Sl. No. Description of Item Quantity Unit Rate Amount

Sl. No. Description of Item Quantity Unit Rate Amount Sl. No. Description of Item Quantity Unit Rate Amount
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7 Construction <strong>of</strong> LivelyHood Centre1 <strong>No</strong>. Per <strong>No</strong>. 4.36lakhs 4.36lakhs[As per approved plan &estimate]8 Construction <strong>of</strong> InformalMarket1 <strong>No</strong>. Per <strong>No</strong>. 5.14lakhs 5.14lakhs[As per approved plan &estimate]9 Construction <strong>of</strong> JoggingTrack300mtrs. Per mtr. Rs.97.70 0.29lakh[As per approved plan &estimate]10 Barbed wire fencingaround green area <strong>of</strong>slum300mtrs. Per mtr. Rs.300.00 0.90lakh[As per approved plan &estimate]11 Green area fencingand avenue plantation0.23 hector PerHector2.00lakhs0.46lakh[As per approved plan &estimate]12 Construction <strong>of</strong> solidWaste Pit6nos. Per <strong>No</strong>. 0.09lakh 0.58lakhs[As per approved plan &estimate]Total129.19lakhsSCHEDULE OF WORKS<strong>Sl</strong>.<strong>No</strong>.<strong>Description</strong> <strong>of</strong> work<strong>No</strong>.orQty.<strong>Unit</strong>Estimated <strong>Rate</strong>AMOUNTRs. PFigureLOW COST DWELLING UNIT-61NOSWords

1 Earth work in excavation<strong>of</strong>foundation <strong>of</strong> foundation in allkinds <strong>of</strong> soil within intial lead <strong>of</strong>50 mtr.and 1.5 mtr.intial lift,levelling and dressing the bedetc all complete as per direction<strong>of</strong> Engineer in Charge.918.05 cum 56.3 Rupees Fifty One ThousandSix Hundred Eighty Six AndTwenty Two Paise Only51686.222 Filling in foundation withexcabated materials includingwatering as directed by theEngineer-in-Charge.225.09 cum 31.3 Rupees Seven ThousandForty Five And Thirty TwoPaise Only7045.323 Supplying and Filling infoundation and plinth with sandwell watered,rammed etcincluding all cost conveyanceroalty ,labour and T&P etc.complete as directed by theEngineer - in Charge.251.93 cum 354.46 Rupees Eighty NineThousand Two HundredNinety Nine And ElevenPaise Only89299.114 Cement concrete (1:4:8) with 4cmsize hgcb stone metal includingwatering curing etc. with all costconveyance,royalty etc complete.214.72 cum 2491.9 Rupees Five Lakhs ThirtyFive Thousand Sixty AndSeventy Seven Paise Only535060.775 K.B Brick work having crossingstrength not less than 100Kg/CM2 in CM (1:6) inFoundation and Plinth includingsplayed, cutting cost,conveyance, royalty all taxes,watering and curing etc. complete545.95 cum 2384.9 Rupees Thirteen Lakhs TwoThousand Thirty Six AndSixteen Paise Only1302036.166 K.B Brick work having crossingstrength not less than 100Kg/CM2 in CM (1:6) in superstructure including splayed,cutting cost, conveyance, royaltyall taxes, watering and curing etc.complete1082.75 cum 2417.9 Rupees Twenty Six LakhsSeventeen Thousand NineHundred Eighty One AndTwenty Two Paise Only2617981.237 2.5 cm Damp pro<strong>of</strong> course withC.C.(1:2:4) using 12mm size hardbroken granite chipps392.23 Sqm 125.2 Rupees Forty NineThousand One HundredSeven And Twenty PaiseOnly49107.20

