Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

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2 Mathematics with Maple:the BasicsThis chapter begins with a discussion of exact numeric calculations inMaple, which differ slightly from most other mathematical applications.Basic symbolic computations and assignment statements follow. The finaltwo sections teach the basic types of objects in Maple, and providean introduction to the manipulation of objects and the commands mostuseful for this purpose.You will learn the most from this book by using your computer to trythe examples as you read. This chapter sketches out the Maple commandsnecessary to get you started. Subsequent chapters give these and othercommands a more in-depth treatment.To develop a deeper understanding of Maple, use the online help facility.To use the help command, at the Maple prompt enter a questionmark (?) followed by the name of the command or topic for which youwant more information.?command2.1 IntroductionThe most basic computations in Maple are numeric. Maple can function asa conventional calculator with integers or floating-point numbers. Enterthe expression using natural syntax. A semicolon (;) marks the end ofeach calculation. Press enter to perform the calculation.> 1 + 2;35

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