Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

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50 • Chapter 3: Finding SolutionsThus, to make your solution for x a function of both u and t, the firststep is to obtain the expression for x, as above.> eval(x, s2);− 52713 − 7 t − 2813 uThen use unapply to turn it into a function of u and t.> x := unapply(%, u, t);x := (u, t) → − 52713 − 7 t − 2813 u> x(1,1);−64613You can create the functions y and z in the same manner.> eval(y,s2);> y := unapply(%,u,t);> eval(z,s2);63513y := (u, t) → 63513+ 12 t +7013 u− 7013 − 7 t − 5913 u+ 12 t +7013 u> z := unapply(%, u, t);z := (u, t) → − 7013 − 7 t − 5913 u> y(1,1), z(1,1);

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