Service Awards and In Memoriam - Los Angeles County Sheriff's ...

Service Awards and In Memoriam - Los Angeles County Sheriff's ... Service Awards and In Memoriam - Los Angeles County Sheriff's ...


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MEDAL OF VALORAWARDSLOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENTLOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENTMERITORIOUSCONDUCT MEDALDEPARTMENTAL VALOR AWARDSMEDALOF VALORThe Medal ofValor awardis the highesthonor a memberof the <strong>Los</strong><strong>Angeles</strong> <strong>County</strong>Sheriff’sDepartment canreceive. It isawarded topersons whodistinguishthemselves bydisplaying greatcourage, above<strong>and</strong> beyond thecall of duty,<strong>In</strong> recognition of your heroic actions when you placed yourself inimmediate peril, with full knowledge of the risk involved, to save thelife of a woman, <strong>and</strong> the attempted rescue of a second victim, theDepartment’s highest honor - The Medal of Valor - is awarded this 21stday of June, 2000 to :• Deputy Charles Kovach • Sergeant Katherine Voyer •• Deputy Jay Yelick •<strong>In</strong> recognition of your heroic actions on December 9, 1997, when youplaced yourself in immediate danger by engaging in intense gunfire withan armed suspect <strong>and</strong> leaving a place of cover to rescue a wounded DeputySheriff, the Department’s highest honor - The Medal of Valor - is awardedthis 21st day of June, 2000 to :• Deputy Jeanette Duran-Dingillo •• Deputy Sean Van Leeuwen •• Deputy Frank Dominguez • Deputy Peter Lavin •• Deputy Tim Phillips •<strong>In</strong> recognition of your heroic actions on April 12, 1998, when youunselfishly placed yourself in immediate danger to save the lives offellow deputies, the Department’s highest honor -The Medal of Valor - is awarded this 21st day of June, 2000 to :• Sergeant Dean Scoville • Deputy Eric Barron •• Deputy Geoffrey Deedrick • Deputy Bradford Higgins •• Deputy Dwight Miley • Deputy David Poling •• Deputy Andrew Turpen •<strong>In</strong> recognition of your heroic actions on May 7, 1999, when you placedyourself in immediate peril while formulating a plan to extract threeyoung boys who had been rendered unconsciousby deadly chemical fumes, <strong>and</strong> reacting to a dangerous situation affectingtheir rescue, the Department’s highest honor - The Medal of Valor -is awarded this 21st day of June, 2000 to :• Deputy Shane Quartararo • Deputy Kenneth Scheurn •• Deputy Robert Sonnemann • Deputy Kenneth Valentini •• Deputy Michael Velek •<strong>In</strong> recognition of your heroic actions on September 30, 1999, when youplaced yourself in immediate peril while affecting the rescue of a man,whose upper body was aflame from a residential fire, the Department’shighest honor - The Medal of Valor -is awarded this 21st day of June, 2000 to :• Deputy Tyrone Berry • Deputy Michael Valento •GOLDMEDAL<strong>In</strong> recognition of your heroic actions on June 4, 1999, when you placedyourself in immediate peril when leaving a position of cover during anintense gun battle to effect the rescue of a motorist, the Department’sGold Meritorious Conduct Medal is awardedthis 21st day of June, 2000 to :• Deputy Jeffrey Coates •Presented June 21, 