Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

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284 • Chapter 7: Input and Output7.4 Printing GraphicsOn most platforms, Maple by default displays graphics directly in theworksheet—as inline plots. You can use the plotsetup command tochange this behavior. The following command instructs Maple to displaygraphics in separate windows on your screen.> plotsetup(window);With your plot in a separate window, you can print it through theFile menu as you would print any other worksheet.The plotsetup command has the following general syntax.plotsetup( DeviceType, plotoutput="filename",plotoption="options" )Here, DeviceType is the graphics device that Maple should use, filenameis the name of the output file, and options is a string of options that thegraphics driver recognizes.The following command instructs Maple to send graphics in PostScriptformat to the file myplot.ps.> plotsetup( postscript, plotoutput="myplot.ps" );The plot that the following plot command generates does not appearon the screen but, instead, goes to the file myplot.ps.> plot( sin(x^2), x=-4..4 );Maple can also generate graphics in a form suited to an HP Laser-Jet printer. Maple sends the graph that the following plot3d commandgenerates to the file myplot.hp.> plotsetup( hpgl, plotoutput="myplot.hp",> plotoptions=laserjet );> plot3d( tan(x*sin(y)), x=-Pi/3..Pi/3, y=-Pi..Pi);If you want to print more than one plot, you must change theplotoutput option between each plot. Otherwise, the new plot overwritesthe previous one.> plotsetup( plotoutput="myplot2.hp" );> plot( exp@sin, 0..10 );When you are done exporting graphics, you must tell Maple to sendfuture graphics to your worksheet again.

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