Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

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78 • Chapter 3: Finding Solutions> Tangent(sin(x), x = 0);xWhen you enter with(package);, you see a list of all the short namesof the commands in the package. Plus, Maple warns you if it has redefinedany pre-existing names.3.8 The Maple PackagesMaple’s built-in packages of specialized commands perform tasks from anextensive variety of disciplines, from Student Calculus to General RelativityTheory. The examples in this section are not intended to be comprehensive.They are simply examples of a few commands in selectedpackages, to give you a glimpse of Maple’s functionality.List of PackagesThe following list of packages can also be found by reading the help page?packages. For a full list of commands in a particular package, refer tothe help page, ?packagename.algcurves tools for studying the one-dimensional algebraic varieties(curves) defined by multi-variate polynomials.codegen tools for creating, manipulating, and translating Maple proceduresinto other languages. Includes automatic differentiation, codeoptimization, translation into languages such as C and Fortran.CodeGeneration functions that translate Maple code to other programminglanguages, including Java.combinat combinatorial functions, including commands for calculatingpermutations and combinations of lists, and partitions of integers.(Use the combstruct package instead, where possible.)combstruct commands for generating and counting combinatorial structures,as well as determining generating function equations for suchcounting.context tools for building and modifying context-sensitive menus inMaple’s graphical user interface (for example, when right-clicking onan output expression).

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