8 R.C.C. Work with M-20 using20 mm & down gradeHGCB Stone chips incluidinghoisting, laying,curing etc.complete but excluiding cost <strong>of</strong>steel reinforcement.214.72 cum 3542.2 Rupees Seven Lakhs SixtyThousand Five HundredEighty One And EighteenPaise Only760581.189 Rigid smooth centering andshuttering for casting includingcost <strong>of</strong> all labour and materialsetc. complete.Lintel 223.26 cum 155.1 Rupees Thirty FourThousand Six HundredTwenty Seven And SixtyThree Paise Only34627.63Ro<strong>of</strong> <strong>Sl</strong>ab & Chhaja 1699.46 Sqm 225.1 Rupees Three Lakhs EightyTwo Thousand FiveHundred Forty Eight AndForty Five Paise Only382548.4510 Supplying , fitting , fixing andplacing uncoated HYSD abrreinforcement complte as perdrawing and technical specifictioncomplete(<strong>Unit</strong>-1MT)171.41 Qntl 4163.5 Rupees Seven LakhsThirteen Thousand SixHundred Sixty Five AndFifty Four Paise Only713665.5411 12mm thick cement plaster (1:6)for brickwork including curingetc. complete.12532.45 Sqm 55.5 Rupees Six Lakhs NinetyFive Thousand FiveHundred Fifty And NinetyEight Paise Only695550.9812 White washing two coats withshell lime to walls and ceilings .8045.9 Sqm 5.3 Rupees Forty TwoThousand Six HundredForty Three And TwentySeven Paise Only42643.2713 Finishing walls with waterpro<strong>of</strong>ing cement paint <strong>of</strong>approved shade on new work 2coat to give an even shadeincluding the cost <strong>of</strong> paint4486.55 Sqm 15.2 Rupees Sixty EightThousand One HundredNinety Five And Fifty SixPaise Only68195.5614 Iron work for door,window , grills,welding, labour, carrage placingin position etc. Complete.86.498 Qntl 4500 Rupees Three Lakhs EightyNine Thousand TwoHundred Forty One Only389241.00

15 2.5 cm artificial stone flooring withcement concrete(1:2:4) includingpunning using 12mm size crusherbroken granite chipps.1279.17 Sqm 135 Rupees One Lakh SeventyTwo Thousand Six HundredEighty Seven And NinetyFive Paise Only172687.9516 Painting one coat with approvedprimer over new iron work17 Painting two coats with approvedpaint over primer iron work1748.87 Sqm 18.5 Rupees Thirty TwoThousand Three HundredFifty Four And Ten PaiseOnly1748.87 Sqm 67.6 Rupees One Lakh EighteenThousand Two HundredTwenty Three And SixtyOne Paise Only32354.10118223.61CONSTRUCTION OF CEMENT CONCRETE ROADS-550MTRS18 Clearing shrub jungle, ipomentree, uprooting, stumps <strong>of</strong> treesand tree below 1m girth on premeasurement. Both side bermand slope etc1650 Sqm 1.6 Rupees Two Thousand SixHundred Forty Only2640.0019 Earthwork in all kind <strong>of</strong> soilincluding breaking the clods from5 cm to 7 cm and laying in layersnot exceeding 0.3 m in depth.330 cum 56.3 Rupees Eighteen ThousandFive Hundred Seventy NineOnly18579.0020 Collecting spreading sand as subbase below C.C. Road includingall cost conveyance royalty etccomplete.247.5 cum 354.5 Rupees Eighty SevenThousand Seven HundredThirty Eight And SeventyFive Paise Only87738.7521 Cement concrete 1:4:8 with 4 cmsize H.G(C.B) metal (other thangranite) and laying in preparedroad surface including cost,conveyance, royalty etc.complete.247.5 cum 2491.9 Rupees Six Lakhs SixteenThousand Seven HundredForty Five And Twenty FivePaise Only616745.2522 Cement Concrete (1:2:4) with 12mm size H.G. (C.B) chips layingin road surface including cost,conveyance, royalty <strong>of</strong> all metaletc. complete. For wearing coat.165 cum 3627.4 Rupees Five Lakhs NinetyEight Thousand FiveHundred Twenty One Only598521.0023 Providing, fitting & fixing RCCPrecast jally gabion <strong>of</strong>size(0.76x0.76x0.90) includingcost carrage etc complete.7 NOS 500 Rupees Three ThousandFive Hundred Only3500.00

