Download Complete Volume - National Translation Mission

Download Complete Volume - National Translation Mission

Download Complete Volume - National Translation Mission

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<strong>Translation</strong> and Indian Literature: Some Reflections 17into English can certainly foster the growth of a holistic view ofIndian literature. It would also help dispel the impression onefrequently encounters while travelling abroad that Indian literature iswhat gets written in English. However, we must be clear in ourminds about the objectives of the translations that are being done, asthey would determine our choice of the authors and texts that merittranslation.NOTES1. The impact of the Indian story telling tradition andPanchatantra has been discussed eloquently by AmitavGhosh. According to him, “Nothing that India has given theworld outside is more important than its stories. Indeed, sopervasive is the influence of the Indian story that oneparticular collection, The Panchatantra (‘The FiveChapters’) is reckoned by some to be second only to theBible in the extent of its global diffusion.”2. I have dealt with this in considerable detail in my essay,“Tagore's Gora in Urdu <strong>Translation</strong> and the Questions ofAuthority, Legitimacy and Authenticity", ViswabharatiQuarterly, Santiniketan, Vol. 10, No. 1, April-June, 2001.REFERENCESAntarjanam, Lalitambika 1998 Cast Me Out If You Will: Storiesand Memoir (tr) Gita Krishnakutty.Banerji, Chitrita (tr) 1988 The Adventures of Feluda New Delhi :Penguin Books.

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