A<br />

R E P r o grams That Pre p a re Te a chers to Integrate Te chnology Into<br />

Instruction in Meaningful Wa y s : H ow Successful A re T h e y ?<br />

C a r o lyn Drost, West V i r ginia Univ. , USA; Judy A bb o t t ,West V i r ginia Univ. ,U S A<br />


T S Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s :L ow tech and beyond<br />

Jean Kueker, Our Lady <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Lake Univ. , USA; Jerie Jackson, Our Lady <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

Lake Univ. , USA; Scott Wa l k e r, Our Lady <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Lake Univ. , USA; Bob Gillan,<br />

Northwestern State Univ. ,U S A<br />

SALON A<br />

S C A Net-Course <strong>for</strong> Physics Te a chers supporting Collaborative Learn i n g<br />

and Inquiry<br />

Rosa Maria Sperandeo-Mineo, U n i v. <strong>of</strong> Palermo, I t a ly<br />

S C Te a ching Earth and Space Science: A Distance Learning Course <strong>for</strong><br />

Dade County Florida Te a ch e r s<br />

Paul Ruscher, Florida State Univ. , USA; Alejandro Gallard, Florida State Univ. ,<br />

USA; Jennifer Cherrier, Florida A gricultural and Mechanical Univ. , USA; Elizab e t h<br />

H a n c o c k ,Florida State Univ. , USA; Fred Petrovich, Florida State Univ. ,U S A<br />

SALON B<br />

R E Instructional s<strong>of</strong>twa re evaluation criteria used by <strong>the</strong> teach e r s :<br />

Implications from <strong>the</strong>ory to pra c t i c e<br />

Muge Nisanci, M i n i s t ry <strong>of</strong> National Educat i o n ,Tu r k ey<br />

F D Te a ching <strong>the</strong> Te a ch e r s :Faculty Development Institutes at Two Universities<br />

Marc Childress, Old Dominion Univ. , USA; Ray Braswell, Auburn Univ. ,<br />

M o n t g o m e ry, U S A<br />

SALON C<br />

D E Introducing ODL in Te a cher Education - an on-line course on how to<br />

c reate on-line learning environments<br />

Harald Haugen, Stord/Haugesund College, N o r w ay; Bodil A s k ,Agder College,<br />

N o r w ay<br />

D E Shifting focus from teaching to learning - ICT as an incentive to re f o rm<br />

t e a cher education<br />

Harald Haugen, Stord/Haugesund College, N o r w ay; Svein Ove Ly s n e ,<br />

Stord/Haugesund College, N o r w ay; Lars Vav i k , Stord/Haugesund College,<br />

N o r w ay; Bodil A s k , Agder College, N o r w ay; Birgit Brat s e t h ,S t o r d / H a u g e s u n d<br />

C o l l e g e ,N o r w ay<br />

SALON F<br />

I N Dialogue <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Te a chers and Students on The Internet in Poland <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> Nineties in <strong>the</strong> Contex <strong>of</strong> Molding <strong>the</strong> Creative Vital Orientations<br />

by E. Fromm<br />

Jacek Gornikiewicz,Univ. <strong>of</strong> Bialystok,Poland; Agata Cudowska, U n i v. <strong>of</strong><br />

Bialystok,Poland; Tomasz Laskowski,The Mazurska Higher School at Olecko,<br />

Poland<br />

I N Telematics in pr<strong>of</strong>essional tra i n i n g : new horizons and possibilities<br />

Airton Cat t a n i ,Federal Univ. <strong>of</strong> Rio Grande do Sul, B r a z i l<br />

SALON G<br />

S N Group v. Individual Use <strong>of</strong> Hypermedia-based Instruction<br />

Lewis Johnson, Arkansas State Univ. , USA; Louis Semrau, Arkansas State Univ. ,<br />

USA; Gail Fitzgerald, U n i v. <strong>of</strong> Missouri - Columbia, U S A<br />

SALON H<br />

I N F u rnishing Turkish Pre s e rvice Te a chers with IT Skills: Hope or Hype?<br />

Soner Yi l d i r i m ,Middle East Technical Univ. , Tu r k ey<br />

I N P re s e rvcie Te a chers’ Perceptions <strong>of</strong> Computer: Time Dependent<br />

Computer Attitude Surv e y<br />

Askin A s a n , Karadeniz Technical Univ. , Tu r k ey<br />


22<br />


D E A new program <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> Inservice training <strong>of</strong> Computer studies teach e r s<br />

through distance education.<br />

Elsa Naude, U n i v. <strong>of</strong> South A f r i c a ,South A f r r i c a<br />

