Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

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264 • Chapter 6: Examples from Calculussol := u(x, t) = e (√ _c 1 x) _C3 e (k _c 1 t) _C1 + _C3 e(k _c 1 t) _C2e (√ _c 1 x)Evaluate the solution at specific values for the constants.> S := eval( rhs(sol), {_C3=1, _C1=1, _C2=1, k=1, _c[1]=1} );S := e x e t + ete xYou can plot the solution.> plot3d( S, x=-5..5, t=0..5 );Checking the solution by evaluation with the original equation is agood idea.> eval( heat, u(x,t)=rhs(sol) );%1 _C3 k _c 1 e (k _c 1 t) _C1 + _C3 k _c 1 e(k _c 1 t) _C2%1− k (_c 1 %1 _C3 e (k _c 1 t) _C1 + _C3 e(k _c 1 t) _C2 _c 1) = 0%1%1 := e (√ _c 1 x)> simplify(%);0 = 0

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