concurrent sessions - Association for the Advancement of ...

concurrent sessions - Association for the Advancement of ... concurrent sessions - Association for the Advancement of ...


SANTA FE 3 G I Merits of Mentoring and Modeling in Internet Te chnology Integra t i o n : O v e rcoming operational obstacles Deborah Y, B a u d e r, Rome City School District, USA; Elizabeth Rossi, S U N Y Institute of Te c h n o l o gy at Utica/Rome, USA; Rosemary Mullick, SUNY Institute of Te c h n o l o gy at Utica/Rome, U S A G I Te chnology A u t o b i o graphies in Te a cher Education Carole S. R h o d e s ,Adelphi Univ. ,U S A Beverage Break: 2:30-2:45 P M 2:45-3:45 PM SALON D/PANEL (1 HOUR) T H Seeking Critical Pedagogy in Instructional Te ch n o l o g y : Issues of I d e o l o g y, P ow e r, and Culture in Te a cher Education Glenn DeVo o g d ,C a l i fornia State Univ. F r e s n o ,USA; Jerry W i l l i s ,Iowa Stat e ,U S A ; Avril Loveless, U n i v. of Brighton, UK; Nicola Ye l l a n d ,Queensland Univ. o f Te c h n o l o gy, A u s t r a l i a KICKS R E Student View of Classroom Te chnology Use Morris Beers, SUNY Brockport, USA; Karen Paquette, SUNY Brockport, U S A ; Jennifer Wa r r e n ,SUNY Brockport, U S A S C The GLOBE Progra m : Te chnology in the Classroom D ave W i l l i a m s ,G L O B E ,U S A ASHLEY’S I N Te a cher Education in Russia: H i s t o ry and Tra n s i t i o n Ludmila Gombozhab o n , East-Siberian State Univ. of Te c h n o l o gy, Russia; Tat i n a S l o b o d i n a ,Northern International Univ. ,M ag a d a n ,R u s s i a P T Pairing up Inservice and Pre s e rvice Te a chers to Develop an Understanding of Te chnology Integra t i o n Norma Nocente, U n i v. of A l b e r t a ,C a n a d a BALBOA 1 G I Active Learning Environments Pre p a re Te a chers for Te ch n o l o g y M a r i lyn J. H e at h , Southwest Educational Development Lab o r at o ry, U S A G I Helping Te a chers Enhance Lessons with Te ch n o l o g y Neal To p p ,U n i v. of Nebraska at Omaha, USA; Marla Dowse, North Plat t e S c h o o l s ,USA; Tami Eshleman, North Platte High School, U S A SIERRA 5 P T 3 The Effective Implementation of Te chnology into an Inclusion C l a s s r o o m Tandra Ty l e r- Wo o d ,U n i v. of North Te x a s , USA; Joyce Rademacher, U n i v. of North Te x a s , USA; Mark Mortensen, U n i v. of North Te x a s ,U S A S N The Power of 2: C o l l a b o ration through Online Support Sean Joseph Smith, U n i v. of Kansas, USA; Suzanne Robinson, U n i v. of Kansas, U S A SIERRA 6 E C C o l l a b o rative Team Te a ching A p p r o a ch in a Te chnology Course Seung Jin, Cleveland State Univ. , USA; Abu Nasara, Cleveland State Univ. ,U S A E C Te chnology for Pre s e rvice teach e r s : What is it? John Bailey, Brigham Young Univ. - Hawaii Campus, U S A BALBOA 2 T D L e a rning Genera t i o n s :I n t e gration through Innovative Cohorts Sean Joseph Smith, U n i v. of Kansas, USA; Steven B. S m i t h ,U n i v. of Kansas, USA; Ron A u s t ,U n i v. of Kansas, U S A T D Te chnology Directors and Applications of Complexity T h e o ry G r e gg Brownell, Bowling Green State Univ. , USA; Nancy Brownell, B o w l i n g Green State Univ. ,U S A SALON E R E Te chnology Integration and Te a ching Expertise Melissa Pierson, U n i v. of Houston, U S A T D Minorities and Mainstream Culture : Does a Te chnology Gap Exist? Lamar W i l k i n s o n ,Louisiana Tech Univ. , USA; Walter Buboltz, Louisiana Te c h U n i v. ,USA; James Cook, Louisiana Tech Univ. , USA; Debra T h o m a s ,L o u i s i a n a Tech Univ. , USA; Kat h ryn Mat h e w, Louisiana Tech Univ. ,U S A 12 