Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

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158 • Chapter 5: Evaluation and Simplificationcos(x) 4 (cos(x) + 1)Simplification rules are recognized for trigonometric expressions, logarithmicand exponential expressions, radical expressions, expressions withpowers, RootOf expressions, and various special functions.If you specify a particular simplification rule as an argument to thesimplify command, then it uses only that simplification rule (or thatclass of rules).> expr := ln(3*x) + sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2;expr := ln(3 x) + sin(x) 2 + cos(x) 2> simplify( expr, trig );ln(3 x) + 1> simplify( expr, ln );ln(3) + ln(x) + sin(x) 2 + cos(x) 2> simplify( expr );ln(3) + ln(x) + 1For a list of built-in simplification rules, refer to ?simplify.Simplification with AssumptionsMaple may not perform a simplification as you would. Although you knowthat a variable has special properties, Maple treats the variable in a moregeneral way.> expr := sqrt( (x*y)^2 );expr := √ x 2 y 2> simplify( expr );√x 2 y 2

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