Download Complete Volume - National Translation Mission

Download Complete Volume - National Translation Mission

Download Complete Volume - National Translation Mission

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78 Translating Medieval Orissawritten bytheanonymoustranslator128 Nabagraha Dasaphala Trilochan Late 18 th …………..Mohanty Cen.129 Natyamanorama Gadashar Das 18 th Cen. A book ondramaturgy,translated inOriya prose130 Nrushingjacharita Yuga Das Late 17 th …………..Cen.131 Nrushingha Puran Pitambar Das 18 th Cen. …………..132 Padma Puran Mahadeba 17 th Cen. …………..Das133 Padma Puran Bipra 17 th Cen. ………….Nilambar134 Panchasayak Kabisekhar 18 th Cen. A book onNarayan Das135 Patibhakta Puran Dinabandhu Early 19 thCen.EroticsThe title ofthe text inthe sourcelanguageTelugu is‘Dharmangana Puran’136 Prachi Mahatmya Trilochan Das Early 18 th …………..Cen.137 Prnab Byahruti Gita BipraJambeswarDas17 th Cen. The writerhimself isthetranslator.Earlyspecimen ofOriya Prose138 Premakalpalatika SadanadaKabisuryaBrahma18 th Cen. Translatedfrom aBengali textwith thesame title,which in

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