John Legend - Mobile Production Pro

John Legend - Mobile Production Pro

John Legend - Mobile Production Pro

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minutes. The Lakers pre-season gamewas also a sell-out. The venue finds thatover 6,000 people on average attend thehockey games. But it’s not just Ontarioresidents who are attending. Director ofMarketing Sue Oxarart explained, “We’repulling from a very large market, not onlythe Inland Empire (the area around thearena)… when Neil Diamond was here,people came from all over to come seehim in a venue of this size.”Not only was the community kept inmind when planning the venue, but crewswill be pleased to know that load in/load out is a breeze in Citizens BusinessBank Arena. Close to major freewaysand Ontario Airport, transportationis quick and easy. The west end of thearena houses collapsible seats, making iteasy to put the stage at the west end andload right in. The loading dock is closeby, which makes the process smooth. TheCity of Ontario paid attention to detailincluding the acoustics in the constructionprocess to provide the most modern upto-datevenue in the area.So not only did the city keep the communityand crew in mind when planningfor this new venue, but also the environment.Oxarart shared, “AEG has a greatsustainability program. We hope to obtainlead certification for the building. Ourtrash compactor is solar powered, wereduce the lights in the parking lot whenpossible, and we’re already replacing allurinals with a waterless flush system thatwill save 40K gallons of fresh water perurinal per year. Our Hockey team hasinvited local scouts to come in and run upand down the aisles during events, collectingrecyclables so they can get their meritbadges and also help us.”Citizens Business Bank Arena anticipates125 events annually, which is a combinationof sporting competitions, familyshows, concerts and community events.Since opening, the venue has already hadfive requests for weddings. Oxarart concludes,“Our commitment here as a teamis to make the experience a great one foreveryone, whether it be the fan, artist, orcrew. We try to go over the top and overdeliver on everything we’ve agreed to doso you want to come back.” smobile production monthly 21

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