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10 - CONCURRENT SESSIONS SALON A C O R P S y n e rgy Education Pre s s : Tools for Te a chers' Professional Development J e ff r ey Horv at h ,S y n e r gy Education Press, I n c . , USA; Richard Lehrer, U n i v. o f W i s c o n s i n - M a d i s o n ,USA; Matthew Koehler, Michigan State Univ. , USA; A n t h o ny P e t r o s i n o ,U n i v. of Te x a s - A u s t i n ,U S A C O R P The NETSchools Solution: L e a rning at the Speed of Light! Linda W h i t e ,NETSchools Corporat i o n ,U S A SALON B S C C o m p rehensive Professional Development Reform Efforts: C h a n g i n g Attitudes and Practices about Pedagogy and Te chnology for Science Te a chers with Diverse Needs Stephen Best, U n i v. of Michigan, USA; Barry Fishman, U n i v. of Michigan, U S A ; Jake Foster, U n i v. of Michigan, USA; Ronald Marx, U n i v. of Michigan, U S A S C Mars Millennium Project: Using Te chnology and Museum Resources to I m p r ove Science Learn i n g B ryan W u n a r, Adler Planetarium & A s t r o n o my Museum, USA; Michael Childs, Adler Planetarium & A s t r o n o my Museum, U S A SALON C E C Constructing Te chnology-based Constructivism: A New A p p r o a ch to the Educational Computing Course Edwin J. G e o r g e ,Florida Gulf Coast Univ. , USA; Jennifer Sparrow, C o l o n i a l E l e m e n t a ry School, Fort Myers, F L ,U S A E C P reparing Pre s e rvice Te a chers to Use Te chnology to Te a ch the Content A reas in Elementary Sch o o l s Maria Bhat t a c h a r j e e ,U n i v. of Houston Downtown, USA; Linlin "Irene" Chen, U n i v. of Houston Downtown, U S A SALON F F D Aids and Cautions for Developers of Web Pages to Supplement Courses in Higher Education Cleborne Maddux, U n i v. of Nevada, R e n o ,U S A F D P ower Web Searching Te chniques for Te a cher Educators Judi Repman, G e o r gia Southern Univ. , USA; Randal Carlson, G e o r gia Southern U n i v. ,USA; Elizabeth Downs, G e o r gia Southern Univ. , USA; Ken Clark, G e o r gi a Southern Univ. ,U S A SALON G S S American Memory : Changing Classroom Instruction in Rura l A p p a l a ch i a Beth Brab o y, M o n t r e at College, USA; John Chesky, M o n t r e at College, USA; A l a n Wa r k ,M o n t r e at College, U S A S S Waking the Sleeping Giant: Social Studies Te a cher Educators C o l l a b o rate to Integrate Te chnology into Methods' Courses C h e ryl Mason, U n i v. of V i r gi n i a ,USA; Marsha A l i b r a n d i ,North Carolina Stat e U n i v. ,USA; Michael Berson, U n i v. of South Florida, USA; Kara Daw s o n ,U n i v. o f F l o r i d a ,USA; Rich Diem, U n i v. of Texas- San A n t o n i o ,U S A SALON H P T C o l l a b o rating to Improve Pre s e rvice Te a cher Attitudes Towa rd Te a ch i n g with Te ch n o l o g y Allen Seed, Northern Kentucky Univ. ,U S A P T Using Uideotape Te chnology as a Tool to Enhance the Tra n s f o rm a t i o n of Pre s e rvice Te a chers into Practicing Te a ch e r s Denise Staudt, U n i v. of the Incarnate Wo r d , USA; Diane Fuqua, U n i v. of the I n c a r n ate Wo r d ,U S A SANTA FE 3 T G C o m p rehensive Examinations via e-mail D avid Zimmerman, James Madison Univ. ,U S A T G I n t e raction and Collaboration among Te a ch e r s : On the Use of a K n owledge Based Netwo r k Ester A l a k e - Tu e n t e , rWageningen Univ. , The Netherlands; Kees Jongmans, Wageningen Univ. , The Netherlands 4-5 PM SALON D/PANEL (1 HOUR) R E A New Publishing Initiative: The Educational Te chnology Book Series: I n f o rmation for Potential A u t h o r s J e r ry W i l l i s ,Iowa State Univ. , USA; Walter Heinecke, U n i v. of V i r gi n i a ,U S A