24 Fixing signboard and Km stonesand cats eye at roadside. Lumpsum, including marvel stone forinauguration purpose.LSRupees Three ThousandSix Hundred Only3600.0025 Provision for dummy grooveexpansion joint. LSLSRupees Two Thousand TwoHundred Only2200.00CONSTRUCTION OF R C C DRAINS-650MTRS26 Clearing, Shrub, Jungle, bushesand removing the debrices awayfrom working area, as directed byEngineer incharge487.5 Sqm 1.6 Rupees Seven HundredEighty Only780.0027 Earth work in excavation <strong>of</strong>foundation in all kind <strong>of</strong> soil forfoundation including dressing andleveling the bed with initial leadand lift etc complete.390 cum 56.3 Rupees Twenty OneThousand Nine HundredFifty Seven Only21957.0028 Supplying, collecting andspreading <strong>of</strong> sand in foundationtrenches with proper compactionincluding cost <strong>of</strong> all Labour,materials, conveyance etc. allcomplete73.12 cum 354.5 Rupees Twenty FiveThousand Nine HundredTwenty One And Four PaiseOnly25921.0429 C.C (1:4:8) using 4 cm size H.Gmetal including cost <strong>of</strong> material,Labour and T&P ,hoisting, laying,concrete watering and curing butexcluding cost <strong>of</strong> steel andLabour charges for bendingbinding and fixing the grills andcentering shutting etc complete.48.75 cum 2491.9 Rupees One Lakh TwentyOne Thousand FourHundred Eighty And TwelvePaise Only121480.1330 R.C.C. Work with M-20 using20 mm & down gradeHGCB Stone chips incluidinghoisting, laying,curing etc.complete but excluiding cost <strong>of</strong>steel reinforcement.143.81 cum 3542.2 Rupees Five Lakhs NineThousand Four HundredThree And Seventy EightPaise Only509403.78

31 Rigid smooth centering andshuttering for R.C.C workincluding dismantling then aftercasting including cost <strong>of</strong> materialand Labour etc complete781.62 Sqm 67.2 Rupees Fifty Two ThousandFive Hundred Twenty FourAnd Eighty Six Paise Only52524.8632 Cutting, bending, binding, M.SRods and placing in positionincluding cost <strong>of</strong> binding wire andLabour for bending and trying andtying the grills and placing inposition.21.57 Qntl 4163.5 Rupees Eighty NineThousand Eight HundredSix And Seventy Paise Only89806.7033 Provision for dewatering etc. 4 HRS 100 Rupees Four Hundred Only 400.00CONSTRUCTION OF SEPTIC TANK & SOAK PIT FOR 5 USERS FOR SLUM HOUSE-61NOS34 Earth work in all kind <strong>of</strong> soil withinitial lead and initial lift includingSoppit,Septic tank & foundationdressing the bed making fit forlaying concrete533.75 cum 56.3 Rupees Thirty ThousandFifty And Twelve Paise Only30050.1335 CC (1:4:8) using 40mm size H.Gmetal including cost <strong>of</strong>conveyance royalty taxes,watering and curing etc. complete19.52 cum 2491.9 Rupees Forty EightThousand Six HundredForty One And Eighty NinePaise Only48641.8936 KB Brick work in C.M (1:6) infoundation and plinth includingcost <strong>of</strong> conveyance , royalty ,taxes watering and curing etc .Complete.238.51 cum 2384.9 Rupees Five Lakhs SixtyEight Thousand EightHundred Twenty Two AndFifty Paise Only568822.5037 R.C.C. Work with M-20 using20 mm & down gradeHGCB Stone chips incluidinghoisting, laying,curing etc.complete but excluiding cost <strong>of</strong>steel reinforcement.21.96 cum 3542.2 Rupees Seventy SevenThousand Seven HundredEighty Six And Seventy OnePaise Only77786.7138 Rigid smooth centering andshuttering for R.C.C workincluding dismantling then aftercasting including cost <strong>of</strong> materialand Labour etc complete118.95 Sqm 225.1 Rupees Twenty SixThousand Seven HundredSeventy Five And SixtyFour Paise Only26775.65

