Download Complete Volume - National Translation Mission

Download Complete Volume - National Translation Mission

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268 Sachin KetkarDerrida, Jacques 1985 Des Tours de Babel in J.F. Graham (ed)Difference in <strong>Translation</strong> Itahaca, New york: CornellUniversity Press.Foucault, Michel 2005 `What is an Author?’ in David Lodge andNigel Wood (eds) Modern Criticism and Theory: AReader (Second Edition) 192-205 Delhi:Pearson Education(Singapore) Pvt. Ltd.Ketkar, Sachin 2003 `<strong>Translation</strong>: The `Renaissance’ Paradigm, AKSingh (ed) Indian Renaissance Literature, CreativeBooks:New Delhi.____________”Is There an Indian School of <strong>Translation</strong> Studies”New Quest No156 April June 2004____________(tr) “Narsimh Mehta (15 th Century) The First MajorPoet of Gujarat, 20 poems “ New Quest No. 150. Oct- Nov2002 Mumbai 2003.Kristeva, Julia 1984a, 1988b The Revolution in Poetic LanguageMargaret Waller (tr) New York: Columbia University Press.Lodge, David (ed) 1972 Twentieth Century Literary Criticism: AReader London and New York: Longman.____________(ed) 1998 Modern Criticism and Theory: AReader London and New York: Longman.Ong, Walter J. 1972 A dialectic of Aural and Objective Correlativesin David Lodge (ed) Twentieth Century LiteraryCriticism: A Reader London and New York: Longman.Radice, William 1995 Rabindranath Tagore: Selected PoemsWilliam Radice (tr) New Delhi: Penguin Books.Ramanujan, A.K. 1993 Hymns for the Drowning: Poems forVisnu by Nammalvar Ramanujan (tr) New Delhi: PenguinBooks.

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