Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

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128 • Chapter 4: Graphics> a := plot( [ sin(t), exp(t)/20, t=-Pi..Pi ] ):> b := polarplot( [ sin(t), exp(t), t=-Pi..Pi ] ):> display( [a,b] );10.5–1 –0.5 0 0.5 1–0.5–1This technique allows you to display plots of different types in thesame axes. You can also display three-dimensional plots, even animations.> c := sphereplot( 1, theta=0..2*Pi, phi=0..Pi ):> d := cylinderplot( 0.5, theta=0..2*Pi, z=-2..2 ):> display( [c,d], scaling=constrained );Enter the previous definition of b and the following Maple commandsinto Maple to view an animation and a plot in the same axes.> e := animate( m*x, x=-1..1, m=-1..1 ):> display( [b,e] );If you display two or more animations together, ensure that they havethe same number of frames. Enter the following example into Maple toview two animations simultaneously.

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