Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

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3.7 The Organization of Maple • 77with(package)If the package has a subpackage, use the following with command.with(package[subpackage])Then use the short name for the command.cmd(...)3. Activate the short name for a single command from a package.with(package, cmd)If the package has a subpackage, use the following command.with(package[subpackage], cmd)Then use the short form of the command name.cmd(...)This next example uses the Tangent command in the Student packageto calculate the slope of the tangent of the expression sin(x) at the pointx = 0.> with(Student[Calculus1]);[AntiderivativePlot, ApproximateInt, ArcLength,Asymptotes, Clear, CriticalPoints, DerivativePlot,ExtremePoints, FunctionAverage, FunctionChart,GetMessage, GetNumProblems, GetProblem, Hint,InflectionPoints, Integrand , InversePlot,MeanValueTheorem, NewtonQuotient, NewtonsMethod ,PointInterpolation, RiemannSum, RollesTheorem,Roots, Rule, Show, ShowIncomplete, ShowSteps,Summand , SurfaceOfRevolution, Tangent,TaylorApproximation, Understand , Undo,VolumeOfRevolution, WhatProblem]

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