Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

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Index • 299factored normal form, 35factoring, 33numerator, 38numerators of, 178on common denominator, 155partial, 162fsolve, 53–56, 217avoid, 54complex, 54limitations, 54maxsols, 54specifying range, 55full evaluation, 191functional operator, 18functionsapplying to sets, 23arguments of, 19assigning, 18Bessel, 15binomial, 15defining, 18defining with arrow notation,52defining with unapply, 49, 71Dirac delta, 15discontinuous, plotting, 56error, 15exponential, 11, 15extending by continuity, 228fractional part, 15from expressions, 49general mathematical, 14–15Heaviside step, 15hyperbolic trigonometric, 15hypergeometric, 15inverse trigonometric, 15Legendre’s elliptic integral,15logarithmic base 10, 15Meijer G, 15natural logarithmic, 15piecewise-defined, 260Riemann Zeta, 15round to the nearest integer,15square root, 15trigonometric, 15truncate to the integer part,15Gaussian integers, 14GaussInt, 79generating random numbers, 93genfunc, 79geom3d, 79geometry, 79Getting Started <strong>Guide</strong>, 3graphical objects, 135graphicsdevices, 284in separate windows, 284inline, 284printing, 284graphing, 97three-dimensional, 112greatest common divisor, 64of integers, 8Groebner, 79group, 79guides, 3has, 182hastype, 183heat equation, 263Heaviside, 235, 257Heaviside step function, 15, 257help pages, accessing, 5hemisphere, 138hexidecimal numbers, convertingto, 13Hint, 84–86histograms, 94, 134

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