Download Complete Volume - National Translation Mission

Download Complete Volume - National Translation Mission

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<strong>Translation</strong> Practices in Pre-colonial India:98 Interrogating StereotypesAstrasahasri, Yuktyanusasanalankara etc.; Palyakriti Sakatayana(840 A.D.), a court poet of Amoghavarsha composed the grammarSabdanusasana, he also wrote a commentary for his own work;Mahaviracharya (850 A.D.) was a protégé of Amoghavarsa-I andcomposed Ganitasara-samgraha (a mathematical book); Indranandi(930 A.D.), author of Samayabhusana, Srutavatara, Nitisara,Srutapanchami and Jvalamalini-kalpa was a resident ofManyakheta. He seems to have written an auto-commentary for hisJvalamalini-kalpa in Kannada. Somadevasuri is known for hisYasastilaka, a work commissioned by Baddega II (955-965 A.D.), asubsidiary of Rashtrakutas. Somadeva also flourished as a court poetof Calukyas of Vemulavada.During the Chalukya period also we find many Sanskritwriters, Prakrit writers and Kannada writers. Chalukyas supportedVaidic literature, that too Shastra literature of a secular nature. Onvarious subjects we find Shastra literature such as Jataka Tilaka,Grammar, Lexicons, Govaidya (Veterinary science), andMathematics. As we have just seen, even the Rashtrakutas promotedshastra literature. The Chalukyas were ruling from Kalyana and theywere known as Kalyana Chalukyas. Someshwara III (1127-1139)has authored Manasollasa. This text is seen as an encyclopedicwork, a guide book to ruling, and the knowledge contained in it is amust for a king. 12 Even during the Keladi dynasty period as late as1709 A.D., Basavaraja, the king composed an encyclopedic work,which is also one of the rare texts that gives a lot of historical facts(though not coherently narrated, but scattered), calledSivatattvaratnakara. The history of the dynasty is interwoven withdifferent branches of knowledge (Chitnis 1974: 5-6 and 213-221).Another important text that was composed during the KalyanaChalukya period in Sankrit is Mitakshara of Vijnanesvara, whichdeals with the constitution of court of justice, the grades of courts,the branch of judicial procedure, the origin of ownership, the transfer

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