D E Im p r oving Collaborative Learning by Supporting Casual Encounters in<br />

Distance Learning<br />

Juan Contreras, Centro de Investigación Científica y Educación Superior de<br />

E n s e n a d a ,México; Rafael Llamas, Centro de Investigación Científica y<br />

Educación Superior de Ensenada, México; Aurora V i z c a í n o ,Universidad de<br />

Castilla la Mancha, España; Jesús Fav e l a ,Centro de Investigación Científica y<br />

Educación Superior de Ensenada, México<br />

Beverage Break: 2:30-2:45 P M<br />

2:45-3:45 PM<br />


I D Constructivist Instructional Design: A Revision <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> R2D2 Model<br />

J e r ry W i l l i s ,Iowa State Univ. , USA; Kristen Wright Egeland, Iowa State Univ. ,U S A<br />

KICKS<br />

F D The Evangelist and <strong>the</strong> Conscientious Objector - Lessons Learned from<br />

Faculty Development<br />

L awrence Baines, B e r ry College, USA; Lynnwood Belvin, B e r ry College, U S A<br />

P T P re - S e rvice Te a chers as Models<br />

M a ry Ann Coe, Midwestern State Univ. ,U S A<br />

ASHLEY’S<br />

E L Te chnology and <strong>the</strong> tra n s f o rmation <strong>of</strong> leadership pre p a ration progra<br />

m s : A response to calls <strong>for</strong> re f o rm in educational pra c t i c e.<br />

Ian Gibson, Wichita State Univ. ,U S A<br />

BALBOA 1<br />

T S Designing <strong>the</strong> next generation <strong>of</strong> tools using an open systems<br />

a p p r o a ch : A usability study<br />

Terence A h e r n ,Texas Tech Univ. ,U S A<br />

T S E-Rate Update<br />

Karl Klein, U n i v. <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin - Madison, U S A<br />

SIERRA 5<br />

D E H o o k , Line and Sinke r : Obstacles to delivering on-line courses in are a s<br />

<strong>of</strong> economic depriva t i o n<br />

Rita Egan, Morehead State Univ. ,U S A<br />

D E Te a ching teach e r s - K - 1 2 , Community College, Te a cher Education--To<br />

Use Distance Education Te ch n o l g i e s<br />

L a r ry Marrs, NSIS Higher Education Consortium, USA; Mark Ve l j k o v, S k agi t<br />

Community College, USA; Dan Farrell, Cascade Consortium, Manson School<br />

D i s t r i c t ,USA; Greg Foy, E d u c ation On-Line, USA; USA<br />

SIERRA 6<br />

G I S e c o n d a ry Te a chers' Familiarity with Computers: Implications <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

I n t e gration <strong>of</strong> Computers Across The Curriculum.<br />

Allan Morton, U n i v. <strong>of</strong> Western Sydney, N e p e a n ,A u s t r a l i a<br />

G I Tra n s f o rming teaching practice with tech n o l o g y :I n c o r p o rating ISTE<br />

s t a n d a rds and per<strong>for</strong>mance assessment in a constructivist approach<br />

to graduate teacher education<br />

Gibson Kay, Wichita State Univ. , USA; Darla Smith, D e r by Unified School District,<br />

USA; David McDonald, D e r by Unified School District, USA; Dennis Kear, W i c h i t a<br />

S t ate Univ. ,U S A<br />

SALON E<br />

T H Talent Development through <strong>the</strong> uses <strong>of</strong> Te ch n o l o g y<br />

Rosa Miriam Ponce, La Salle Univ. ,M e x i c o<br />

T H T h e o retical models <strong>for</strong> evaluating <strong>the</strong> significance <strong>of</strong> in<strong>for</strong>mation technology<br />

in sch o o l s<br />

Jarkko A l a j a a s k i ,U n i v. <strong>of</strong> Tu r k u , Finland; Jari Multisilta, Tampere Univ. o f<br />

Te c h n o l o gy, F i n l a n d<br />

SALON A<br />

I N A Discussion on Integration <strong>of</strong> Educational Te chnology into Tu r k i s h<br />

Educational System: Is It a Tool or A i m ?<br />

Selcuk Ozdemir, Middle East Technical Univ. , Tu r k ey<br />

T G A Fra m e work <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> Design <strong>of</strong> Web Based Courses<br />

Robert V. P r i c e ,Texas Tech Univ. , USA; Nancy Maushak, Texas Tech Univ. ,U S A

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