A Quarterly Publication Of lubbock Meals On Wheels January

A Quarterly Publication Of lubbock Meals On Wheels January

A Quarterly Publication Of lubbock Meals On Wheels January

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2Never a Dull Day<strong>On</strong>ce again, Lubbock <strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong>completed the Twelve Days of ChristmasProject. Thanks to the hard work of variousschools, businesses, and organizations,the clients of Lubbock <strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong>received a different special treat on each ofthe twelve working days prior to the Christmasholiday. Items included calendars, puzzles,edible goodies, as well as personal andhousehold necessities. Pets were not forgottenas each animal on the Pet Program receiveda Christmas treat bag. Thank you toall the volunteers that made these extra specialdeliveries and thank you to the followinggroups for giving our recipients a very specialholiday season:1. All Saints Episcopal School2. Altrusa International Inc. of Lubbock3. AT & T4. Norma Baumann5. Judy Blackwell6. Bowie Elementary School7. Carillon Lifecare Community8. Charlotte Carroll9. Century 21 John Walton Realtors10. Christ The King School11. Convergys12. Coronado High School FCCLA13. Craig, Terrill, Hale & Grantham LLP14. Evans Middle School15. Frenship 4-H club16. Girl Scout Troop 44617. Girl Scout Troop 674918. Girl Scout Troop 766719. Sara Griffin20. Terry Hodges21. Hutchinson Middle School Spanish Club22. Martha Hyde23. Irons Middle School Student Council24. Ivey Gardens25. Lee Ruth Krieg26. Lubbock Christian High School27. Lubbock High School Leadership Class28. Dee Moyes29. Mullin Hoard & Brown LLP30. Oakwood Baptist Church The MastersClass31. Jack Ogle32. Dr. David O’Hara33. Jim Phillips, Jr.34. Barbara Rains35. R.S.V.P. Comfort Corp36. Trace Riley37. Bea Sands38. Martha Sands39. Sanford & Tatum Insurance Agency40. Karla Schmidt41. Dr. Zuhair Shihab42. Helen Smith43. South Plains Academy44. Stewart Elementary School45. Stewart Title of Lubbock Inc.46. TTU Honor Society College of HumanSciences47. Trinity Christian School48. United Supermarkets49. Ventura Place Retirement Residence50. Twilla Williams51. WMU Redbud Baptist Church52. Zeta Omicron Chapter Delta KappaGamma Society International<strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong> <strong>January</strong> 2009Small Groups = Big ResultsThank you to Industrial Molding Corporationfor their efforts to hold a walk at WagnerPark last fall raising $1300 for Lubbock <strong>Meals</strong>on <strong>Wheels</strong>. Thanks also to Bridal Service Associatesfor donating over $1000 from theirannual Bridal Fair. Thank you to NationalCharity League for their donations to theWeekend Meal Program. And of course,thanks goes to Home Instead Senior Carefor putting together the Santa to a Senior projectthat benefited approximately 300 of ourclients. These are impressive examples of whatsmall groups of people can accomplish whenthey work together. If you have a group thatwould like to do something great this year,please keep Lubbock <strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong> in mindbecause you can make a difference. “Never doubtthat a small group of thoughtful, committed people canchange the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that everhas.” – Margaret MeadClean Out the Clutter!Ready to get a jump start on your springcleaning? The annual garage sale thatbenefits Lubbock <strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong> hasa new host. Industrial Lion’s Club ofLubbock will hold the sale originated byDelta Theta Chi Sorority. Delta ThetaChi had held this event for over thirtyyears and is now passing the torch toanother group but still plans to assist inthis labor intensive project. Thanks tothis new partnership, the event is ableto continue and both Lubbock <strong>Meals</strong>on <strong>Wheels</strong> and Industrial Lions’ projectswill benefit from the effort. Thesale is scheduled for April 3rd and 4thbut thanks to the generous donation ofsome storage buildings items will be acceptedfrom now until the event. Pleasecontribute items that are clean, in workingorder, gently used, etc. If you haveanything you’d like to contribute, pleasecall either of the following IndustrialLion’s members to make arrangements:Lloyd Rose at 795-5386 or Frank Greggat 745-7585.YoucanVacant Building Needed Sooncanhelphelp!This is just a verysmall sample of themany kind thankyou cards, letters, andnotes that Lubbock<strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong>received during theholidays from ourrecipients or theirfamily members. Wealso received numerousphone calls expressing gratitude for all the holidayextras. We would like to share these thanks with allof our donors, volunteers, and the many other people whomade the holidays very special for our clients through theirgifts for the Twelve Days of Christmas Project, the Santato a Senior Program, the Senior Food Box delivery, theWeekend Meal Program, the Pet Food Program, or theHot Meal Program.We are speechless to tell you people how weappreciate what you have done for us. Tothank you for the meals and all the gifts youhave brought – especially the towels, bathrobe, and all of the gifts you have given us.Well, “thank you” is not enough. May theGod in Heaven continue to bless you all andyour work.-Armand & PeggyLubbock <strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong>,Thank you so much to all the people who deliveredmeals to my mother during her illness.I will never forget any of you.-Nina & Family of MarieThanks to everyone for the many things youdo for me all year.-OvellaI’d like to thank each and every one of you at<strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong>. You are truly angels hereon Earth. May God bless you. . . as you havebeen a blessing to me and my family.-MargaretMerry Christmas and many thanks to all ofyou. Thanks for being my other family. I loveyou all and thank you so much.-ShirleyWe have enjoyed your good food this year.The Twelve Days of Christmas have beenspecial. Thank you for all your caring.-Ed & NitaPlans are underway for annual garage sale in April to benefit Lubbock <strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong>.This sale raised $8400 for Lubbock <strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong> last year so it is obviously veryimportant to our fundraising efforts. The amount of merchandise and massive numberof shoppers has made it impractical for the sale to be held at a private residence. A vacantcommercial building in a high traffic area would be ideal. Anyone that may be ableto help with this request is welcome to call Lubbock <strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong> at 792-7971.Please bring recyclable aluminum cans to Lubbock <strong>Meals</strong> on<strong>Wheels</strong>. Regular trips are made to recycle these materials, andthe money received provides funds for programs. You can helpthe environment and Lubbock <strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong> by bringingyour aluminum cans to 2304-34th Street during officehours, Monday – Friday, 8a.m.-4:30p.m.

