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Disputing Borders on the Literary Terrain: <strong>Translation</strong>s and144 the Making of the Genre of ‘Partition Literature’despair. About Siyah Hashye, his bleak pen sketches onPartition, he wrote: “For a long time I refused to accept theconsequences of the revolution, which was set off by thePartition of the country. I still feel the same way; but I suppose,in the end, I came to accept this nightmarish reality without selfpityor despair. In the process I tried to retrieve from this manmadesea of blood, pearls of rare hue, by writing about thesingle-minded dedication with which men had killed men, aboutthe remorse felt by some of them, about the tears shed bymurderers who could not understand why they still had somehuman feelings left. All this and more, I put in my book, SiyahHashye” (quoted in M. Hasan, 1995: 89)REFERENCESAbbas, Gulam 1994 "Avtar: A Hindu Myth" (trns. by ViswamitterAdil and Alok Bhalla) in Stories about the Partition ofIndia Vol. III. p. 191-205 (ed) Alok Bhalla New Delhi:Indus - Harper CollinsAhmed, Aijaz 1996 "In the Mirror of Urdu: Recompositions ofNation and Community, 1947-65" Lineages of the Present:Political Essays 191-220 Madras: Tulika.Bhalla, Alok (ed) 1994 Stories About the Partition of India (Vol.I, II & III) New Delhi: Indus - Harper Collins.__________ 2001 "The Politics of <strong>Translation</strong>: Manto's PartitionStories and Khalid Hasan's English Version " SocialScientist 338-339, Vol. 29.7-8 (July-August) 19-38 NewDelhi: Indian School of Social SciencesDidur, Jill "The Ethics of the Critic: Representations of Violence inLiterary Criticism on 'Partition Narratives' " abstracthttp://www.carleton.ca/caclals/chimodir/Chimo32-web.htm

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