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10 - CONCURRENT SESSIONS KICKS D E Group learning through Intern e t Antonio V i t ,U F R G S , Brazil; Tarouco Liane, U F R G S ,B r a z i l D E On-line Education: A Fra m e work for Learning with Te ch n o l o g y Dale S. N i e d e r h a u s e r, U n i v. of Utah, USA; Peter Serdiukov, U n i v. of Utah Reading C e n t e r, U S A ASHLEY’S P T Four Year Collaborative for Preparing Te a chers to Use Te ch n o l o g y K at h ryn Morgan, Minnesota State Univ. - Bemidji, U S A P T New Meets New Year Two :I n t e grating Te chnology into Inquiry - B a s e d Te a cher Education Michele Jacobsen, U n i v. of Calgary, Canada; Bruce Clark, U n i v. of Calgary, C a n a d a BALBOA 1 N M The Role of Audience in Multimedia Production Marlo Steed, U n i v. of Lethbridge, C a n a d a N M V I S I O N Q U E S T: Helping our future teachers envision and achieve technology integra t i o n P e ggy Ertmer, Purdue Univ. , USA; Sangeetha Gopalakrishnan, Purdue Univ. , USA; Eva Ross, Purdue Univ. ,U S A SIERRA 5 C P A Farewell to the Traditional Instructional Media and Te chnologies in the New Millennium James E. Ya o , Texas A&M Univ. - C o m m e r c e ,USA; John R. O u y a n g ,K e n n e s aw S t ate Univ. , USA; Henry Wa n g , Lon Morris College, U S A T P Using WebQuests as an Introduction to Methods Sarah A .F e r n a l d ,U n i v. of V i r gi n i a ,USA; Philip E. M o l e b a s h ,U n i v. of V i r gi n i a ,U S A SIERRA 6 D I "At-Risk" Learners and the "Digital Divide": Exploring the Equity in Access Issue Jeanne Foster, Texas Woman's Univ. , USA; Sharla Snider, Texas Woman's Univ. , U S A D I Te chnology and the Navajo - Its Time Has Come J e r ry Bennett, D i r e c t o r, E d u c ation Te c h n o l o gy Improvement Project, U S A BALBOA 2 P T Developing a cross curricular focus to information and communication t e chnology teach i n g Michelle Selinger, C e N T R E ,Institute of Educat i o n ,U n i v. of Wa r w i c k ,U K P T Te chnology Competencies as Self-Assessment for Pre - S e rv i c e Te a ch e r s Lisa Hansen, U n i v. of Northern Iowa, USA; Sharon Smaldino, U n i v. of Northern I o w a ,U S A SALON E I N Linking Te a chers in Southeast A s i a : A Breakthrough in Te a cher Education Encarnita Balay o n , De La Salle Univ. , Phillipines; Angelita A l i m , De La Salle U n i v. ,P h i l l i p i n e s P T Te chnology in College Classrooms: Training Future Te a ch e r s C a r o lyn Craig, Jackson State Univ. , USA; Mike Omoregi e ,Jackson State Univ. ,U S A SALON A N M Database A d v i s o r : a New Tool for K-12 Research Projects Susan Berteaux, U n i v. of Califo r n i a ,San Diego, USA; Sandra Strong, N o r w i c h City Schools, U S A N M Using Web Database Tools To Facilitate the Construction of Know l e d g e in an Online Te a cher Education Course Sara McNeil, U n i v. of Houston, U S A SALON B T D Design of the MIMIC Network for Preparing To m o r r ow's Te a ch e r s Ron A b at e ,Cleveland State Univ. , USA; Seung Jin, Cleveland State Univ. ,U S A T D Te chnology and Beyond: Te a chers Learning through Project-Based P a r t n e r s h i p s Karen Cole, Institute for Research on Learning, U S A SALON C C P C B T: The Past, P resent and, H o p e f u l l y, the Future Daniela Marghitu, Auburn Univ. , USA; Roland Hubscher, Auburne Univ. ,U S A C P Defining an Optimal Te a cher Education Environment Gertrude (Trudy) A b r a m s o n ,N S U / S C I S , USA; Timothy (Tim) Ellis, N S U / S C I S ,U S A SALON F G I Educating the Educators: Reflections from the a Mature Public Sector I S P M a ry Beam, E d u c ation Network of Ontario, Canada; Paul Beam, U n i v. o f Wat e r l o o ,C a n a d a G I Using The Internet AS A Te a ching Tool To Find Statistics For Use In G raduate Education Fannie Cox, U n i v. of Louisville, U S A SALON G S I Using Video to Build Case Studies Marcie Bober, San Diego State Univ. , USA; Ellie Ly n c h ,San Diego State Univ. ,U S A S I Virtual Labora t o ry Roseclea Medina, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Brazil; Marco Tr e n t i n , Universidade de Passo Fundo, Brazil; Janete Costa, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; Liane Ta r o u c o ,Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do S u l , B r a z i l SALON H G I I n t e grating Te chnology into the School Curriculum with Thematic Units M a ry Stephen, Harris-Stowe State College, USA; Nancy Gammon, Lincoln Univ. , USA; Ann Podleski, Harris-Stowe State College, U S A P T P reparing Te chnology-based Te a ch e r s : Lessons from a K-12/University C o l l a b o ra t i v e Claire Hornung, Lehigh Univ. , USA; Steve Bronack, Lehigh Univ. ,U S A SANTA FE 3 I D P a r t i c i p a t o ry Communication T h e o ry : L e a rning Through Dignity Dennis Maxey, B r i d g e w ater State College, U S A R L Using Computers to Assess Phonic Knowledge of Pre s e rvice Te a ch e r s John Dav i s ,U n i v. of Idaho, USA; George Canney, U n i v. of Idaho, U S A 5-6 PM SIG DISCUSSIONS See Bulletin Board in Registration area for Sign-up and meeting rooms. 6-8 PM PAVILION/POSTER/DEMONSTRATIONS See page 14, for listing NOTES 13