a note from the executive directorExecutive DirectorLorrie Lushnat BellairPies with a PurposeThe seventeenth annual “Feed a Friend – It’s as Easy asPie” fundraiser was held the week before Thanksgiving,raising $61,980.70 well surpassing our goal of $48,000 andmaking it the most successful Easy as Pie event ever. Wewere all simply stunned, amazed, and of course, gratefulfor this incredible outcome. A special thank you to Mr.& Mrs. Donald Finkner for their generous annual gift tothis fundraiser. Not only do they make a large monetarycontribution, Mr. Finkner then redeems the pie couponsand donates the pies back to us for use in our kitchen!Thank you very much to United Supermarkets, KLBK,KAMC, and Hartsfield Design for their help in makingthe fundraiser possible. Congratulations to Juan Enchintonof United Supermarkets who was victorious in thepie-eating contest that kicked off the Easy as Pie fundraiser.Thanks to the other contest participants: RonRoberts of KAMC, Joe Womble and Adrian Jimenezof United Supermarkets, Terri Furman and MattLaubhan of KLBK, Matt Powell of the District Attorney’s<strong>Of</strong>fice, and Sheriff David Gutierrez. Thankyou also to City Council member Floyd Payne for actingas the official judge for the pie eating contest. Finally, ourthanks to all the radio stations that promoted the fundraiserand to the massive number of volunteers and donorswho so generously supported the event.supporting your communityone lawn at a time!HOW GREAT IS THE NEED?Over the last several decades, there has been a substantialgrowth in the elderly population and that has increasedthe demand for meal services. Seniors, 85 and older, areour most rapidly growing age group. As these numbersincrease, so does the strain on the resources for nutritionprograms. That demand is seen here in Lubbock. 575 peoplereceive meals Monday-Friday and a grant allows for aweekend meal program to feed 50-55 people who have noother way to obtain food on those days.Food prices remained steady over the past eight years,but then there was a 6.1% increase in 2008. Lubbock<strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong> is not government funded nor is it aUnited Way agency – our service operates on the generosityof the people, churches, businesses, civic clubs andour special events. Our staff is caring, creative, dedicatedand very involved in the community. Making a differencein the lives of the homebound elderly is our goal,the delivery, however, is done by volunteers. There areover 1370 volunteers involved in our program; fortunatelynone were lost because of rising gas prices. People didnot sit on the sidelines; they invested in our community.Our program is a grass-roots opportunity to serve.They deliver much more than a meal: donated fruit,baked goods, newspapers and magazines, pet food, freshflowers, individual birthday cakes and a card, items forthe 12 Days of Christmas, and special holiday seniorfood boxes from the South Plains Food Bank are alsodistributed as part of our program.The donations at the end of the year to this organizationwere amazing, and we are so grateful. I encourageyou to invest in this program and answer a call toservice and continue to help make Lubbock a greatplace to live.Super SupportMany groups, organizations, clubs, businesses,schools, and individuals madegenerous donations throughout the holidayseason, and we are truly grateful fortheir support. Space limitations preventa complete listing of all the names, butthat does not mean our appreciation isany less. To all who were kind enoughto bring monetary and other donations,please know that your gifts made a significantdifference in the lives of thehomebound, elderly, and disabled righthere in our community. <strong>On</strong> behalf ofLubbock <strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong>’ Board ofDirectors, staff, and recipients, thankyou for your commitment and support.Enjoy a beautiful green, weed-free lawn and support a charity at thesame time. Community Lawn Care, a division of FrontierFertilizer & Chemical Co., is a locally owned, professional lawncare company that provides complete fertilization and weed controlfor your lawn delivered by trained and licensed applicators usingthe most up-to-date equipment and materials available. Not onlyare these services offered at a competitive price, but a percentageof every dollar you spend goes to Lubbock <strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong>.Lubbock <strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong> receives income for initially introducingyou to Community Lawn Care (10%) and will continue to receive apercentage (5%) every year that you continue to use the services orbuy products. To date, Lubbock <strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong> has received over$14,000 from this partnership. Lawn