Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

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Index • 305refining 2-D, 111refining 3-D, 118rotating, 112, 137setting scale, 99shading, 119shell, 115spheres, 115spiral (3-D), 117, 119text, 129titles, 124, 189, 203translating, 137viewing coordinates, 97plots, 81animate, 121animate3d, 123arrow, 135cylinderplot, 117sphereplot, 115plotsetup, 284plottingadaptive algorithm for, 111animations, 120, 207circles, 99, 102conformal, 132contours, 132curves in 3-D space, 133cylinders, 117, 118discontinuous functions, 56,104explicit functions, 97, 112histograms, 94implicit functions, 130in separate windows, 284inequalities, 130infinite domains, 98inline, 284joining points, 110lists of numbers, 270Matrices, 134multiple curves, 107multiple plots, 127objects, 135ODEs, 252on logarithmic axes, 131on logarithmic axis, 131parametric curves, 99parametric surfaces, 114, 116PDEs, 265points, 109polar coordinates, 101printing, 284root loci, 134series, 189shaded surface, 113singularities, 105space curves, 133specifying range, 98spheres, 116spherical coordinates, 114spirals, 103surfaces, 112tangent, 86tangent function, 106three-dimensional, 112to files, 284topographical maps, 132tubes, 133vector fields, 133plottools, 81, 135pointplot, 109, 110points, plotting, 109polar coordinates, 101and explicit functions, 102and parametric functions, 103animations, 122polar plots, 101polarplot, 102polynomial division, 17polynomials, 58–64coefficients of, 62collecting coefficients, 60collecting terms, 60, 148

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