۔No and Nameof BlockNo. & Nameof PanchayatHalqaName of ElectedSarpanchesNo. & Name of PanchWard/ConstituencyName of ElectedPanchesRemarks (Please mentionreasons for any vacancytill date )v. Lower Sounthan Sh.Sham lal S/O Mithu NIL1. Udhampur 45. TikriSh.Yash PaulSharma S/oSh.Amernathvi. Peer BabaI - GoalSh.Dewan Chand S/O MotiRamSmt.Mamta Devi W/oBalwan SinghNILNILii - ChenaniSh.Ranjet Singh S/o MotiSinghNILiii PatyeriSh.Nek Ram S/o KrishanChandNILiv - TikriSmt.Vijay Kumari W/oVipan KumarNILv Upper JakherSh.Onkar Singh S/o DinaNathNILvi - Lower JakherSh.Dharam Paul S/o AmarChandNILvii - JarmaraSmt.Sarishta Devi W/o BittuRamNILPage 36 of 38

۔No and Nameof BlockNo. & Nameof PanchayatHalqaName of ElectedSarpanchesNo. & Name of PanchWard/ConstituencyName of ElectedPanchesRemarks (Please mentionreasons for any vacancytill date )viii - PhagyalSh.Balbir Singh S/o ThakurDassNILix - LehnuSh.Vinod Kumar S/o HariKrishanNILx -BerneikhSh.Mangat Ram S/oMunshi SinghNIL1. Udhampur 46. TirshiSh.Rattan Lal S/OSh.Rasila Rami. NambalSmt.Santosh Devi W/O vedChanderNILii. DaledSh. Joginder Singh S/OSandoor SinghNILiii. NaroreSh.Bishan Dass S/O BansiLalNILiv. BanjalaSmt.Neelam Devi W/OMiyan SinghNILv. Manthal Sh.Kunj Lal S/O Jagan Nath NILvi. Tirshi Sh.Suraj Parkash S/O Balia NILPage 37 of 38

۔No and Nameof BlockNo. & Nameof PanchayatHalqaName of ElectedSarpanchesNo. & Name of PanchWard/ConstituencyName of ElectedPanchesRemarks (Please mentionreasons for any vacancytill date )viii - PhagyalSh.Balbir Singh S/o ThakurDassNILix - LehnuSh.Vinod Kumar S/o HariKrishanNILx -BerneikhSh.Mangat Ram S/oMunshi SinghNIL1. Udhampur 46. TirshiSh.Rattan Lal S/OSh.Rasila Rami. NambalSmt.Santosh Devi W/O vedChanderNILii. DaledSh. Joginder Singh S/OSandoor SinghNILiii. NaroreSh.Bishan Dass S/O BansiLalNILiv. BanjalaSmt.Neelam Devi W/OMiyan SinghNILv. Manthal Sh.Kunj Lal S/O Jagan Nath NILvi. Tirshi Sh.Suraj Parkash S/O Balia NILPage 37 of 38

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