Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

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ii•Waterloo Maple Inc.57 Erb Street WestWaterloo, ON N2L 6C2CanadaMaple and Maple V are registered trademarks of Waterloo Maple Inc.Maplets is a trademark of Waterloo Maple Inc.c○ 2002, 2001, 2000, 1998, 1996 by Waterloo Maple Inc. All rightsreserved.The electronic version (PDF) of this book may be downloaded andprinted for personal use or stored as a copy on a personal machine. Theelectronic version (PDF) of this book may not be distributed. Informationin this document is subject to change without notice and does not representa commitment on the part of the vendor. The software described inthis document is furnished under a license agreement and may be used orcopied only in accordance with the agreement. It is against the law to copysoftware on any medium except as specifically allowed in the agreement.The use of general descriptive names, trade names, trademarks, etc.,in this publication, even if the former are not especially identified, is notto be taken as a sign that such names, as understood by the Trade Marksand Merchandise Marks Act, may accordingly be used freely by anyone.Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.Java and all Java based marks are trademarks or registered trademarksof Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries.Waterloo Maple Inc. is independent of Sun Mircosystems, Inc.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.This document was produced using a special version of Maple thatreads and updates L A TEX files.Printed in CanadaISBN 1-894511-26-3

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