Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

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82 • Chapter 3: Finding SolutionsSolveTools commands that solve systems of algebraic equations. Thispackage gives expert users access to the routines used by the solvecommand for greater control over the solution process.Spread tools for working with spreadsheets in Maple.stats simple statistical manipulation of data; includes averaging, standarddeviation, correlation coefficients, variance, and regression analysis.StringTools optimized commands for string manipulation.Student subpackages that are course specific. In future releases this packagewill be expanded to include other course specific subpackages. Thefirst such subpackage is Calculus1.Calculus1 commands for stepping through differentiation, integration,and limit problems, visualization of Newton’s method, Riemannsums, arc length, volume of rotation and others, as well asroutines for finding points of interest of an expression.sumtools commands for computing indefinite and definite sums. IncludesGosper’s algorithm and Zeilberger’s algorithm.SumTools tools for finding closed forms of definite and indefinite sums.tensor commands for calculating with tensors and their applications inGeneral Relativity Theory.TypeTools commands for extending the set of recognized types in thetype command.Units commands for converting values between units, and environmentsfor performing calculations with units.VariationalCalculus commands for Calculus of Variations computations.VectorCalculus procedures to perform multivariate and Vector calculusoperations on objects based on the rtable datatype.Worksheet commands that provide an infrastructure for generating andmanipulating Maple worksheets by using the Maple language.XMLTools commands that manipulate Maple’s internal representation ofXML documents.

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