Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

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122 • Chapter 4: Graphics> animate( sin(x*t), x=-10..10, t=1..2,> frames=50, numpoints=100 );You can plot any two-dimensional animation as a three-dimensionalstatic plot. For example, try plotting the animation of sin(xt) above as asurface.> plot3d( sin(x*t), x=-10..10, t=1..2, grid=[50,100],> orientation=[135,45], axes=boxed , style=HIDDEN );10–1101x–102tWhether you prefer an animation or a plot is a matter of taste andalso depends on the concepts that the animation or plot is supposed toconvey.Animating parametrized graphs is also possible. For more informationon parametrized graphes, see section 4.1.> animate( [ a*cos(u), sin(u), u=0..2*Pi ], a=0..2 );By using the coords option, animate uses a coordinate system otherthan the Cartesian (ordinary) system.

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