Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

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280 • Chapter 7: Input and OutputIf your worksheet contains embedded graphics, then Maple generatesPostScript files corresponding to the graphics and inserts the L A TEX codeto include these PostScript files in your L A TEX document.The following is a portion of a Maple worksheet exported as L A TEX.%% Created by Maple 7.00 (IBM INTEL NT)%% Source Worksheet: tut1.mws%% Generated: Wed Apr 11 12:23:32 2001\documentclass{article}\usepackage{maple2e}\DefineParaStyle{Author}\DefineParaStyle{Heading 1}\DefineParaStyle{Maple Output}\DefineParaStyle{Maple Plot}\DefineParaStyle{Title}\DefineCharStyle{2D Comment}\DefineCharStyle{2D Math}\DefineCharStyle{2D Output}\DefineCharStyle{Hyperlink}\begin{document}\begin{maplegroup}\begin{Title}An Indefinite Integral\end{Title}\begin{Author}by Jane Maplefan\end{Author}\end{maplegroup}\section{Calculation}Look at the integral\mapleinline{inert}{2d}{Int(x^2*sin(x-a),x);}{%$\int x^{2}\,\mathrm{sin}(x - a)\,dx$%}. Notice that its integrand,\mapleinline{inert}{2d}{x^2*sin(x-a);}{%$x^{2}\,\mathrm{sin}(x - a)$%}, depends on the parameter\mapleinline{inert}{2d}{a;}{%

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