39 12mm thick cement plaster overbrick CM( 1:4) with neat cementpunning549 Sqm 72.1 Rupees Thirty NineThousand Five HundredEighty Two And NinetyPaise Only39582.9040 Providing KB brick Khoa 46.97 cum 125.2 Rupees Five ThousandEight Hundred Eighty AndSixty Four Paise Only5880.6441 Provision for fittings <strong>of</strong> all sanitaryitems LSLSRupees Thirty ThousandFive Hundred Only30500.0042 Provision for reinforcement 0.36cum@ 0.80%17.69 Qntl 4163.5 Rupees Seventy ThreeThousand Six Hundred FiftyTwo And Thirty Two PaiseOnly73652.3243 C.C (1:2:4) using 12mm size H.Gchips including cost <strong>of</strong> material,Labour and T&P ,hoisting, laying,concrete watering and curing butexcluding cost <strong>of</strong> steel andLabour charges for bendingbinding and fixing the grills andcentering shutting etc complete3.05 cum 3627.4 Rupees Eleven ThousandSixty Three And Fifty SevenPaise Only11063.57CONSTRUCTION OF COMMUNITY CENTRE -1NO44 Earth work in excavation <strong>of</strong>foundation in all kinds <strong>of</strong> soil.32.68 cum 56.3 Rupees One ThousandEight Hundred Thirty NineAnd Eighty Eight Paise Only1839.8845 Sand filling collecting spreadingsand including all cost <strong>of</strong>conveyance royalty carriage etc6.12 cum 354.5 Rupees Two Thousand OneHundred Sixty Nine AndFifty Four Paise Only2169.5446 CC (1:4:8) by using 4cm sizeH.B.G metal including cost <strong>of</strong>material royalty etc.6.12 cum 2491.9 Rupees Fifteen ThousandTwo Hundred Fifty AndForty Three Paise Only15250.4347 Brick work with KB Bricks havingcrushing strengthnot less than75kg/cm2 in cement mortar(1:6)in foundation upto plinth.24.37 cum 2384.9 Rupees Fifty EightThousand One HundredTwenty And One Paise Only58120.0148 Brick work with KB Bricks havingcrushing strengthnot less than75kg/cm2 in cement mortar(1:6)in superstructre.38.25 cum 2417.9 Rupees Ninety TwoThousand Four HundredEighty Four And Sixty EightPaise Only92484.68

58 White washing 2 coat withshellilne59 Finishing walls with waterpro<strong>of</strong>ing cement paint <strong>of</strong>approved shade on new work 2coat to give an even shadeincluding the cost <strong>of</strong> paint193.2 Sqm 5.3 Rupees One ThousandTwenty Three And NinetySix Paise Only125.03 Sqm 15.2 Rupees One ThousandNine Hundred And Forty SixPaise Only1023.961900.4660 Painting 2-coats with anyapproved paint on new wood /ironwork including cost <strong>of</strong> materials.About 25 sqm.25 Sqm 67.6 Rupees One Thousand SixHundred Ninety Only1690.0061 Earth work in all kind <strong>of</strong> soil withinitial lead and initial lift includingSoppit,Septic tank & foundationdressing the bed making fit forlaying concrete20 USERS SEPTIC TANK & SOAK PIT FOR COMMUNITY CENTRE17.5 cum 56.3 Rupees Nine HundredEighty Five And TwentyFive Paise Only985.2562 CC (1:4:8) using 40mm size H.Gmetal including cost <strong>of</strong>conveyance royalty taxes,watering and curing etc. complete0.64 cum 2491.9 Rupees One Thousand FiveHundred Ninety Four AndEighty Two Paise Only1594.8263 KB Brick work in C.M (1:6) infoundation and plinth includingcost <strong>of</strong> conveyance , royalty ,taxes watering and curing etc .Complete.7.82 cum 2384.9 Rupees Eighteen ThousandSix Hundred Forty Nine AndNinety Two Paise Only18649.9264 R.C.C. Work with M-20 using20 mm & down gradeHGCB Stone chips incluidinghoisting, laying,curing etc.complete but excluiding cost <strong>of</strong>steel reinforcement.0.72 cum 3542.2 Rupees Two Thousand FiveHundred Fifty And ThirtyEight Paise Only2550.3865 Rigid smooth centering andshuttering for R.C.C workincluding dismantling then aftercasting including cost <strong>of</strong> materialand Labour etc complete3.9 Sqm 225.1 Rupees Eight HundredSeventy Seven And EightyNine Paise Only877.8966 12mm thick cement plaster overbrick CM( 1:4) with neat cementpunning18 Sqm 72.1 Rupees One Thousand TwoHundred Ninety Seven AndEighty Paise Only1297.80