2000MEDALS OF VALOR AND MERITORIOUS CONDUCT RECIPIENTSFrontRow:1 Jay Yelick2 Dewayne Brown3 Arm<strong>and</strong>o Meneses4 Sheriff Baca5 Sonia Parra6 Michael Rafter7 Eric Barron8 Jeanette Duran-Dingillo2ndRow:1 Roger Ross2 Shane Quartararo3 Katherine Voyer4 Kenneth Valentini5 Andrew Turpen6 Tyrone Berry7 Sean VanLeeuwen8 Geoffrey DeedrickGroup Picture From Left to Right3rdRow:1 David Duarte2 Christopher Roberts3 Alex<strong>and</strong>er Kim4 Dwight Miley5 Jeffrey Coates6 Michael Valento7 Bradford HigginsTopRow:1 Kenneth Scheurn2 Robert Sonnemann3 Michael Velek4 Dean Scoville5 Charles Kovach6 David Poling7 Peter Lavin8 Timothy Phillips9 Frank DominguezMERITORIOUSCONDUCTThis medal isthe secondhighest awarda Departmentalmember canreceive. It isawarded topersons whoplace themselvesin immediateperil <strong>and</strong>perform an actof heroism<strong>and</strong>/or save thelife of anotherperson.MERITORIOUS CONDUCT MEDALYEAR IN REVIEW 2000in the face ofimmediatelife-threateningperil <strong>and</strong> withfull knowledgeof the riskinvolved.<strong>In</strong> recognition of your heroic actions on October 15, 1999, when youplaced yourself in immediate life threatening peril, entering a multipersoncell, armed only with Oleoresin Capsicum spray <strong>and</strong> personalweapons to effect the rescue of a critically wounded inmate, theDepartment’s highest honor - The Medal of Valor -is awarded this 21st day of June, 2000 to :• Deputy Dewayne Brown • Deputy David Duarte •• Deputy Alex Kim • Deputy Arm<strong>and</strong>o Meneses •• Deputy Christopher Roberts • Sergeant Roger Ross •<strong>In</strong> recognition of your heroic actions on November 21, 1999, when youplaced yourself in immediate life threatening peril, with full knowledgeof the risk involved, in order to protect <strong>and</strong> effect the rescue ofcivilians who had been victimized by suspects, the Department’s highesthonor - The Medal of Valor - is awarded this 21st day of June, 2000 to :• Deputy Sonia Parra • Deputy Michael Rafter •YEAR IN REVIEW 2000184185

DISTINGUISHEDSERVICE AWARDSLOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENTLOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENTEXEMPLARYSERVICE AWARDSDISTINGUISHEDSERVICEAWARDSThePresented September 13, 2000• Lieutenant Sheila Sanchez •Presented September 13, 2000• Undersheriff Paul E. Myron (Retired) •• Comm<strong>and</strong>er Irene McReynolds •• Comm<strong>and</strong>er Nancy L. Malone •• Captain John E. V<strong>and</strong>er Horck •EXEMPLARYSERVICEAWARDSTheDistinguished<strong>Service</strong> awardofficiallyrecognizesexceptional• Sergeant Lawrence E. Jowdy •• Captain Thomas M. Laing •• Lieutenant Michael Adrid •• Lieutenant Ken Johnson •• Lieutenant Robert Lindsey •• Lieutenant Todd Rogers •• Lieutenant Ronald Shreves •Exemplary<strong>Service</strong> awardis presentedto employeeswho meritDISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARDSperformance byemployees ofthis Department.The medal ispresented toemployeeswho havedistinguishedthemselves byactions whichare far beyondthose requiredfor theirposition <strong>and</strong>which result ina significantcontributiontoward thebetterment ofour Department<strong>and</strong> its membersthrough:• Sergeant Lawrence