treatment is crucial to controlthose weeds that develop over the winter. A full year lawn careprogram keeps your lawn green, thick, and weed free throughout thesummer. For all Lubbock <strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong>’ employees, volunteers,or supporters who are new customers: if you buy 5 rounds oftreatments, you will receive the 6th round free, or if you chose notto pre-pay for 6 rounds and want to pay by the application, you willreceive a 10% discount.For existing customers: if you pre-pay for the 2009 program, youwill receive a 5% discount.If you are interested in a free, no obligation lawn analysis or wouldlike more information, please contact Community Lawn Care at 885-4778 (and be sure to mention Lubbock <strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong>) or log onto www.communitylawncare.com/ffc/meals.<strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong> <strong>January</strong> 2009 3

Many of our meal recipients do not see anyone during the day exceptour volunteer so they rely on their pets for companionship. Most ofour recipients obviously have difficulty buying groceries and preparingmeals; they have the same challenges feeding their pets. The PetFood program continues to meet this need and supplies dog and catfood to these companion animals. Thank you to all of you who havehelped continue this special program. Donations of dry dog and drycat food are always needed and welcomed.Pet Memorials:Bingo, beloved dog of Suzanna StephensCharcko, beloved dog of Linda CollinsChecker, beloved pet of Abby & Gary AndersonChester, beloved pet of Bob HurmenceCorey, beloved dog of Jana WinterFreckles, beloved dog of Buddy & Beth FurgersonMaddie, beloved dog of Jeff & Carol Ann OpitzMidnight, beloved cat of the Donna Lindley FamilyMorris, beloved cat of Sheryl HightMuffin, beloved dog of Judy CriswellPiper, beloved pet of Nana and PapaSweet Daisy, beloved dog of Betty & David WintroathStormy & Ices, beloved pets of Rob & Melissa PettitZane Gray, beloved cat of Deanna WatsonZorro, beloved bird of Leon & Betty HanlonDonated By:Barbara & Larry Murman & Barbara BulenFelix & Sue GonzalesAbby & Gary AndersonCharlotte & Bob MoodyJana WinterSue & Johnny Franklin, A-Way with PetsDwight & Gwen SandersGinny RiggsRoberta SchroyerSue & Johnny Franklin, A-Way with PetsJessica & Chris Knight & WinstonAly GwinnAunt Della & Uncle John MorelandDeanna WatsonLeon & Betty Hanlonupcoming eventsPlease mark your calendar for theseopportunities to supportLubbock <strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong>4February 24, 2009Mardi Gras 2009Civic Center Exhibit Hall5:30 pm- 9:00 pmApril 3 & 4, 2009Annual Garage SalePortion of proceeds benefit Lubbock<strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong> - location of sale tobe announced–*if you have items (appropriatefor resale – clean, in workingcondition, etc.) to donate pleasecall Lloyd Rose at 795-5386or Frank Gregg at 745-7585.April 24, 2009Volunteer Appreciation DinnerIndiana Avenue Baptist Church9507 Indiana Avenue - 6:00 p.m.<strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong> <strong>January</strong> 2009Thank you to the following for their help with this special program(September 29 – <strong>January</strong> 9)Betty AndersBruce & Joan Callender“Madison” & “Cowboy” & Mike &Jayne FieldDana GamblePaul D. & Elaine Hanna, Jr.Jeanette Lubenau, Above & Beyond PetCare HospitalLinda KreftingDeborah MichelsWhat a Site to SeeLubbock <strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong> new andimproved website is up and running.Thanks to Hartsfield Designand Visual Reality Productions ourwebsite has a fresh look, is more informative,is easier to navigate, andsoon, will allow supporters to makedonations online with a credit card.Please visit the new site atwww.<strong>lubbock</strong>mealsonwheels.org.Walt & Dorothy MitchellTrisha QuigleyGinny RiggsPat SharpeMr. & Mrs. Eugene StalnakerDonald & Mozella TewDeanna WatsonLeann YarbroughGreg & Donna Zielinskielectronic maileases postage costsDue to the constant increases inpostage, Lubbock <strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong>would like to offer our newslettervia e-mail. If you would prefer toreceive our newsletter in a pdf format(Adobe Acrobat) through youre-mail, please call our office at (806)792-7971 to sign up!Extra! Extra! Read All About It!Lubbock Avalanche Journal continues to provide 130-150 newspapers per day (Monday –Friday) to be distributed free of charge to clients in Lubbock, the Adult Day Activity Center,and in Idalou. Caprock Home Health and AJ Readers are generously sponsoring thisspecial project. Lubbock <strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong> is very excited about continuing this partnershipand looks forward to providing yet another “extra” to our meal recipients.