67 Providing KB brick Khoa 1.54 cum 125.2 Rupees One HundredNinety Two And Eighty OnePaise Only192.8168 Provision for reinforcement 0.36cum@ 0.80%0.58 Qntl 4163.5 Rupees Two ThousandFour Hundred Fourteen AndEighty Three Paise Only2414.8369 C.C (1:2:4) using 12mm size H.Gchips including cost <strong>of</strong> material,Labour and T&P ,hoisting, laying,concrete watering and curing butexcluding cost <strong>of</strong> steel andLabour charges for bendingbinding and fixing the grills andcentering shutting etc complete0.1 cum 3627.4 Rupees Three HundredSixty Two And SeventyFour Paise Only362.74BARBED WIRE FENCING AND FIXING OF GATE FOR COMMUNITY CENTRE70 Barbed Wire FencingEarth work excatation for fixingRCC barbed posts at a interval <strong>of</strong>1.5 mtr, Supplying , Fixing RCCfencing posts. Additional RCCCorner Piller, upplying, fixing 3plying Galvanized barbed wire <strong>of</strong>6 lineing. Additional Galvanisedbarbed wire <strong>of</strong> 2 lining (cross 1.8mtrs) with provision for gate etc.complete as per the direction <strong>of</strong>the Engineer-in-Charge.279 Mtr 300 Rupees Eighty ThreeThousand Seven HundredOnly83700.0071 Part-A (Toiletblock) Earth work inall kind <strong>of</strong> soil with initial lead andinitial lift including soak pit, septictank & foundation dressing thebed making fit for laying concreteCONSTRUCTION OF COMMUNITY TOILET2.64 cum 56.3 Rupees One Hundred FortyEight And Sixty Three PaiseOnly148.63

72 Supplying, collecting andspreading <strong>of</strong> sand in foundationtrenches with proper compactionincluding cost <strong>of</strong> all labour,materials ,conveyance etccomplete in all respect and asdirected by the engineer incharge0.62 cum 354.5 Rupees Two HundredNineteen And Seventy NinePaise Only219.7973 CC (1:4:8) using 40 mm size H.Gmetal including cost <strong>of</strong>conveyanceroyaltytaxes,watering and curingetc.complete0.92 cum 2491.9 Rupees Two Thousand TwoHundred Ninety Two AndFifty Five Paise Only2292.5574 KB Brick work in C.M (1:6) infoundation and plinth includingcost <strong>of</strong> conveyance royalty,taxeswatering and curing etc.complete2.36 cum 2384.9 Rupees Five Thousand SixHundred Twenty Eight AndThirty Six Paise Only5628.3675 KB Brick work in C.M (1:6) inSuper Structure including cost <strong>of</strong>conveyance royalty,taxeswatering and curing etc.complete8.1 cum 2417.9 Rupees Nineteen ThousandFive Hundred Eighty FourAnd Ninety Nine Paise Only19584.9976 R.C.C Work with M-20 using 20mm & down grade HGCB Stonechipsincludinghosting,laying,curingetc.completebutexcluding cost <strong>of</strong> steelreinforcement0.84 cum 3542.2 Rupees Two ThousandNine Hundred Seventy FiveAnd Forty Five Paise Only2975.4577 D.P.C 2.5 cm thick 5.26 Sqm 125.2 Rupees Six Hundred FiftyEight And Fifty Five PaiseOnly658.5578 Rigid smooth centering andshuttering for R.C.C workincluding dismantling then aftercasting including cost <strong>of</strong> materialand labour etc completeRo<strong>of</strong> <strong>Sl</strong>ab & Chhaja 8.68 Sqm 225.1 Rupees One ThousandNine Hundred Fifty ThreeAnd Eighty Seven PaiseOnly1953.87

Lintel 0.98 Sqm 155.1 Rupees One Hundred FiftyOne And One HundredPaise Only152.0079 Supplying fitting & placinguncoating bar reainforcementcomplete as per drawing &technical specification complete.80 % <strong>of</strong> SL <strong>No</strong>-50.68 Qntl 4163.5 Rupees Two ThousandEight Hundred Thirty OneAnd Eighteen Paise Only2831.1880 12 mm thick cement plaster overbrick CM (1:4) over septic tank78.26 Sqm 72.1 Rupees Five Thousand SixHundred Forty Two AndFifty Five Paise Only5642.5581 Tiles upto 20cm x 30cm/20cmx20cm Special plain/printed series cermic wall tiles <strong>of</strong>premium grade having thickness6.55 mm7 to 6.7 mm confirmingto IS 13753Floor Tile 4.84 Sqm 500 Rupees Two ThousandFour Hundred Twenty Only2420.00Wall Tile 15.72 Sqm 450 Rupees Seven ThousandSeventy Four Only7074.0082 White washing 3 coats with shelllime78.26 Sqm 5.3 Rupees Four HundredFourteen And Seventy EightPaise Only414.7883 Provision for supplying fittingfixing <strong>of</strong> PVC laminated includingchoukahat with hings etccomplete (LS)LSRupees Three ThousandOnly3000.0084 Earth work in all kind <strong>of</strong> soil withinitial lead and initial lift includingSoppit,Septic tank & foundationdressing the bed making fit forlaying concreteSEPTIC TANK AND SOAK PIT17.5 cum 56.3 Rupees Nine HundredEighty Five And TwentyFive Paise Only985.25

