Download Complete Volume - National Translation Mission

Download Complete Volume - National Translation Mission

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Process and Models of <strong>Translation</strong>: Cases fromMedieval Kannada Literature 123interactions between linguistic and social categories that wasdiscussed for the episode of Ciruttondar is diagrammaticallyrepresented in Figure 3.Classical/PuranicSanskritLiteraryPopularFolkTamil Kannada Telugu MarathiFigure 3. Diagrammatic representation of the complex interactions betweenlinguistic and social categories in the vrata-kathā model.2.6 We also have to understand and problematize the natureof the written text, the oral recitation of the text as a ritualistic part ofthe vow, and the performative dimensions of the texts during theperiod of medieval Kannada literature. The written versions of theJaina texts, the Vīraśaiva hagiographies, or Kumāravyāsa-bhārata(16 th century C.E.) and Torave-rāmāyana (17 th century C.E.), themost popular religious texts of Brahminical Hinduism in Kannada,were all available in plenty on palm leaf manuscripts but the textswere in use more through oral recitation performances calledgamaka-vāchana. A text’s sectarian ritual connotation as a vow, itsmusical recitation done orally without using a written text and

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