Tributes{tributes for September 29, 2008 to <strong>January</strong> 12, 2009}Christmas Card Tributes notincluded due to space limitationsTRIBUTE FOR • Donor(s)Mike and Diane Abbott • Molly WilkinsonFay Abernathy • Deanna and Greg StallingsLarry Ackers • Warren and Linda LinerMr. and Mrs. Bob Albin • Dan and Ann JohnstonHelen and John Alford • Jo Alford GambleEthel Andrews • Tom and Tooley WilkinsonTwila Aufill • Jim Edd Reagan, Jr.Betty Bates • Norval and Mary PollardEdith Blackburn • Patsy Lou LockBrenda Boles • Judy McEachernKaren and Hemmo Bosscher • Clinical StaffRoger Schaefer and Dannie Botros • PatriciaMoseleyChubb and Glenna Bowyer • Scotty BowyerShelly Bratcher • Sharman MartinLex and Sebrina Brown • Mother and HerbBarbara Bruster • Randy R. RogersAnn Burbridge • Carolie MullanMavis Bybee • Jean LeftwichPaul Carlson • Judy and Ron RaingerRoy and Charlotte Carnes • The Nickels FamilyMr. and Mrs. Curtis Carpenter • Dave and BertPennockVicki Carter • Lois HolmesRex, Danette and Erin Castle • Dorothy CastleMark Clark • Ted and FamilyRhonda Clark, DVM • “Madison and Cowboy”;Mike and Jayne FieldDr. and Mrs. David Close • Karen and CharlesVotavaJonnie Delle Cogwell • Alice ParsleyMichael Cole • Ann L. AlfordDon and Evelyn Copenhaver • Marsha andRussell HeskettBill Cox • Ric and Becky AkardHerb Craghead • Missy, Tammy, Cyndi and JennyMary Cunningham • Michael and Teresa DaileyMr. and Mrs. Jack Currey • Dr. and Mrs. BarryCurreyEvelyn “Aunt Tiny” and Bill Davies • DeborahDunkumJohn Dudley • First United Methodist ChurchQuesters ClassThe Ellingtons • Curtis and Karen DeanKenny, Beverly and Kristen Ellis • Donald andMozella TewSue Faison • Judy McEachernMike and Jayne Field • The Nickels FamilyJeff and Jennifer Fisher • Staff at Trippe LabShelley and Douglas Flemons • Mother and HerbDr. and Mrs. Chantrey Fritts • Dave and BertPennockJo Gamble • Kristin WhittenburgEli Garcia • Masrtha P. HydeBill and Mickey Garrett • Ben and SharlaGoodloeBobby and Jonanna George • David and StacieGeorgeFrancine and Owen Gilbreath • Dan and LeslieYoung, Charles and Norma HallMrs. E. A. Gilmer • Francine and Owen GilbreathMary Goldwater • Dwayne and ChuckieDr. Robert Grimes • Rickard PorcelainLaboratory, Inc.Earlene Guess • Anna Ruth HallJamie and Sara Hanna • Paul and Elaine HannaW. B. Harris • First United Methodist ChurchQuesters ClassMr. and Mrs. W. B. Harris • Charles and NormaHallSandra Price and Kim Heathington • JaniceWylieJim and Diane Henson • Milton and Betty HensonKay and Grif Henson • Patsy Lou LockBob and Beverly Holmes • Ginalu and BurnsHamiltonIn Loving MemoryTRIBUTE FOR • Donor(s)Jim and Jean Howze • Paul and Elaine HannaMr. and Mrs. Leo Huckabay • Diane SistrunkArnold Ingraham • Margaret IngrahamTodd W. Johnson Gristy’s • Employees for Boss’sDayRobert Lee and Doty Johnson • Rufus andNancy GrishomKay Johnson • John and Virginia Jones, Ginny RiggsHarold and Alline Jones • Eddie and Glenna LaneJim Jordan • Mr. and Mrs. Guy BelewDr. Keeling’s Staff • Dr. and Mrs. Jeff KeelingFrank Kilcrease • Tommy and Betty WrightKara and Kelsie Knight • Mr. and Mrs. LynnWrightBertha and Don LeMaster • Frances JonesMartha M. Logan • Carmyn H. MorrowTim and Lisa Mack • The Nickels FamilyHerschel and Marcelle Mann • Keith Mannand FamilyMr. and Mrs. Nevill Manning • Charles andNorma HallEd and Dottie Markham • Eldon and MaryCarrollMr. and Mrs. Al Martin • Tom and TooleyWilkinsonLynn Massingill • Becky BallengerCarla and Rick McEntire • Cora MuellerPat MacKenzie • Anna Ruth Hall, Jackie PiercyDr. Gordon McMillan • Stan and KathyeOsborne, Warren and Kathy HuntBecky and Dub McWhorter • Della Rocap<strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong>’ Volunteers and Staff • Jimand Peggy YoungDr. and Mrs. David Midkiff • Dr. and Mrs. W.Duke MyersMary Mixon • Missy RatcliffBob and Charlotte Moody • Phillip, Tricia andTanyaGlynn and Jan Morgan • The Nickels FamilyDr. and Mrs. Jim Moyes • Deuon and FrancesBakerRosalee Musgrave • Marie JonesLillie Newsom • John and Mikella NewsomMr. and Mrs. Royce Newson • Dan and AnnJohnstonCarolyn Nicks • Dave and Bert PennockBob and Linda Nissen • Ric and Becky AkardStaff at Pampered Paws • “Madison and Cowboy”;Mike and Jayne FieldDr. and Mrs. Jeff Paxton • Dave and BertPennockMargene Peachee • Frances JonesLee and Beth Pennington • Betty Lou MahoneBetty Petree • Lois BatesJohn and Nancy Philpott • Bill and AnnPhilpottFrances Pierce • Laney and Travis BridwellJackie Piercy • David and Stacie GeorgeMrs. Sha Pierot • Francine and Owen GilbreathHelen Price • Frances JonesVivian Procapio • Mr. and Mrs. Guy BelewLes Proffitt • Francine and Owen GilbreathFour Paws Pet Resort • “Madison and Cowboy”;Mike and Jayne FieldMel Revier • David MickeyIma Ricker • Steve and Kristi EdwardsMike and Vickie Rocap • Della RocapThe Roseborroughs • Curtis and Karen DeanDanny and Cheryl Sanders • Kayla FullerDarlene Sanders • Wanda MattheusMrs. Karen Savage • Francine and OwenGilbreathDean Schman • J. J. BakerJo Scott • Charles and DeAnn BrittonEmpress Signor • Francine and Owen Gilbreath,John Poston White, Jim and Wanda WhiteTRIBUTE FOR • Donor(s)Stephen Skybell • Ann L. AlfordMike and Susan Spiller • Bob CopeLubbock <strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong> Staff • Ginny RiggsMr. and Mrs. Jack Strange • Charles and NormaHallJane Stuart • Ann BurbridgeMargaret Talkington • Francine and Owen Gilbreath,Myrna Verner, Louise UnderwoodD’Aun and Herb Tavenner • Stan and D’AunWeaver, Shelley, Douglas, Eric and JennaChad Townley • Sharman MartinLaura Turnbow • Dr. and Mrs. W. Duke MyersMrs. Fred Underwood • Francine and OwenGilbreathMorris Usry • First United Methodist FriendshipClassMyrna Verner • Francine and Owen Gilbreath,Louise Underwood, Jane HenryKaren and Susan Votava • David and LewrieCloseKaren Votava • Ray and Joan JohnsonSara and Paul Wallace • Ric and Becky AkardThe Watsons • Curtis and Karen DeanKaren and Cliff Watt • Dan and Leslie YoungElaine Weed • Jon and Claudia WeedRon Wesley • First United Methodist Quester’sClassFriends and Customers of Western BuildingSpecialties • Western Building SpecialitiesMr. and Mrs. Don Wickard • Al and CharlieMartinAnita Wierzba • Peter WierzbaMr. and Mrs. Tom Wilkinson • Al and CharlieMartinMr. and Mrs. H. E. Wilkinson • Tom and TooleyWilkinsonBetty and Bob Willey • Gary and Cyndi ParkerMs. Margaret Williams • Francine and OwenGilbreathMs. Vongille Willis • Mr. and Mrs. BillQuattlebaumNancy and Keith Wiseman • Jo GambleMrs. Jean Wiswell • Ric and Becky AkardShelli Wolfe, DVM • “Madison and Cowboy”;Mike and Jayne FieldSteve, Lea, Robyn, Clint, Courtney and BrandonWright • Charles and Paula KeyBrax, Beth, John, Elizabeth and Jill Wright •Charles and Paula KeyMilton Wright • Sharman MartinMaxine Wulfjen • Marian CraddockmissionstatementRespecting the dignity of everyhuman being, no matter their need orphysical condition, Lubbock <strong>Meals</strong> on<strong>Wheels</strong> will provide nutritious, homedelivered meals to those who arehomebound, elderly or disabled. Weshall seek to break the social isolationexperienced by the homebound byproviding warm, caring, friendlycontact through our voluteers.<strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong> <strong>January</strong> 2009 5

In Loving Memory{memorials for September 29, 2008 to <strong>January</strong> 12, 2009}6MEMORY OF • Donor(s)Nobel Anderson • Bob and Lorraine MurphyJames Roy Artrip, Sr. • New Deal First BaptistChurchFoy Atchison • Maureen Davis, Kay JohnsonLucille Andrews • Cheryl SebastianG. C. and Sena Avery • Brandi Hancock-StrongJames G. and Betty L. Baker • Robby VestalElaine Baker • Carolyn DennisKelly Baldridge • Lou Diekemper, Kelly andCyndi Pratas, Jack and Allison Robertson, JohnJohnson and Plains Cotton Coop AssociationLynn Bales • Don and Cray Pickering, Jim BalesRose Banks, R. N. • Paul J. Harph, M.D.Marge Barnett • Mr. and Mrs. Clark BarnettRick Bassinger • Richard and Bonnie BassingerDial Baxley • Jo BaxleyClaude Bearden • Sissum BrownHazel Bennett • Jane ReedBarbara Benson • Carolyn Lockett, BonnieMacLean, Robert GowingShelton Berry • Donald and Charlene Finkner,Betty J. Cary, Pam MullerNina Bienroth • A. C. and Doris HarrisAnna Ruth, sister of Wanda Bryan Blake• Joann BlakeVon Dee Breedlove • Joyce and DonaldHancockCharles and Waurika Brock • Ralph H.Brock and Carolyn F. MooreMabry Brock • Penny BaldwinMy parents and brothers • Sissum BrownAnna Mary Brown • Jo Anne CorbetCurtis E. and Mae Oma Brown • Mary E.Jones, Gerri and Herb CragheadMildred Browning • Randy Rogers and DonnieBennettVictor and Sue Bruce • Allan, Angie, Ashlynand Grant WolfBerniece Buchanan • Sue MinorJoe Bob Bumpass • Mike and Peggye JeanLambertRoscoe Bumpass • Leon and Betty Hanlon,Frankie MartinAlvis Burge • Juanita HortonMr. Burnam • Sharon WilliamsLou Carlson • Dr. Charles and Patricia WheelerDr. James R. Carroll • Della Rocap, Judy andJohn Burnett, Julie and Shawn Holladay andKaty KayLeOpal Chisum-Robinson Smith • JewellMueller FamilyRex Clark • Rod Craig, Judy Hardin and CynthiaHernandez, Kathleen Anderson, WandaEmerson and Nicole Pruitt, Deborah Cain,Raymond and Nell Dennis, Jack and SusanRobinson, Jimmie and Barbara Irwin, CelesteKulinski, Linda L. Tarpley, James N. Shelton, J.Malcolm Shelton, IVRuth Clark • Harlan and Jan Cook, ThursdayNite Bridge Club, Daughters of the Pioneers-LubbockMax Arvyn Clawson • Kathi, Clay and CotyHallett; Debbie and Kendrick Kelley; Linda andCharlie MayLes Clemmons • Mr. and Mrs. R. A. MaddoxMark and Kathleen Brown Click • DixieandAnthony