Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

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CurveFitting commands that support curve-fitting.3.8 The Maple Packages • 79DEtools tools for manipulating, solving, and plotting systems of differentialequations, phase portraits, and field plots.diffalg commands for manipulating systems of differential polynomialequations (ODEs or PDEs).difforms commands for handling differential forms; for problems in differentialgeometry.Domains commands to create domains of computation; supports computingwith polynomials, matrices, and series over number rings, finitefields, polynomial rings, and matrix rings.ExternalCalling commands that link to external functions.finance commands for financial computations.GaussInt commands for working with Gaussian Integers; that is, numbersof the form a + bI where a and b are integers. Commands forfinding GCDs, factoring, and primality testing.genfunc commands for manipulating rational generating functions.geom3d commands for three-dimensional Euclidean geometry; to defineand manipulate points, lines, planes, triangles, spheres, polyhedra,etcetera, in three dimensions.geometry commands for two-dimensional Euclidean geometry; to defineand manipulate points, lines, triangles, and circles in two dimensions.Groebner commands for Gröbner basis computations; in particular toolsfor Ore algebras and D-modules.group commands for working with permutation groups and finitelypresentedgroups.inttrans commands for working with integral transforms and their inverses.LibraryTools commands for library manipulation and processing.liesymm commands for characterizing the contact symmetries of systemsof partial differential equations.

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