Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

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3.8 The Maple Packages • 81OrthogonalSeries commands for manipulating series of classical orthogonalpolynomials or, more generally, hypergeometric polynomials.orthopoly commands for generating various types of orthogonal polynomials;useful in differential equation solving.padic commands for computing p-adic approximations to real numbers.PDEtools tools for manipulating, solving and plotting partial differentialequations.plots commands for different types of specialized plots, including contourplots, two- and three-dimensional implicit plotting, plotting text, andplots in different coordinate systems.plottools commands for generating and manipulating graphical objects.PolynomialTools commands for manipulating polynomial objects.powseries commands to create and manipulate formal power series representedin general form.process the commands in this package allow you to write multi-processMaple programs under UNIX.RandomTools commands for working with random objects.RationalNormalForms commands that construct the polynomial normalform or rational canonical forms of a rational function, or minimalrepresentation of a hypergeometric term.RealDomain provides an environment in which the assumed underlyingnumber system is the real number system not the complex numbersystem.ScientificConstants commands that provide access to the values ofvarious constant physical quantities that occur in fields such as chemistryand physics.simplex commands for linear optimization using the simplex algorithm.Slode commands for finding formal power series solutions of linear ODEs.Sockets commands for network communication in Maple. The routinesin this package enable you to connect to processes on remote hostson a network (such as an Intranet or the Internet) and exchange datawith these processes.

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