Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

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142 • Chapter 4: Graphics> display( {s,s2} );6. Moebius Strip> moebius := plot3d([4+x*cos(1/2*y), y, x*sin(1/2*y)],> x=-Pi..Pi, y=-0..2*Pi, coords=cylindrical, style=patchnogrid,> grid=[60,60], orientation=[-176, 45], lightmodel=light3,> shading=zhue, scaling=constrained):> plots[display](moebius);7. Icosahedron> with(geom3d):> icosahedron(p1, point(o, 0, 0, 0), 1):> stellate(p2, p1, 4):> p := draw(p2):> q := plottools[homothety](p,3):> plots[display]([p,q], scaling=constrained, style=patchnogrid,> lightmodel=light4, shading=xyz, orientation=[-107,81]);To view other variations, change the height value in the stellatecommand.8. Parameterized Surface of Revolution> r1 := 2 + sin(7*t):> z1 := r1*cos(s):> r2 := 8+r1*sin(s):> plot3d([r2*sin(t), r2*cos(t), z1], s=0..2*Pi, t=0..2*Pi,> grid=[80, 80], axes=none, style=patchnogrid, lightmodel=light1);9. SnowmenThe Snowmen graphic is an animation. Code for this animation isavailable at the Maple Application Center.10. Function of Two Variables in Cartesian Coordinates> plot3d({sin(x^2+y^2), 2*cos(x^3+y^3)}, x=-3..3, y=-3..3,> style=patch, grid=[120, 120], axes=none, shading=zhue,> style=patchnogrid, scaling=constrained, orientation=[50,30]);

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