Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

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7.3 Exporting Whole Worksheets • 283RTFTo export a Maple worksheet in RTF (Rich Text Format), select ExportAs from the File menu, then RTF. The .rtf file that Maple generatescan be loaded into any word processor that supports RTF. Maple embedsplots and formatted math in the file as bitmaps wrapped in WindowsMetafiles. Spreadsheets are not fully exported, but visible cells and columnand row headers are exported.The following is a portion of a Maple worksheet exported as RTF.{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0 Times New Roman}{\f1 Symbol}{\f2 Courier New}}{\colortbl\red205\green205\blue205;\red255\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255;}{\stylesheet{\s0 \widctlpar}{\s1\qr footer_header}{\*\cs12\f2\fs24\cf1\i0 \b \ul0 \additive Maple Input}{\*\cs13\f0\fs24\cf2\i0 \b0 \ul0 \additive 2D Comment}{\*\cs14\f0\fs24\cf1\i0 \b0 \ul0 \additive 2D Input}{\*\cs15\f0\fs24\cf3\i0 \b0 \ul0 \additive 2D Output}XMLTo export a Maple worksheet in XML (Extensible Markup Language),select Export As from the File menu, then XML. The .xml file thatMaple generates can be loaded as a worksheet. XML documents are loadedby choosing Open from the File menu.The following is a excerpt of a Maple worksheet exported as XML. ’>a;

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