Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

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8 • Chapter 2: Mathematics with Maple: the Basics158This answer indicates the number of digits in the last example. Theditto operator, (%), is simply a shorthand reference to the result of theprevious computation. To recall the second- or third-most previous computationresult, use %% and %%%, respectively.> ifactor(60);(2) 2 (3) (5)In addition to ifactor, Maple has many commands for working withintegers, some of which allow for calculations of a greatest common divisor(gcd) of two integers, integer quotients and remainders, and primalitytests. See the following examples, as well as Table 2.1.> igcd(123, 45);3> iquo(25,3);8> isprime(18002676583);trueExact Arithmetic—Rationals, Irrationals, and ConstantsAn important Maple property is the ability to perform exact rationalarithmetic, that is, to work with rational numbers (fractions) withoutreducing them to floating-point approximations.> 1/2 + 1/3;56Maple handles the rational numbers and produces an exact result.The distinction between exact and approximate results is an important

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