Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

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7.3 Exporting Whole Worksheets • 281$a$%}.The L A TEX style files assume that you are printing the .tex file usingthe dvips printer driver. You can change this default by specifying anoption to the \usepackage L A TEX command in the preamble of your .texfile.Section 7.4 describes how to save graphics directly. You can includesuch graphics files in your L A TEX document by using the \mapleplotL A TEX command.HTML and HTML with MathMLTo export a Maple worksheet in HTML (HyperText Markup Language)format, select Export As from the File menu, then HTML. The .htmlfile that Maple generates can be loaded into any HTML browser. To exporta Maple worksheet in HTML with MathML (Mathematical MarkupLanguage) format, select Export As from the File menu, then HTMLwith MathML. MathML is the Internet standard, sanctioned by theWorld Wide Web Consortium (W3C), for the communication of structuredmathematical formulae between applications. For more informationabout MathML, refer to the help page ?MathML.Maple generates .gif files to represent plots and animations in yourworksheet. Maple converts formatted mathematical output to MathML or.gif file format for HTML with MathML or HTML exports, respectively.The following is a Maple worksheet exported as HTML. Notice thatother HTML documents (including a table of contents), which were createdby the export process, are called within it.tut1.htmSorry, this document requires that your browser supportframes.This linkwill take you to a non-frames presentation of the document.

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