85 CC (1:4:8) using 40mm size H.Gmetal including cost <strong>of</strong>conveyance royalty taxes,watering and curing etc. complete0.64 cum 2491.9 Rupees One Thousand FiveHundred Ninety Four AndEighty Two Paise Only1594.8286 KB Brick work in C.M (1:6) infoundation and plinth includingcost <strong>of</strong> conveyance , royalty ,taxes watering and curing etc .Complete.7.82 cum 2384.9 Rupees Eighteen ThousandSix Hundred Forty Nine AndNinety Two Paise Only18649.9287 R.C.C. Work with M-20 using20 mm & down gradeHGCB Stone chips incluidinghoisting, laying,curing etc.complete but excluiding cost <strong>of</strong>steel reinforcement.0.72 cum 3542.2 Rupees Two Thousand FiveHundred Fifty And ThirtyEight Paise Only2550.3888 Rigid smooth centering andshuttering for R.C.C workincluding dismantling then aftercasting including cost <strong>of</strong> materialand Labour etc complete3.9 cum 225.1 Rupees Eight HundredSeventy Seven And EightyNine Paise Only877.8989 12mm thick cement plaster overbrick CM( 1:4) with neat cementpunning18 Sqm 72.1 Rupees One Thousand TwoHundred Ninety Seven AndEighty Paise Only1297.8090 Providing KB brick Khoa 1.94 cum 125.2 Rupees Two Hundred FortyTwo And Eighty Nine PaiseOnly91 Provision for reinforcement 80 % 0.58 Qntl 4163.5 Rupees Two ThousandFour Hundred Fourteen AndEighty Three Paise Only242.892414.83CONSTRUCTION OF LIVELY HOOD CENTRE92 Earth work in excavation <strong>of</strong>foundation in all kind <strong>of</strong> soil28.88 cum 56.3 Rupees One Thousand SixHundred Twenty Five AndNinety Four Paise Only1625.9493 Sand Filling Collectingspreadingsand including all costconveyance royalty carriage etc.5.42 cum 354.5 Rupees One ThousandNine Hundred Twenty OneAnd Thirty Nine Paise Only1921.3994 C.C (1:4:8) using 40mm size H.Gmetal including cost <strong>of</strong>conveyance, Royalty taxes,watering and curing etc. complete11.92 cum 2491.9 Rupees Twenty NineThousand Seven HundredThree And Forty Five PaiseOnly29703.45

95 K.B brick work in CM (1:6)infoundation and plinth includingcost <strong>of</strong> conveyance, Royaltytaxes, watering and curing etc.complete21.54 cum 2384.9 Rupees Fifty One ThousandThree Hundred SeventyAnd Seventy Five PaiseOnly51370.7596 2.5 cm DPC (1:2:4) using 12 mmsize H.G Chips including cost <strong>of</strong>conveyance, royalty taxes,watering and curing etc. complete11.88 Sqm 125.2 Rupees One ThousandFour Hundred Eighty SevenAnd Thirty Eight Paise Only1487.3897 K.B brick work,massonry(1:6) insuper structre including cost <strong>of</strong>m,aterials conveyance, Royaltytaxes, watering and curing etc.complete36.83 cum 2417.9 Rupees Eighty NineThousand Fifty One AndTwenty Six Paise Only89051.2698 R.C.C work in CM (1:2:4) using12mm size HG chips includingramming and watering includingall cost conveyance and royaltyetc complete20.34 cum 3542.2 Rupees Seventy TwoThousand Forty Eight AndThirty Five Paise Only72048.3599 Rigid smooth centering andshuttering for casting includingcost <strong>of</strong> all labour and materialsetc. completeLINTEL 35.63 Sqm 155.1 Rupees Five Thousand FiveHundred Twenty Six AndTwenty One Paise Only5526.21Ro<strong>of</strong> <strong>Sl</strong>ab & Chhaja 142.5 cum 225.1 Rupees Thirty TwoThousand Seventy Six AndSeventy Five Paise Only32076.75100 Cutting ,bending, binding andtying the grills and placing inposition including cost <strong>of</strong> steel,binding wire and labour chargesetc complete @0.80 qtl/cum for20.31 Cum16.27 Qntl 4163.5 Rupees Sixty SevenThousand Seven HundredForty And Fourteen PaiseOnly67740.15101 16 mm thick cement plaster (1:6)for wall (bothside)including cost<strong>of</strong> meterials256.78 Sqm 75.1 Rupees Nineteen ThousandTwo Hundred Eighty FourAnd Eighteen Paise Only19284.18

