Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

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216 • Chapter 6: Examples from Calculussol := { 1 π, arctan(RootOf(%1, index = 4),2RootOf(_Z 2 + RootOf(%1, index = 4) 2 − 1)), arctan(RootOf(%1, index = 1),RootOf(_Z 2 + RootOf(%1, index = 1) 2 − 1)), arctan(RootOf(%1, index = 5),RootOf(_Z 2 + RootOf(%1, index = 5) 2 − 1)), arctan(RootOf(%1, index = 2),RootOf(_Z 2 + RootOf(%1, index = 2) 2 − 1)), arctan(RootOf(%1, index = 6),RootOf(_Z 2 + RootOf(%1, index = 6) 2 − 1)), arctan(RootOf(%1, index = 3),RootOf(_Z 2 + RootOf(%1, index = 3) 2 − 1))}%1 := −56 − 161 _Z + 129 _Z 2 + 308 _Z 3 + 137 _Z 4+ 21 _Z 5 + _Z 6> evalf(sol);{−1.570796327 + 0.8535664710 I, 1.570796327,−0.3257026605, −1.570796327 + 2.473801030 I,0.6948635283, −1.570796327 + 1.767486929 I,−1.570796327 + 3.083849212 I}You should check the solution set by plotting the function.> plot( eval(err_xi, x=2), xi=2..4 );–0.22.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4xi

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