R. Martindale •• Deputy Drew Birtness •• Deputy Michael Clynes •• Deputy David Rathbun •• Deputy Vince Romero •• Deputy Donald J. Steck •• Lieutenant Charles Vannoy •• Sergeant Gilbert L. Arce •• Sergeant Arlene J. Berner •• Sergeant John W. Harris •• Sergeant Cory A. Kennedy •• Sergeant Edward Rogner •• Sergeant Ronald E. Waltman •• Deputy Timothy D. Carr •• Deputy Ricky Carroll •• Deputy Jeffrey Coates •• Deputy John P. Gannon •• Deputy Beatriz Kraft •• Deputy Stella M. Lammers •• Deputy G. Lee Leatherman •• Deputy Ray Maifeld •• Deputy Brinton G.Marsden, Jr. •• Deputy Thomas H. McNeal •• Deputy Steve Sylvies •• Deputy Clyde Terry •• Director Andrew Lamberto •• Director Natalie Macias •• Assistant Director Dr. Steve Sultan •• Bouman Attorney Mary Wickham •• Administrative <strong>Service</strong>s Manager III Cathy Robinson •• Senior Departmental Personnel Technician James E. Coyne •• Crime Analyst Michaela Underhill •Departmentrecognitionfor workefforts whichshow an unusualdegree ofindividualinitiativeresulting innotableachievementthrough:EXEMPLARY SERVICE AWARDSYEAR IN REVIEW 2000• Improved Efficiency• <strong>In</strong>creased Effectiveness• Substantial Cost Savings• Improved Personal Safety• Enhanced Public Image• Consistent Career Excellence• Director Dr. Audrey L. Honig •• Operations Assistant III Susan Porreca •• Operations Assistant III Marie Cobbs •• Operations Assistant III Lillian Romero •• Operations Assistant III Cecilia Reinbold •• Operations Assistant II Jana Dillon •• Custody Assistant Joe S. Araujo •Presented December 29, 2000• Chief Lee A. Davenport •• Technical <strong>In</strong>novation• Devotion to an OrganizationalMission or Duty• Improved Personal Safety• Enhancement of theDepartmental ImageYEAR IN REVIEW 2000186187

INMEMORIAMINMEMORIAMLOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENTLOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENTNAME RANK DATE OF SERVICE DECEASEDNAME RANK DATE OF SERVICE DECEASEDRalph A. Anderson Sergeant 12-08-47 to 02-20-78 09-05-00Jon L. Jones Electrician 05-12-97 to 04-28-00 04-28-00Richard R. Anderson Deputy 02-06-42 to 04-07-68 05-21-00Renee L. Kramer Clerk 02-15-61 to 03-30-92 09-04-00Earnest L. Baker Cashier 07-03-89 to 11-30-94 03-05-00Jerold Kunz Communications Operator II 03-26-59 to 03-27-00 03-27-00Leon B. Bergman Lieutenant 07-19-48 to 03-17-83 05-18-00Ned Lovretovich Sergeant 04-01-45 to 03-31-69 12-24-00Joseph A. Biscan Deputy 07-09-56 to 03-17-87 03-02-00Larry Lowers Sr. Electronics Communications Tech. 10-09-79 to 01-17-00 01-17-00Richard A. Brown Deputy III 07-01-52 to 03-17-79 09-05-00Charles Lyle Clerk 06-02-55 to 05-11-63 01-07-00Douglas C. Campbell Deputy 11-20-49 to 03-25-83 01-03-00Elmer V. Mansell Lieutenant 06-22-42 to 01-17-68 11-30-00Ronald O. Coleman Deputy III 08-07-69 to 12-28-79 05-03-00Eugenia McGrath Sergeant 11-01-53 to 07-01-73 06-22-00Ronald Collins Departmental Procurement Supervisor 05-19-76 to 03-24-00 03-24-00Harry M. Mear Captain 10-08-51 to 08-17-76 12-31-00Gary W. Coniglio Sergeant 02-01-68 to 09-14-90 10-01-00Albert Natividad <strong>In</strong>spector 02-25-52 to 02-02-82 07-05-00Richard G. Culshaw Sergeant 11-01-50 to 03-19-79 07-20-00R<strong>and</strong>all L. Nichols Lieutenant 02-13-62 to 07-27-92 11-20-00Norman