Hairgrove<strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong> <strong>January</strong> 2009MEMORY OF • Donor(s)Cris Cobb • Doris R. KochanekTruman Coconaugher • Elaine AtkinsonBill Collins • Barbara AllisonBryan Collyar • E. B. and Danna DixonT. A. Conard • Ed and Norma JonesJo and Jim Daniel • Carole Daniel and StanDanielGeorge P. Davis • Elaine AtkinsonT. J. Davis • Alice M. DavisWiley Davis • Mr. and Mrs. Clark BarnettPamela Love Deese • Covenant Employees,Glenn and Sharon Timmons, Denise and JimMitchell; Tanner and MirandaKathy Denning • Becky AkardJack Diamond • Rachael Pattillo, Fred andArlene BradshawBronson Dickerson • Mickey and Judy K.ColemanGol Dinyaran • Dr. and Mrs. Gurdev Gill, Dr.Misra’s <strong>Of</strong>ficePhannon Dorman • Sue Minor, Nel Luck,Larry and Betty Doris LaRoe, Francine andOwen GilbreathOra Dee Drennen • Highland 3-R’s, Kyle andSara LittleLewis Drum • Bob, Shirley and Lori HutsonDub Dunagan • Kelley and Kathleen O’HairErnestine Duncan • Dub and Denece Harris,Ric and Becky Akard, Dwayne Mauldin andDub Harris, Harold and Joan Carnes, Don andJanalee McClendon, Ron McInnis, Dwight andGwen Sanders, Dub and Denece HarrisIreeta Edney • Highland 3-R’sEveritt’s Mother • Harlan and Jane ReddellCam Fannin • Mr. and Mrs. Joe HorkeyJ. C. Florence • Mr. and Mrs. J. E. CrawfordPolice Sgt. K. D. Fowler • Mrs. Jina FowlerKen Gardner • Jo Scott, Dee Jacks, Harlan andJan CookRichard F. Gillen • Inez M. GillenAnna Belle Graves • Vandelia Church ofChrist, Class 3ALindl Graves • James W. GravesB. J. Green • The CartersPaul B. Green • Mary and Otice GreenErnestine Gregg • Herb and Gerri CragheadBetty Grisham • Bill and Sandra CantrellRobert Guest • Gary WeaverLuther and Mabel Guillot • Leon and BettyHanlonPat Hapiuk • Pat and Bob WiseRobert H. Hargrove, Jr. • Mr. and Mrs. KingA. BarrierArmie Love Hawkins • Jackie Lynn andFamilyRuth Hays • Daughters of the Pioneers--LubbockFaye Nell Hill • Bob and Barbara SuttonZach Hill • Kelley and Kathleen O’HairGary Hoffman • Kris and Jan ThomasGladys Hollingsworth Ring • Sam HollingsworthI. G. Holmes • Stan and Lucille Sedgwick, Jayand Phyllis KinnisonAlvis Holt • Nell Holt and FamilyJeanie Hobgood • Wayne TaylorIra and Vivia Hudson • Carrie WardroupJulian “Kip” Hyde, Jr. • Lisa ContrerasMEMORY OF • Donor(s)Steven Hyer • Phyllis HyerCarli Ilaria • Aldo and Malaka FincoArnold Ingram • Margaret IngramHerman Jacobs • D’Aun and Herb Tavenner,“Slats” WardroupDavid Johanson • Jay and Phyllis KinnisonJames T. Johnston • Jo Gamble, Buford andJuanita Gregory, Marian WilliamsBeth, Sister of Tommy Jones • Rosemaryand Tom Brown, R. C. and Virginia HydeBetty and Lester Jones • Gary and CynthiaJonesElouise A. Jones • W. L. JonesPattie Keele • Lu Keele-SoulesNedra Kellogg • Nancy and Dalton TarwaterBetty Kilcrease • Tommy and Betty WrightGus King • Rick and Jacille Smith, Joni Rose,Barbara and Salty Bulen, George Clay, Mr. andMrs. J. E. Crawford, Charlene King, NormanOwens ThomasRichard Kohler • Russell and Theresa KellyRuth Kopp • Betty Gay, Wiley, Jr. and Lissa,Olga and Caddo Wright, Clark and WandaBarnett, Arthur and Merrijon Newton, Bill andOkie Rice, Henri and Bobby LewisOleta Langner • Morgan and Clara O’BrienDr. Robert Lehman • Gene and Cathy Tate,Irene Howard, Cookie NolandFannie Mae Lokey • Patsy R. LokeyJohn Lord • Gene and Cathy TateBarry Love • Harold LoveBillie Lowe • Donald and Charlene FinknerCharles Lynch • Buddy and Letha Mayfield,Dorothy and Lloyd DavisMargel Lyons • Carolyn and Derry HardingRosalinda Martinez • Becky AkardJesse Mattox • Kay and Doug Sanford, Jack andGerry KastmanJeanne McCormack • J. E. Murfee & SonMickey McDonald • Kelly and Cyndi PratasBen McDougal • Fred and Jackie Kennedy,Martha and Bill Harmon, Buddy R. Goldston,Mr. and Mrs. Melton Durant, Jamey and AmyDement FamilyToinette McInroe • Frank McInroeRachel McLachlan • Bruce CallenderCarey A. McLaughlin • Arlene S. McLaughlinDavid McNelly • Ric and Becky AkardBob Meador • Bill and Okie RicePaul G. Meyer, M. D. • Marie MeyerCarla Milliken • Lov-Cot Warehouse, L. P.Webb Moore • Ralph H. Brock and Carolyn F.MooreFrances Morrow • Agnes ByrdErle Mote • Neven MoteSigne Mote • Neven MoteRaymond and Emmy Murdock • Trent andJane PaulCharles Neil • Francine and Owen GilbreathMarlene Noel • Barbara ScottGwen Norrell • Eugene and Paula Culpepperand Whitney Stroope, Harlan and Jane RedellT. B. Norrell • Eugene and Paula CulpepperFred Ogden • Pauline OgdenBob Paul • Lloyd, Cleo and Alan HendrixBetty Peak • Susan CombestDick Pearce • Romeo Breakfast Club