KICKS<br />

D E Group learning through Intern e t<br />

Antonio V i t ,U F R G S , Brazil; Tarouco Liane, U F R G S ,B r a z i l<br />

D E On-line Education: A Fra m e work <strong>for</strong> Learning with Te ch n o l o g y<br />

Dale S. N i e d e r h a u s e r, U n i v. <strong>of</strong> Utah, USA; Peter Serdiukov, U n i v. <strong>of</strong> Utah Reading<br />

C e n t e r, U S A<br />

ASHLEY’S<br />

P T Four Year Collaborative <strong>for</strong> Preparing Te a chers to Use Te ch n o l o g y<br />

K at h ryn Morgan, Minnesota State Univ. - Bemidji, U S A<br />

P T New Meets New Year Two :I n t e grating Te chnology into Inquiry - B a s e d<br />

Te a cher Education<br />

Michele Jacobsen, U n i v. <strong>of</strong> Calgary, Canada; Bruce Clark, U n i v. <strong>of</strong> Calgary, C a n a d a<br />

BALBOA 1<br />

N M The Role <strong>of</strong> Audience in Multimedia Production<br />

Marlo Steed, U n i v. <strong>of</strong> Lethbridge, C a n a d a<br />

N M V I S I O N Q U E S T: Helping our future teachers envision and achieve technology<br />

integra t i o n<br />

P e ggy Ertmer, Purdue Univ. , USA; Sangeetha Gopalakrishnan, Purdue Univ. ,<br />

USA; Eva Ross, Purdue Univ. ,U S A<br />

SIERRA 5<br />

C P A Farewell to <strong>the</strong> Traditional Instructional Media and Te chnologies in<br />

<strong>the</strong> New Millennium<br />

James E. Ya o , Texas A&M Univ. - C o m m e r c e ,USA; John R. O u y a n g ,K e n n e s aw<br />

S t ate Univ. , USA; Henry Wa n g , Lon Morris College, U S A<br />

T P Using WebQuests as an Introduction to Methods<br />

Sarah A .F e r n a l d ,U n i v. <strong>of</strong> V i r gi n i a ,USA; Philip E. M o l e b a s h ,U n i v. <strong>of</strong> V i r gi n i a ,U S A<br />

SIERRA 6<br />

D I "At-Risk" Learners and <strong>the</strong> "Digital Divide": Exploring <strong>the</strong> Equity in<br />

Access Issue<br />

Jeanne Foster, Texas Woman's Univ. , USA; Sharla Snider, Texas Woman's Univ. ,<br />

U S A<br />

D I Te chnology and <strong>the</strong> Navajo - Its Time Has Come<br />

J e r ry Bennett, D i r e c t o r, E d u c ation Te c h n o l o gy Improvement Project, U S A<br />

BALBOA 2<br />

P T Developing a cross curricular focus to in<strong>for</strong>mation and communication<br />

t e chnology teach i n g<br />

Michelle Selinger, C e N T R E ,Institute <strong>of</strong> Educat i o n ,U n i v. <strong>of</strong> Wa r w i c k ,U K<br />

P T Te chnology Competencies as Self-Assessment <strong>for</strong> Pre - S e rv i c e<br />

