John Legend - Mobile Production Pro

John Legend - Mobile Production Pro

John Legend - Mobile Production Pro

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Dave Shadoan, President of Sound ImageGary Sanguinet, Sound Image CrewChief for the <strong>John</strong> <strong>Legend</strong> Evolver World TourEverybody in the industry knows thatSound Image has great staff, greatservice, and we have anything you askfor. Now if you want Adamson, we got it!While the Adamson badge is wellrecognized in Europe and South America,up until now, it didn’t have a major playerin the United States using its systemsand building brand recognition. Withthe new relationship between the two,that’s no longer an issue. “We’re excitedto have such a strong partner as SoundImage that’s going to represent ourproducts so well,” says Jesse.So obviously, there’s alsosome buzz going on aroundEscondido these days. Shadoanis excited because it opens hiscompany up to a whole newsegment of the market. “I’vegotten two tour bids just in thelast week that specify Adamson.Everybody in the industry knowsthat Sound Image has greatstaff, great service, and we haveanything you ask for. Now ifyou want Adamson, we gotit! We’re going to implementit properly, and we’re gonnawork closely with the factoryengineers to make sure thatyou get whatever it was thatmade you decide that this wasthe right sound system for you.”Part of the process is making surethat Sound Image’s engineers are upto speed on the systems. “We’re notgonna take a guy who’s been out with aVDOSC system or a VerTec system, ora Sound Image system for six monthsand put him into a new Adamsonsystem for the very next tour withouttraining. We’re gonna make sure that ourstaff knows how to use and implementthose systems.” says Shadoan.This past summer, before the <strong>John</strong><strong>Legend</strong> tour, Sound Image used theAdamson systems in permanent seasonalAs for the engineers, the ability tointeract directly with the people who aremaking the components and designingthe systems is an added benefit. GarySanguinet, Sound Image Crew Chief forthe <strong>John</strong> <strong>Legend</strong> Evolver World Tour putsit like this, “I was amazed by a couple ofthings right away. They were intent onmaking sure that what they built fit thephysical, mathematical model of whatwas set up for them. If you were to go tosome other manufacturers out there andsay, ‘Hey, I’ve got this idea aboutyour box,’ that’s all you’re gonnaget out of your mouth. They’rean incredible company.”In addition to <strong>John</strong> <strong>Legend</strong>,Jimmy Buffett, Carlos Santana,and Lenny Kravitz, SoundImage will support over sixtytours worldwide this year,while servicing over fifteenseasonal venues as diverseas Alpine Valley, CoorsAmphitheatre, and The GibsonAmphitheater (formerlyUniversal Amphitheater). It’simportant to note that SoundImage isn’t, never has been,and has no plans to be a onebadgehouse. It is equallyimportant to understand whatits endorsement can meanfor a company like Adamsonthat is on track to becomeY AXIS True Line Source Array a leader in its industry. TheY10, Y18 & T21 SUBintroduction of Adamsonvenues, wheregear into the already massivethey were able to get acquainted andSound Image inventory of is alreadyintimate with the traits of the system.opening up new avenues for both houses,“We had twenty-five or thirty shows ofand will make new choices available tonational acts before we ever sent thethe touring market. &system on the road,” says Shadoanmobile production monthly 31

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