102 25 cm 1” thick artificial stoneflooring by using 12 mm size H.Gchips as per qty above 115.5Sqm65 Sqm 135 Rupees Eight ThousandSeven Hundred SeventyFive Only8775.00103 Supplying and fixing angle ironframe with BP sheet shutter104 Add for white washing,Colorwashing and painting LS105 Earth work in Excavation <strong>of</strong>Foundation in all kinds <strong>of</strong> soil@Rs533 Qntl 55 Rupees Twenty NineThousand Three HundredFifteen OnlyINFORMAL MARKETRupees Five ThousandOnly57.33 cum 56.3 Rupees Three ThousandTwo Hundred TwentySeven And Sixty EightPaise Only29315.005000.003227.68106 Sand Filling Collectingspreadingsand including all costconveyance royalty carriage etc.9.56 cum 354.5 Rupees Three ThousandThree Hundred Eighty NineAnd Two Paise Only3389.02107 C.C (1:4:8) using 40mm size H.Gmetal including cost <strong>of</strong>conveyance, Royalty taxes,watering and curing etc. complete20.78 cum 2491.9 Rupees Fifty One ThousandSeven Hundred Eighty OneAnd Sixty Eight Paise Only51781.68108 KB Bricks Masonry (1:6) inFoundation & Plinth28.12 Sqm 2384.9 Rupees Sixty SevenThousand Sixty Three AndThirty Nine Paise Only67063.39109 2.5 cm DPC (1:2:4) using 12 mmsize H.G Chips including cost <strong>of</strong>conveyance, royalty taxes,watering and curing etc. complete17.7 Sqm 125.2 Rupees Two Thousand TwoHundred Sixteen And FourPaise Only2216.04110 K.B brick work,massonry(1:6) insuper structre including cost <strong>of</strong>m,aterials conveyance, Royaltytaxes, watering and curing etc.complete50.59 Sqm 2417.9 Rupees One Lakh TwentyTwo Thousand ThreeHundred Twenty One AndFifty Six Paise Only122321.56111 R.C.C. Work with M-20 using20 mm & down gradeHGCB Stone chips incluidinghoisting, laying,curing etc.complete but excluiding cost <strong>of</strong>steel reinforcement.22.94 Sqm 3542.2 Rupees Eighty OneThousand Two HundredFifty Eight And Seven PaiseOnly81258.07