R. Dalbec Sergeant 08-11-47 to 03-31-73 08-21-00Mary B. O’Donnell Clerk 08-01-50 to 01-01-77 06-13-00Arthur F. Davis Deputy 01-13-69 to 11-02-83 05-28-00Michael O'Hara Deputy 08-07-81 to 10-23-00 10-23-00Effie Denie Deputy 01-02-63 to 01-31-83 12-02-00Ronald G. Overton Deputy 02-28-72 to 11-04-92 12-09-00Oscar E. De Silver Lieutenant 08-08-55 to 09-21-78 12-27-00Gale K. Palmer Captain 02-06-61 to 10-25-86 01-01-00Elizabeth J. Dethloff Clerk 08-08-55 to 01-08-77 12-27-99*Richard J. Peterson, Jr. Sergeant 05-09-60 to 10-04-78 04-09-00Adrian N. Douglas Deputy III 06-06-58 to 04-20-78 10-10-00David L. Phelan Deputy 05-01-56 to 07-06-70 04-10-00James F. Downey Undersheriff 08-01-36 to 03-17-75 09-03-00Ross Reed <strong>In</strong>spector 10-25-42 to 10-31-70 05-12-00Charles J. Duncan, Sr. Sergeant 06-03-70 to 03-01-00 10-07-00Gloria Robinson Custody Records Clerk II 04-21-80 to 11-01-00 11-01-00Elbert J. Dyson Deputy 04-25-68 to 06-03-83 01-07-00Richard A. Rodriguez Captain 03-21-49 to 02-01-79 06-21-00George R. Edson Sergeant 12-02-46 to 03-25-75 10-11-00Clifford E. Roos Chief 05-17-37 to 04-01-68 06-12-00IN MEMORIAMWilliam L. Engel Unknown 02-03-47 to 07-29-66 12-15-00Robert W. Faucette Sergeant 04-17-61 to 03-26-90 03-06-00Donald V. Fitz Lieutenant 10-01-37 to 02-23-65 02-20-00David Fletcher Deputy 10-14-77 to 08-19-00 08-19-00John Garvey Law Enforcement Technician 05-10-82 to 02-10-00 02-10-00Glenn W. Schuck Sergeant 05-29-50 to 03-30-74 05-22-00Donald L. Scott Deputy III 05-31-66 to 03-18-80 09-14-00Donald Self Deputy 01-08-78 to 08-29-00 08-29-00Clarence E. Serrano Captain 09-00-39 to 01-31-69 12-07-00Gerald E. Shears Deputy IV 07-19-48 to 03-31-74 04-10-00IN MEMORIAMHelidoro L. Gonzalez Sergeant 06-15-55 to 03-31-82 08-04-00Leanta Skloot Sergeant 10-20-47 to 02-17-69 09-13-00Arthur D. Greenlund Deputy 04-23-73 to 09-04-85 08-17-00Cletus N. Smith Deputy III 01-15-59 to 08-03-81 11-27-00Gertrude Grice Supervising Custody Records Clerk 05-16-74 to 05-24-00 05-24-00Lyle G. Stalcup Sergeant 03-21-49 to 07-04-69 01-11-00Beatrice K. Gunther Clerk 06-16-55 to 03-01-76 03-15-00Robert A. Stotelmeyer Deputy IV 11-01-50 to 03-30-74 12-14-00Joseph R. Hauck Deputy 05-16-67 to 06-01-87 04-25-00Dan M. Tankersley Deputy IV 11-01-65 to 07-01-81 05-08-00Kenneth R. Hays Captain 09-25-46 to 03-20-76 06-06-00Donald L. Torbert Lieutenant 10-13-53 to 03-17-80 07-09-00YEAR IN REVIEW 2000Judith A. Henry Management Secretary V 10-01-75 to 12-03-00 12-03-00Charles E. Hill Deputy 01-01-47 to 09-05-67 08-29-00Allan T. Howard Security Officer 11-03-97 to 01-31-00 01-31-00Donald P. James Sergeant 10-21-53 to 05-23-83 01-29-00Nancy K. Jefferys Deputy 11-01-71 to 10-20-97 09-14-00Christine Johnson Sheriff’s Station Clerk II 04-29-69 to 04-14-00 04-14-00* A person listed as deceased in 1999 was not included in the 1999 Year in Review due to late notification.Dorothy C. Torum Deputy 10-10-60 to 03-17-84 12-24-00Kenneth W. Wegner Deputy IV 10-18-51 to 07-11-79 07-28-00Michael G. Wickman Sergeant 07-06-59 to 06-21-93 04-13-00Charles Wulfestieg Deputy 01-13-74 to 11-04-00 11-04-00John Yelinko Nurse 06-05-50 to 06-30-62 08-20-00Richard T. Zdon Deputy 11-28-60 to 07-29-69 09-06-00Year in Review 2000188189

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