MEMORY OF • Donor(s)Betty Lou Cone Petree • Sanford & Tatum InsuranceAgency, Marjorie Cone Kastman, PaulineSchoppaJerry Don Phillips • Barbara CookBilly and Freda Pierce • The J. O. PierceFamilyFreda Pierce • Bill and Okie Rice, Jo ScottJonnie Cue Pirtle • J. E. Murfee & Son, Jimand Louise UpchurchMrs. Richard Lee Porch • Arlyce ManneyJames Price • Willa Mae PriceElizabeth Purdy • Monta and Carol WolfeAstyn Qubty • Johnny and Diane QubtyRachel Quest • PlainsCapital BankBill Rainey • Charles and Marissa RaineyCharles Lewis Rainwater • Willis WoodDon Ransom • Pamela J. PackBilly Reed • Beth ReedJoe Renli • Roy SearsMerrill Riggen • The Edward Hudson FamilyAgnes Robinson • Gale RobinsonB. H. “Boots” Rogers • June RogersTerry M. Russ • Gary and Sherry AxtonMaria Sandoval • Hector and Dora SandovalRicardo Sandoval • Hector and Dora SandovalBettie C. Sawyer • Joe Don and Lynn Ford,Shirley TaylorCarolyn Scott • Ric and Becky AkardEugenie “Jenny” Masso Shehadeh • Mr.and Mrs. Justino Aguilar and FamilyChris Shinn • Leonard E. and Lucy HutchisonJoyce Shuman • Frankie Martin, Bill and KarenWadeRoyce and Mabel Sikes • Mike and ElaineSherrodBen Simmons • Steve and Jan AlexanderElizabeth Lynne Smith • Helen D. SmithGerri Smith • Kelley and Kathleen O’HairBill Snell • Jim CurrieMavis Snow • Carmon and Karen McCainAudrey Spence • Stan and Kerrie CribbsGeorge Spradlin • Mr. and Mrs. Wayne OwenLawson Stiff • Alice ParsleyHattie Stingler • Mrs. Helen HerefordJean Stripling • Joe and Pam MurfeeSarah Stroud • Bob and Sandra MartinMaxine Sunday • Doug and Hayden HensleyLana Stump • Ric and Becky AkardRoy Tabor • Ric and Becky AkardJ. T. Talkington • Glenna WylieMary Taylor • Jim and Louise UpchurchNorris Taylor • Amy PritchettSarah Thompson, R.N. • Paul J. Harph, M.D.Gigi Tosi • Louise and Tony GrecoMozelle Tune • Pam BruceL. C. Unfred • Rex McKinneyNatalie Unfred • C. L. and Ann BoggsFloyd “Scooter” Vaughn • Tom and RoseMary BrownVestel Vaughn • Mr. and Mrs. Clark BarnettDavid Vincent • Wes and Vicki Hallmark, PerceptorGamma Mu Beta Sigma PhiElaine Walker • Charlie and Montez Ray andRic and Becky AkardSue Wallace • John and Barbara BaldwinEmma Jo Warren • American State BankDirectors, <strong>Of</strong>ficers and EmployeesEarl Weaver • D’Aun and Herb TavennerMadge Weaver • Mr. and Mrs. Hermon E. Edwards,Art and Eulene Cronk, Paul and FrancesBeane, Greg and Kathy Boerner, CindyMEMORY OF • Donor(s)Eberle, Fred and Arwelda Gibson, Phil and BethCrumpler, Rex McKinney, Brent and CathyNoble, Ricky and Kim Peck, Eugene and BettyHenry, Fuston and Billie Ruth McCarty, Joe andJameree Freeman, Compton and Ann CorneliusJoe Welch’s Father • Renee HesterLarry A. Wester • Joy Lea and Maurice Wester,Jay and Gwendolyn JenkinsMrs. Jack Williams • Terry L. HoodTeddye Williams • Joe and Pam MurfeeJack S. Williams, Sr. • Ken and Melissa EllisAlyne Wilson • Karen and James Taylor, Johnand Leasa ThomasJohn B. Wilson • Eddie WeiseMr. and Mrs. George Wilson • Francine andOwen Gilbreath. Terry L. HoodVivian Wilson • Mike and Peggye Jean Lambert,John and Leasa Thomas, Bob and LorraineMurphyHoward and Wilda Wolf • Allan, Angie,Ashlyn and Grant WolfTex Wood • Joyce N. WoodWanda G. Wood • Carol S. WoodWilbert Wuensche • Jo Ann SteinhauserKenneth Wyatt • Don and Gayle LangstonLoy Wylie • Glenna WylieOpal Young • S. J. YoungLonnie, Barney and Billie • Emma JeanCampbellMemorials & Honorarium GiftsA donation to Lubbock <strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong> is a great tribute for a:Birthday • Anniversary • Holiday • Special EventDonations may also be made in Memory of a Loved <strong>On</strong>eWith any tribute or memorial donation, an acknowledgment card will be sent to the person or personsyou indicate. For tribute and memorial contributions, please cut out card below, complete, and send to:Lubbock <strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong>2304 34th Street, Lubbock Texas 79411You can also help our program in the coming years by:• Remembering Lubbock <strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong> in your will. • Giving monthly by bank draft.✁Please send an acknowledgment card to: (please print clearly)Name_ ______________________________________________________________________________________________Address______________________________________________________________________________________________City______________________________________________________ State_____________________ Zip______________This gift is from_______________________________________________________________________________________Address__________________________________________________________ Phone _______ / _______ - ____________City______________________________________________________ State_____________________ Zip______________Payment: ❐ AmEx ❐ MasterCard ❐ VISA ❐ DiscoverCard #: ___ - ___ - ___ - ___ ___ - ___ - ___ - ___ ___ - ___ - ___ - ___ ___ - ___ - ___ - ___Expiration Date: ____ / ____ Security Code:________ Authorized Amount: $ _______________ OR❐ Check is enclosed for the amount of $ _________________❐ Special Occasion (Specify the occasion)___________________________________________❐ Memorial (Name of person to be remembered)_____________________________________Food, Fun, & FactsLubbock <strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong> held its AnnualDinner, <strong>January</strong> 27. Guests enjoyed a varietyof entrees at Gilberts while being updatedon the many statistics of the Lubbock <strong>Meals</strong>on <strong>Wheels</strong>’ program. Board members werehonored for their years of dedicated service,and new members* were sworn in for theirupcoming terms.Thank you to Russell Campbell for servingas Board President in 2008 and to PastPresident Sue Franklin for her seven yearsof service. Welcome to Karen Caddel whowill serve as Board President in 2009.2009 <strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong>’ Board of Directors:Karen Caddel, PresidentBrent Guinn, Vice PresidentTerry Witter*, TreasurerTeresa McLean, SecretaryWendy ArmesAllan Judah*Dana MadisonKeith MannJacqui Neal*Cookie NolandNatu Patel*Norval PollardChris RitterChristina Styers*April Weems*New Board Members<strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong> <strong>January</strong> 2009 7

NEWS ON WHEELSLubbock <strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong>, Inc.2304 34th StreetLubbock, Texas 79411www.<strong>lubbock</strong>mealsonwheels.orgNon Profit Org.US PostagePAIDLubbock, TXPermit No 48News on <strong>Wheels</strong>Volume 30, Number 1 | <strong>January</strong> 2009Published <strong>Quarterly</strong>News on <strong>Wheels</strong> is available to friends ofLubbock <strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong> as a public service.Executive DirectorLorrie Lushnat BellairAssistant DirectorLisa GillilandSpecial EventsCoordinatorDeAnn BrittonProgram CoordinatorLynne HymanVolunteer CoordinatorBarbara BulenAdministrative AssistantAshleigh McKenzieFood Service DirectorRoberta SchroyerFood Service StaffSheryl HightThelma RobinsonJerry BillingtonJanie SanchezAccountantKara HensleeEditor (Volunteer)Sunny Shaver2009 Board of DirectorsPresidentKaren CaddelVice PresidentBrent GuinnTreasurerTerry WitterSecretaryTeresa McLeanWendy ArmesAllan JudahDana MadisonKeith MannJacqui NealCookie NolandNatu PatelNorval PollardChris RitterChristina StyersApril WeemsWe Make it; You Bake it - Available All Year!The frozen quiche project was hugely successful during the holidays but please remember that ourquiches are available throughout the year. We also offer quiche gift certificates which allow the recipientto pick out the flavor of their choice and pick up the quiche whenever convenient. Thesedelicious, cheesy quiches are perfect for bridal or baby showers, a special Valentine meal, a weekendbrunch or just whenever you want a great and simple meal for your family. All you do is place yourorder; pick up at our office; pop it into the oven and enjoy! These 10-inch, frozen, ready-to bakequiches come in five varieties including Quiche Mexicana (vegetarian), Ham & Cheese Quiche,Spinach & Mushroom (vegetarian), Italian Sausage Quiche, and Quiche Florentine (spinachand bacon). Quiches are $12.99 plus tax or two for $25.00 plus tax and can be ordered by phone, fax,mail, or in person at our office. Keep us in mind when planning your next party, special occasion,or quiet evening at home and order one (or more) of these fabulous quiches. You’ll know that yourpurchase is not only feeding your family and friends but also the homebound, elderly, and disabled inyour community as all proceeds from the sale go to Lubbock <strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong>.To place an order:Call our office at (806) 792-7971• Fax order to: (806) 791-1835 if paying by credit card • Mailcompleted form below with check or credit card number to:Lubbock <strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong> | 2304 34th Street | Lubbock, Texas 79411✁Quiche - $12.99 + tax eachor 2 for $25.00 + tax____Spinach and Mushroom Quiche____Quiche Mexicana (vegetarian)____Ham & Cheese Quiche____Italian Sausage Quiche____Quiche Florentine (spinach & bacon)Total # of Quiches:_______ $________Tax (8.25%) $________Total $_ _______ORDER FORM (Please Print Clearly)Name:_ ________________________________Address:________________________________Daytime Phone:__________________________E-mail address:______________________________My check is enclosed____Credit Card: VISA, MasterCard, AmEx, DiscoverCredit Card Number:__________________________Exp. Date:______________ Security Code_________Orders will be available for pick up by special appointmentat Lubbock <strong>Meals</strong> on <strong>Wheels</strong>. Please call to makearrangements. Thank you

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