112 Rigid and smoothcentring,shuttering for RCC worksincluding false work anddismantling them after castingincluding cost <strong>of</strong> materialscomplete.RCC Band 46.01 Sqm 67.2 Rupees Three ThousandNinety One And EightySeven Paise Only3091.87Lintel 46.01 Sqm 155.1 Rupees Seven ThousandOne Hundred Thirty Six AndFifteen Paise Only7136.15Ro<strong>of</strong> <strong>Sl</strong>ab & Chhaja 149.64 Sqm 225.1 Rupees Thirty ThreeThousand Six HundredEighty Three And Ninety SixPaise Only33683.96BEAM 25.81 Sqm 305.7 Rupees Seven ThousandEight Hundred Ninety AndTwelve Paise Only7890.12113 Cutting ,bending Binding tying thegrill and placing in Position22.94@80 Kg/cum18.35 Qntl 4163.5 Rupees Seventy SixThousand Four HundredAnd Twenty Two Paise Only76400.23114 16 mm thick cement plaster (1:6)for wall (bothside)including cost<strong>of</strong> meterials306.28 Sqm 55.5 Rupees Sixteen ThousandNine Hundred Ninety EightAnd Fifty Four Paise Only16998.54115 2.5 cm 1” thick artificial stoneflooring by using 12 mm size H.Gchips as per qty above 115.5Sqm149.64 Sqm 135 Rupees Twenty ThousandTwo Hundred One AndForty Paise Only20201.40116 Add for MS Grill doors andwindowsLSRupees Fifteen ThousandOnly15000.00117 Add for white washing,Colorwashing and painting LSLSRupees Two ThousandOnly2000.00JOGGING TRACK118 Construction <strong>of</strong> Jogging Track byCleaning <strong>of</strong> grass, removal <strong>of</strong>rubbish, earth work, Sand filling,both side 5" thick wall, flooring,Plantation etc. all complete as perthe direction <strong>of</strong> the Engineer-in-Charge300 Mtr 97.7 Rupees Twenty NineThousand Three HundredTen Only29310.00BARBED WIRE FENCING

119 Barbed Wire FencingEarth work excatation for fixingRCC barbed posts at a interval <strong>of</strong>1.5 mtr, Supplying , Fixing RCCfencing posts. Additional RCCCorner Piller, upplying, fixing 3plying Galvanized barbed wire <strong>of</strong>6 lineing. Additional Galvanisedbarbed wire <strong>of</strong> 2 lining (cross 1.8mtrs) with provision for gate etc.complete as per the direction <strong>of</strong>the Engineer-in-Charge.300 Mtr 300 Rupees Ninety ThousandOnly90000.00120 Cost for Plantation on green area33 nos <strong>of</strong> tree @ Rs. 100.00 eachincluding cost <strong>of</strong> Labour etc.GREEN AREA FENCING AND AVENUE PLANTATION33 NOS 100 Rupees Three ThousandThree Hundred Only3300.00121 Cost for Avenue in plantation inslum with all cost .575 Sqm 20 Rupees Eleven ThousandFive Hundred Only11500.00122 Provsion for children playingequipment including one side andone swing in each slum at thegreen area with fitting and FixingLSRupees Twenty SixThousand Only26000.00123 Cost for provision <strong>of</strong> fruit bearingtrees like hybrid mango,Jackfruits, Papaya, and drumstick in court yard <strong>of</strong> eachbeneficiaries 160x4nosxRs.25210 NOS 25 Rupees Five Thousand TwoHundred Fifty Only5250.00124 Earth work in excavation in allkind <strong>of</strong> soil leving the bedincluding all costCONSTRUCTION OF SOLID WASTE PIT4.56 cum 1.6 Rupees Seven And ThirtyPaise Only7.30125 CC (1:4:8) by using 4 CM size bymetal including all cost <strong>of</strong>materials labour ,royalty etccomplete.4.5 cum 2491.9 Rupees Eleven ThousandTwo Hundred Thirteen AndFifty Five Paise Only11213.55

126 K.B Brick(25x12x8) havingcrushing strenth not less than 100KG /Sqm masonary (1:6)including all cost <strong>of</strong> materiallabouretccomplete.[FOUNDATION ANDPLINTH]3.78 cum 2384.9 Rupees Nine ThousandFourteen And Ninety TwoPaise Only9014.92SUPER STRUCTURE 10.56 cum 2417.9 Rupees Twenty FiveThousand Five HundredThirty Three And Two PaiseOnly25533.02127 2.5 CM AS flooring including allcost <strong>of</strong> material labour etccomplet. C.C (1:2:4) BY USING12 MM SIZE hbg Chips40.98 Sqm 135 Rupees Five Thousand FiveHundred Thirty Two AndThirty Paise Only5532.30128 12 mm C.P (1:4) with cementpunning including all cost <strong>of</strong>material labour etc complete.108.54 Sqm 72.1 Rupees Seven ThousandEight Hundred Twenty FiveAnd Seventy Three PaiseOnly7825.73Total estimated cost in Figures 12833603.82Quoted <strong>Amount</strong> 12833603.82 12833604.00Quoted rate in WordsRupees One Crore Twenty Eight Lakhs Thirty ThreeThousand Six Hundred Four Only

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