Te a ch e r s<br />

Lisa Hansen, U n i v. <strong>of</strong> Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Iowa, USA; Sharon Smaldino, U n i v. <strong>of</strong> Nor<strong>the</strong>rn<br />

I o w a ,U S A<br />

SALON E<br />

I N Linking Te a chers in Sou<strong>the</strong>ast A s i a : A Breakthrough in Te a cher Education<br />

Encarnita Balay o n , De La Salle Univ. , Phillipines; Angelita A l i m , De La Salle<br />

U n i v. ,P h i l l i p i n e s<br />

P T Te chnology in College Classrooms: Training Future Te a ch e r s<br />

C a r o lyn Craig, Jackson State Univ. , USA; Mike Omoregi e ,Jackson State Univ. ,U S A<br />

SALON A<br />

N M Database A d v i s o r : a New Tool <strong>for</strong> K-12 Research Projects<br />

Susan Berteaux, U n i v. <strong>of</strong> Califo r n i a ,San Diego, USA; Sandra Strong, N o r w i c h<br />

City Schools, U S A<br />

N M Using Web Database Tools To Facilitate <strong>the</strong> Construction <strong>of</strong> Know l e d g e<br />

in an Online Te a cher Education Course<br />

Sara McNeil, U n i v. <strong>of</strong> Houston, U S A<br />

SALON B<br />

T D Design <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> MIMIC Network <strong>for</strong> Preparing To m o r r ow's Te a ch e r s<br />

Ron A b at e ,Cleveland State Univ. , USA; Seung Jin, Cleveland State Univ. ,U S A<br />

T D Te chnology and Beyond: Te a chers Learning through Project-Based<br />

P a r t n e r s h i p s<br />

Karen Cole, Institute <strong>for</strong> Research on Learning, U S A<br />

SALON C<br />

C P C B T: The Past, P resent and, H o p e f u l l y, <strong>the</strong> Future<br />

Daniela Marghitu, Auburn Univ. , USA; Roland Hubscher, Auburne Univ. ,U S A<br />

C P Defining an Optimal Te a cher Education Environment<br />

Gertrude (Trudy) A b r a m s o n ,N S U / S C I S , USA; Timothy (Tim) Ellis, N S U / S C I S ,U S A<br />

SALON F<br />

G I Educating <strong>the</strong> Educators: Reflections from <strong>the</strong> a Mature Public Sector<br />

I S P<br />

M a ry Beam, E d u c ation Network <strong>of</strong> Ontario, Canada; Paul Beam, U n i v. o f<br />

Wat e r l o o ,C a n a d a<br />

G I Using The Internet AS A Te a ching Tool To Find Statistics For Use In<br />

G raduate Education<br />

Fannie Cox, U n i v. <strong>of</strong> Louisville, U S A<br />

SALON G<br />

S I Using Video to Build Case Studies<br />

Marcie Bober, San Diego State Univ. , USA; Ellie Ly n c h ,San Diego State Univ. ,U S A<br />

S I Virtual Labora t o ry<br />

Roseclea Medina, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Brazil; Marco Tr e n t i n ,<br />

Universidade de Passo Fundo, Brazil; Janete Costa, Universidade Federal do Rio<br />

Grande do Sul, Brazil; Liane Ta r o u c o ,Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do<br />

S u l , B r a z i l<br />

SALON H<br />

G I I n t e grating Te chnology into <strong>the</strong> School Curriculum with Thematic Units<br />

M a ry Stephen, Harris-Stowe State College, USA; Nancy Gammon, Lincoln Univ. ,<br />

USA; Ann Podleski, Harris-Stowe State College, U S A<br />

P T P reparing Te chnology-based Te a ch e r s : Lessons from a K-12/University<br />

C o l l a b o ra t i v e<br />

Claire Hornung, Lehigh Univ. , USA; Steve Bronack, Lehigh Univ. ,U S A<br />

SANTA FE 3<br />

I D P a r t i c i p a t o ry Communication T h e o ry : L e a rning Through Dignity<br />

Dennis Maxey, B r i d g e w ater State College, U S A<br />

R L Using Computers to Assess Phonic Knowledge <strong>of</strong> Pre s e rvice Te a ch e r s<br />

John Dav i s ,U n i v. <strong>of</strong> Idaho, USA; George Canney, U n i v. <strong>of</strong> Idaho, U S A<br />

5-6 PM<br />


See Bulletin Board in Registration area <strong>for</strong> Sign-up and meeting rooms.<br />

6-8 PM<br />


See page 14, <strong>for</strong> listing<br />

NOTES<br />


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