Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

Learning Guide Learning Guide

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112 • Chapter 4: Graphics3.–1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6xFor further details and examples, refer to ?plot and ?plot,options.4.2 Graphing in Three DimensionsYou can plot a function of two variables as a surface in three-dimensionalspace. This allows you to visualize the function. The syntax for plot3d issimilar to that for plot. Again, an explicit function, z = f(x, y), is easiestto plot.> plot3d( sin(x*y), x=-2..2, y=-2..2 );You can rotate the plot by dragging in the plot window. The menusallow you to change various characteristics of a plot.As with plot, plot3d can handle user-defined functions.> f := (x,y) -> sin(x) * cos(y);f := (x, y) → sin(x) cos(y)

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